Recently, live in wooden houses has become fashionable and popular. This is due to their environmental friendliness, attractive appearance, durability, etc. If earlier life in such a house was associated with a lot of inconvenience, but now, everything has changed for the better side.

Through the use of new technologies, to live in a wooden house can be comfortable and cozy. But one of the conditions for this is to have a good heating system. It can be done independently, without the involvement of specialists. Options for home heating, can be different, and some of them choose to solve only to you.
The right system choice
For qualitative heating of the wooden house, a lot depends on the right choice for heating fuel. As an energy source can be used:
- liquid fuel;
- gas;
- coal, firewood, briquettes;
- electricity.
The selection of fuel should take into account:
- compatibility with installed heating system;
- its availability in your area of residence;
- the availability of space to store it;
- possibility of installation of automatic control;
- the simplicity of its application.
Much depends on the cost of energy. The cheapest - is a gas.
Attention: Using diesel fuel to heat or electricity, will cost considerably more expensive. If you intend to use a solid or diesel, you should pay attention not only to their price, but also on the cost of delivery.
A large role in the quality heat the house, playing equipment for heat generation. This may be a stove, convector, boiler, fireplace or just anything else.
Heating in a wooden house requires preparation scheme of placing of a heating system, as it affects the distribution of heat throughout the building. In this complexity of design of the heating system may be any. It is possible, for example, to establish a complex system, consisting of boiler or furnace, pipes, heat sinks and various accessories. And it is possible to use, for example, conventional infrared heaters that are perfect for local heating.
When choosing a heating system, be sure to create a project and calculate the cost of all necessary equipment and the cost of their installation. Through calculation, it is required to consider what kind of material is used for radiators and pipes, take into account the area of the building. In advance, decide what equipment is best to use the brand.
The cost of the equipment produced in Russia, are always lower than their foreign counterparts. The quality of domestic brands, is quite good. If you decide to choose a foreign equipment, the maximum value will be the German and Finnish producers, but their reliability and quality is always on top.
We must not forget a thorough analysis of recurrent costs for heating of the wooden house. It should take into account the monthly fuel costs and the possible cost of repair or replacement of defective elements of the system. Remember, if applicable heating system of Russian production, troubleshooting, it will cost much less than if the foreign system. We should not forget about its maintenance costs.
Attention: Only after careful calculations, should be determined with the heating system, which will be most effective, high-quality and at the same time the least expensive.
Gas heating
One of the most effective and affordable, a heating gas wooden house. Despite the fact that there is constantly rising cost of the energy carrier, its use is considerably cheaper than the use of solid, liquid fuel or electric power. In addition, due to the gas can be a good warm home even in extreme cold. Of course, if you want to use this source of energy should not only carry out heating in the building itself, but also to connect to the gas pipeline. Of course, if this was not done earlier.
Gas for heating a country house, it should be noted that this event is difficult, costly and takes a lot of time. Be sure the project and carried out the necessary calculations to be made. But connecting to the building of gas, you can fully enjoy the warmth. Furthermore, the house can be heated by a reduced gas setting on the site gasholder. This method of heating performance is not inferior to the presence of the gas pipeline, but also quite expensive.
If you plan to heat the villa of this energy resource, you will need to install a gas boiler, radiator, or just warm water floor system. The cost of this heat will be reasonable and will allow fast enough to recoup all costs.
As practice shows, the most rational way to install wall double boiler can not only efficiently heat the building, but also serving as a source of hot water at any time of the year. Among the advantages of this boiler can be noted his safety, high efficiency and easy maintenance.

If a small wooden house area, you might consider installing gas convectors. Their cost is objective and reasonable, and the heating efficiency at altitude. But they are rather "greedy" and consume much more fuel than the boiler.
The heating system in a wooden house on the basis of gas will allow to save you from having to participate in the process of heating. You will need to occasionally check the correct function of the system. With the help of gas quality can heat a house of any size, even in extreme cold. In this case, the cost to pay for gas consumption, will not be too large.
Liquid fuel
If the house is not gasified, a good alternative to gas, a liquid fuel. Heating in a wooden house in such a method requires the installation of a diesel boiler. Despite the fact that the cost of installing such a heating system decent enough, its operating advantages as much. Above all, this autonomy. Also, the efficiency of diesel boilers, virtually no less efficient than their gas counterparts. No problems with the energy source. Because diesel fuel is available at a cost of almost everyone, and deliver it in the right amount, it is possible in almost any location.

Attention: Heating device in a wooden house based liquid fuel is necessary to equip a special room in which the boiler is installed. This room should have a good ventilation system, to be resistant to fire. The only difficulty is connected with the fact that, if the house is small, it is necessary to allocate to install the boiler a few square meters of space.
The easiest and fastest way to heat the wooden house is the use of electricity. This method is environmentally friendly and a good level of automation. There are many ways of heating wooden building with the help of electricity. In particular, it is possible to consider such variations as setting convectors, electric boiler, warm plinth, infrared heaters, etc. The cost of electric heating means, is significantly lower than that of similar running on gas or liquid fuel.
But in spite of the merits, there have electrical heating system and some disadvantages that must be taken into account. If you decide to make heating of the wooden house with his own hands on the basis of electricity, without the involvement of specialists, be sure to pay attention to the existing wiring. It must be a new, high quality and capable of withstanding heavy loads.
If you have an older wiring and you, for whatever reasons, you can not change it, it should be by electrical heating refuse, because you, as a minimum, risk to remain for some time without light, and you may have to deal with extinguishing the fire.
This is not very efficient heating system, if the area of the house is big enough. it also consumes a lot of electricity, and its cost is quite substantial. Especially in the cold winter, you have to include it at full capacity. But if your house is large, even in this case, you will not be able to warm it qualitatively.

Electric heating system is best used if you do not live in the house constantly, and will spend some time in it, for example, on vacation, during the holidays or at the weekend. Suitable heating and electricity as a "safety net" main heating system.
solid fuel
One of the most accessible energy for heating of the wooden house, a solid fuel. Installing heating solid fuel boiler capable of operating on coal, briquettes or wood, can achieve high-quality heating without any cash outlay.
Among the shortcomings can be identified, the need for regular monitoring of the system and a high risk of fire. After the tree lights up quickly. If you decide to use a heating system for solid fuels, should fully comply with the recommendations for use.

Attention: In general, this method is quite effective and is available for a wooden house. It is only right to use the system and to adhere to safety rules.
What to Look For
Remember, no matter what kind of wooden house heating you choose to, in the first place should always be safety. This is due to the fact that the heating system which is based on combustion of the fuel is always a more or less dangerous. Possible risks include:
- leakage energy source;
- open fire;
- strong heating of the flue and equipment;
- gas explosion;
- fire occurrence.
All this is dangerous not only for home but also for the people living in it. Therefore, no matter what equipment you use to heat your home, you should always observe the operating instructions.
Heating private homes is impossible without a stable ventilation. After combustion products can have a negative impact on the air in the house. In the first place it is typical for fireplaces, stoves and gas convectors. ventilation system should be introduced in the heating system design.

Attention: When choosing a heating system, be sure to pay attention to its efficiency. After all, most of them is connected with it costs. Try to select a system with an efficiency of 90%. If it is lower, it will turn out that some of the money you will be thrown to the wind. For example, if the efficiency is 75%, then every 100 rubles 25 you'll waste.
Most cheaper heating options in the house with his own hands, is the installation of gas and solid fuel boilers, wood stoves, gas convectors. The most expensive are boilers, oil-fired boilers and electric heating system.
Much depends on the building heating rate. Here come first system, the heating does not heat transfer fluid and the air directly. For instance, infrared heaters.
Attention is drawn to the simplicity and ease of use of heating systems. It is desirable that the management has been automated and human involvement required minimum. Here in the first place are the electric, gas and liquid fuel heating systems.
Systems for heating wooden house a lot, and a better heating system, to solve only to you. The main thing is that it is safe, effective and rapidly heats the building and use of energy were available. Before installing the system chosen it must be drafted, made all the calculations. Do not forget that the operation of any system must comply with all the recommendations for its use, and to adhere to safety rules.