Probably every owner of a furnace with time there is a question of changing the type of fuel. This happens for different reasons. For example, someone used the wood before, and now wants to try to coal or peat to the furnace firebox, since these fuels produce more heat. Or maybe buy firewood for someone is more expensive than coal purchase. But be that as it may, it is still necessary to know how to use the stove with coal. Although not all stoves are adapted to this type of fuel. For example, you can not fall asleep in the Russian coal stove, not adapted to the Dutch it because it is contraindicated large deposits of soot and a significant overheating. But coal for stoves, steel, cast iron and other heating structures.

Coal and its species
At first glance, all the coals are the same. But it is not so. The coal composition includes carbon and some incombustible impurities. As a result of combustion of these substances, a lot of heat and ash formed.
In different regions of the mined coal with varying amounts of impurities. fuels are determined by special criteria. Thus, depending on the age, presence of moisture and impurities, as well as the specific heat of combustion distinguished:
- coal, lignite, which is characteristic for the loose structure. It is less used in everyday life, and more often used for the operation of power plants and other large enterprises. It belongs to young coals (specific heat of combustion (CF) of less than three thousand. kcal / kg);
- brown coal, which is also called subbitominoznym coal or black lignite. He is, as it were, the transition phase between the lignite and coal. It is commonly used in small or private boiler. He - good quality raw material for the chemical industry (CF from 3.1 to 5.1 thousand. kcal / kg);
- coal, which is solid, combustible, minerals, occupying an intermediate position between the analog brown coal and anthracite (TCB from 5 to 5.6 thousand. kcal / kg);
- anthracite - is the oldest and best of all grades, which is characterized by black color, gloss, high specific heat of combustion (from 7 to 9 th. kcal / kg). Premises heated anthracite differ incredible warmth and comfort.
In what furnaces can stoke coal
Since the combustion of coal gives a higher temperature than the wood fuel, and the furnace fuel for a stone (black-gold) is slightly different from wood structures.
Although, it is possible to heat coal using the ordinary brick oven, but only to the presence of the thickened wall 2-yi row grate. Plus, such a heating structure must be equipped with an additional hood, which would not be linked to other channels.

There are constructions with the presence of 2-water boiler in the furnace, through which not only the room is heated, but also significantly cooled brickwork. These devices require special monitoring because they must be kept in water.
In addition to this, the dimensions of the grate and the ash must be identical, otherwise there may be significant heat loss.
It will be interesting! Instruction on how how to make a bell-type furnace.
Before the fuel is necessary
In order to use the furnace for burning coal, it is necessary to do some preliminary work. This primarily concerns the heating of structures, which are country houses, country houses, ie a place where the owners appear infrequently.
Related article - how to use the stove, detailed instructions.
A set of activities before the start of the furnace
For the normal passage of the entire furnace process, you must:
- carefully inspect the furnace design, furnace from the furnace door, and ending chimney. In case of detection of cracks in the brickwork, chimney they must be sealed with a mixture of sand and clay. Otherwise, the room quickly filled with smoke, a large amount of carbon monoxide can occur, and small slits turn into large cracks, and can particularly damage the masonry;
- whitewashing exercise tubing, if not use the stove for a year or more;
- cleaned of soot chimney construction, including the flue duct, a pipe (if not use the oven for 3-4 months, ex);
- purge from furnace slag, fly ash. To prevent dust in the room, the combustion waste must first fill with water and then scrape and make the street;
- check availability traction. To this should be added to the furnace along the folded paper, set fire to it, and if the smoke went up the chimney, then - everything is fine;
- with a dry rag wipe outer portion for heating structure, otherwise unpleasant odor appears at the furnace;
- protopit 2-3 times a day, little by little, in the unit for a long time if not stoked to prevent overheating of the oven.

What can be done?
When the furnace in the coal furnace is prohibited:
- as starting material to use pieces of the bitumen, plastic, construction, domestic wastes;
- while leaving open the ash pit door and combustion;
- the ignition use gasoline, kerosene, alcohol, other flammable substances.
Keep in mind that adults should constantly monitor the combustion process, and in any case not to transfer this function to children.
For maximum heat transfer, it is necessary that coal was a not too large pieces. It is not recommended to use excessively wet fuel, because during the furnace with its surface will be allocated a lot of steam that significantly reduce the efficiency of the furnace process.
The process of coal furnace

Recall who have forgotten, teach, who do not know how to use the stove with coal. We can distinguish the following steps furnace coal furnace:
Tip! Do not hurry to part with coal dust, because it - the perfect fuel.
- Prepare charcoal.
- Take the crumpled paper or other paper, put in the furnace. Ignition may also be effected using wood shavings.
- Top bed in the form of a well or tent 10-12 wood chips, for example, birch or pine. It is necessary to ensure that among the wood, paper and air can circulate freely, which will contribute to more efficient combustion.
- Set fire to the newspaper.
- Close the door and at the same time open the ash pit, with which you can adjust the combustion process.
- After burning firewood, coal fines pour top layer thickness of about 12-15 cm.
- After the strong buildup of fuel, it is possible further to use small and can fill the furnace larger coal layer thickness of 20-25 cm (depending on the size of the combustion chamber).
Important! While coal begins to burn well, it is necessary from time to time to move a little bit to improve air circulation and does not form a homogeneous mass of caked.
To the room did not get the smoke, falling asleep during the next fuel ash pit should be closed, with the door open.

Tip! If the metal plate is equipped with hot plates, the angle is better to sleep through them.
Possible problems and their solutions
It happens that seems to be normally lit the stove, but there were other problems during firing. How to be, what steps to take to resolve them? Here are the main problems and ways to get rid of them:
- The furnace design is heated unevenly, the low temperature inside the furnace for burning coal. May be several reasons: poor quality coal, tightly closed fire door, the presence of cracks. To improve the quality of the fuel, it is necessary to slightly wet with water.
- There is partial ejection of flames. This happens in the 2-cases: forgot to open the flue damper or decreased natural draft due to the strong wind.
- The presence of white flame and roar in the firebox indicates too much traction. To resolve this problem, you need to cover up a little ash pit.
- The smoke back into the room. This - evidence of cracks in the heating system. Another reason - a large accumulation of soot in the chimney through which the smoke can not normally go outside.

When the furnace with coal, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of operation and fire safety. It's not hard. And if it is correct to heat, the stove will bring warmth to your family, home comfort, joy and comfort. Use this family hearth health for many years!
Tip! Do not hurry to part with coal dust, because it - the perfect fuel.