Fireplaces for questioning are not only a source of heat, but they are enjoyable element for cozy meetings with family and friends. Observation of the flame in the fireplace helps you to relax and achieve a state of peace.
People for a long time I felt an inexplicable attraction to fire, first it causes fear unbridled destructive forces, and then began to do good, heating and lighting homes and helping in cooking. Time passed, and the craving for the fire survived, and now the fire - it is a symbol of comfort, natural beauty and comfort.
Pick up for himself fireplace
Every day we use fire for domestic purposes, preparing, heated. But sometimes a person wants to get closer to this fascinating element closer. Therefore, many people are now in the construction of villas, trying to create a fireplace in it, symbolizing the hearth, as a source of warmth, comfort and a reminder of our historically established coexistence with such a dangerous and, at the same time, the vital heat and light.
Ancient hearth gradually mutated, depending on where you live and the standard of living. Gradually, it became safer and more convenient. Currently, there are several types of fireplaces, look at them.
By location
By location fireplaces are wall-mounted and built. Near-wall fireplaces can be installed in a finished house, for it is only necessary to install a chimney.

See also: what oven choose to give?
Built-in fireplaces need to be planned at the initial stage of building a summer residence, their advantage is the ability to save space. This option will remove the fireplace with design details eyes that are surplus in the interior garden, see. Photo.

According to the type of material used
Depending on the material used, the fireplaces are:
- brick;
- steel;
- iron.
Brick fireplace. The most common type of fireplace for lovers of classics is a priority. However, we must remember that for the construction of a brick fireplace is necessary to secure the concrete base.
Independently put a fireplace without the skills can not everyone. Therefore the price for the spent materials and work performance will be much higher than the price of the metal chimney.

Steel fireplace - a relatively inexpensive and easy to install. For him, there is no need for a solid foundation, it is necessary only to create a fireproof area, it must exceed the size of the furnace chimney. For its manufacture using materials such as tile, ceramic, glass or steel plates.
The main disadvantage of steel fireplaces is that they cool down and heat up fast enough. But to solve this problem, you can use the fireplace stone coated steel, which will increase the warm-up period, and, accordingly, the period of cooling the fire.
Important! one important requirement must be considered - if the high power of the fireplace is planned, its mass must be large. Failure to do so will lead to rapid burning-through fireplace.

cast iron fireplace. This type of fireplace is more massive and impressive, it is excellent saves heat, especially if the inner surface is lined with fireclay brick. Also a plus iron fireplace is its resistance to rusting and burns it is not as fast as steel.
For working cast iron fireplace can be used coal. When building the base of the fireplace cast iron using the same material as that of the steel chimney.

In appearance
In appearance fireplaces to give subdivided into angular and front.
Corner fireplaces are more common, since they occupy less space, and this is a significant plus, especially if a small cottage.
Also a plus corner fireplaces is that they look better in the interior and admire their handy fire from every corner of the room.
Minus corner fireplace is just what they insert deeper, so less traction. But this shortcoming is now taken into account in the development of factories, for its removal increases the shape of the furnace, pulling her up.

If you allow the area of the house, you can choose a model front of the fireplace, which perfectly complement the interior garden and allow fill a large area a comfortable place to receive guests or, on the contrary, solitude and reflection before the spectacular flame hearth.

According to the type of fuel used,
Based on the type of fuel used, secrete several kinds of fireplaces. They may be:
- woodburning;
- coal;
- gas;
- electrical;
- Pellet;
- biofireplaces.
In choosing a power source are guided by cost and the possibility of uninterrupted fuel.
Wood-burning fireplace can be operated for about 12 hours without requiring dokladki firewood. It is possible to change the burning speed valve regulating air flow into the furnace.
Fireplaces with wood are very popular for questioning, despite the fact that their value is quite large. Furnaces used for heating houses located in areas not gasified.
Their advantage is the harmony, they fit perfectly into any interior, give a sense of comfort and connection with nature and naturalness.

Most economical and popular are fireplaces in the corner. Until you burnt the first batch of fuel, the second is not recommended underlay. There are models in which the download interval is a day, which is very profitable and convenient.
Outs of using coal fireplaces is:
- not aesthetics, namely, coal leaves a lot of dirt;
- fire from the combustion is not as nice as when burning wood.
But if you only need a heating cottages, coal fireplace fits perfectly.

Gas fireplaces eliminate the need to stock wood, kindle fire. They are safe, quiet, easy to operate.
Installing gas fireplaces is simple.
Behind them there is no need to constantly monitor, they do not allow smoke, no sparks.
Gas fireplaces look natural, aesthetic, and most importantly - give a lot of heat.
It is also possible to watch the burning of the gas flame, feeling pleasure from the process. In gas fireplaces inserted glass through which a visible flame, and it also prevents sparks from falling and, consequently, a possible fire.

Electric fireplaces to give, portals are a variety of materials, wood, stone, plastic. There is a variety of choice of color and style.
One of the advantages of electric fireplaces is their relatively low cost.
- Also, the savings is no need to install ventilation chimneys.
- They are easy and economical to maintain, because they do not need to buy expensive fuel.
- Moreover, some models of electric fireplaces can be used not only for heating but also for aesthetic pleasure during the summer, for this you just need to turn off the heating mode, leaving flame mode.
- In addition, it is possible to humidify the air, which is favorable to maintain comfortable indoor conditions.
Electrical pockets are well able to warm up the cottage for a short period of time. They are easy to manage, control can be operated using the remote or by using the panel buttons of the device itself. The downside of such furnaces is dependent on electricity, and, if the country will shut off the light, it will be impossible to use.

Pellet fireplaces - a relatively young and economical installation. Fuel material in such fireplaces are pellets, wood shavings compacted.
The advantage of such structures in versatility. Their installation does not require complex design solutions and takes a lot of time. Also a plus is:
- Full automation in operation, fuel is supplied automatically (pellets), the air temperature is maintained automatically and is selected combustion mode.
- They are easy to use, enable and disable them, you can use the remote can be programmed on-off and operating modes.
- You can set the desired mode using the Wi-Fi remote control. All these systems are reflected on its display, it is very convenient.
- The high degree of security. When faults controller disables the supply of fuel and turns off the fireplace.
- Chimney may be installed without reference to the main ventilation system, as the principle of forced removal of smoke.
The only drawback of pellet stoves is their high cost, but they have a high heat output and economy. There is also a model, working not only on the pellets, but also on the wood.

Biofireplaces - a modern type hearths, the combustion source which is environmentally friendly fuel based on ethanol.
Applying this method of heating, we get heat and flame now, but there is no smoke, smell and soot. Their installation does not require a chimney, enough to have a room in a normal window for ventilation.
- Biofireplaces are economical, safe and effective, feature a stylish design.
- The hearth decorative ceramic wood simulating burning these logs can be installed.
Burning ethanol harmless to human, does not cause side effects, and the amount of carbon dioxide evolved by the combustion, is negligible. Bio-fireplace does not require special care.
Important! The essential safety requirements during its operation - refueled and all actions necessary to care for bio fireplaces make only at the switched off and cooled down flame body.

Similar articles - overview of pellet stoves.
By the method of heating the room
For a country house, which has no partitions and 1 bathroom, you can use the air way to warm up.
At the cottage with this way walls warming will not be effective, so it is best to use a design with a water circuit, which in turn are divided into the radiator and-radiator. In both cases, the principle of heating is heating the water, which then spreads through the tubes heats the entire premises garden.

By type furnaces.
kilns furnaces are open and closed.
When you open the furnace, that is, when no niche is closed, there is an opportunity to admire the natural flame fire, but the heat can be felt only in the vicinity of the furnace, to heat the whole giving a manner ineffective.

In closed furnaces niche fireplace is covered by glass. Apart from more effective warming, economy, and such an option is more secure, prevents the risk of fire in the room.

How correctly to choose the best fireplace for your garden?
To answer this question it is necessary to take into account a combination of factors. An important role in the choice of the fireplace, playing area of the garden, it rasplanirovka, financial ability and the wishes of the owner.
When choosing a fireplace you must consider a number of points that will allow in the future to achieve maximum efficiency and ease of use
combustion mode. Ovens may have two combustion modes, intense and economical. When selecting the instrument should pay attention to the availability of cost-effective mode of combustion that later will help to achieve a more economical fuel consumption.
Power fireplace. It should have sufficient power to heat the cottage could qualitatively.
How correctly to determine the required capacity of the fire? The number of square meters of the house is divided by ten. Balance is rounded and add another 25-30%. The resulting number in kW - your power.
This calculation is valid only provided that the height of the ceilings garden no more than 2.5 meters.
The presence of glass. Many gardeners when installing hearth aim not only to space heating, but also the possibility of visual contact with the flame. The presence of glass allows for a more economical use of fuel and reduce the risk of fire is fire. Glass can bloat and spoil the beauty of the spectacle, so you need to choose a model with a heat-resistant self-cleaning glass.
Removable ash pan. Since the wood-burning stoves to clean the ash pan must be very often, it is better to consider a model with a removable ash pan, it will facilitate and accelerate its cleaning.
The presence of the cooking surface. Cooking surface allows you to use the heat of fire for cooking. You can prepare a meal, a cup of tea near the fireplace. It is also possible directly at the cottage to make harvesting of fruits and vegetables.
Cooking surface is glass, ceramic, metal-ceramic, it can be formed a single web, or divided into several burners. Adjust the heating power can be by means of traction.

Fire safety. If there are concerns that will overheat the wall, you can move the design on the wall. Fear his fall does not make sense, since turning is worth a lot of effort. For those who are afraid of overheating of the floor construction - there are models of fireplaces on the legs.
Additional useful features. Space heating - is the main function of the fire in the country. Admiring the fire as an important aspect for many truckers in this matter. You always want to make their lives more comfortable. Therefore, it would be nice to have a fireplace and additional useful and practical functions such as the presence of the oven, a built-in water tank heat exchanger.
Many owners are willing to create their own fire place in the country, as the center - it is a symbol of warmth, light, heat source, and would like to make this character in his own style.
Despite the presence of all kinds of heating elements, the desire to build classic fireplace not lost its relevance today. To create a fireplace with his hands must have some skills and concepts, and have the means to implement the plans.