Today, homes equipped with autonomous heating system, can be found in any locality. Efficient operation of heating equipment largely determines the comfort level inside the building. However, it happens in our life situations, when the established order in the house and comfort are at stake. The reason is simple - a gas boiler goes out and fails to work, the heating system becomes useless. Circumstances of such an emergency situation can be very different from the weak gas line pressure up to a conventional blowing wind. The latter option is directly connected with the wrong ventilation device. Why blowing gas boiler, and how to deal with it, try to find out more detail.

Why is the boiler goes out on a windy day, the main reason
Owners of private homes are well familiar with the situation when a strong wind gas boiler just turns off. Residents of city apartments is such a problem is not familiar, if a gas boiler installed in the apartment, has Coaxial duct - this design does not allow strong gusts of wind to get inside, causing blowing out burner.
In a private house chimney construction and ventilation device is different, and blowing out of the gas boiler happens often.
Reason may be weight.

Important! The main reason for the wind blowing gas boiler - bad ventilation design, failure of process parameters when mounting the chimney. Independently solve the problem is not worth it. To solve the problem is better to turn to the services of specialists in heating engineers.
Other causes which resulted in the burner flame goes out unexpectedly associated with the design of the gas-heating equipment or external influence factors.
Main article: burner with their hands.
Other factors that may cause the blowing of the boiler
The most common situation faced by the inhabitants of a private house - operation of the check valve due to excessive pressure of the air mass coming from the outside. Valve under strong gust of wind it becomes to the closed position - automatic responsive to its position and shuts off the gas to the furnace. If this situation occurs frequently, it is necessary to perform the reconstruction of the chimney. Pay attention to his height. For normal operation of the ventilation chimney upper edge should be above at least a point of the building roof by 0.5 m and duct diameter should correspond to the parameters of the boiler equipment and is determined by calculation.

To improve traction you need to regularly clean the ventilation ducts, as the boiler constantly needs an influx of oxygen with air. The lack of oxygen in the combustion chamber becomes a cause of low intensity combustion. With poor traction flames may go out at all.
Blew out the flame - solve the problem with a chimney
If you are constantly blowing Autonomous gas boiler, first look for problems in the chimney construction. Pressure drops in the gas pipe are rare, the pressure drop is negligible. Technical fault gas boiler, in view of design simplicity of heating equipment and a high degree of reliability of contemporary models, too improbable.
The most common situations encountered are related to the chimney:
- icy crust covered the heater ventilation channel - the formation of ice inside the tip of the chimney prevents the circulation of air, placing the gas Boiler oxygen starvation in position (together with the combustion products in the flue channel misses the water vapor condenses and freezes on the walls of the flue pipes);
- reverse thrust which arises in the amplification or change of wind direction (strong air flow entering the inside of the chimney, it reaches the combustion chamber and the flame extinguishes in the boiler).
In the first case, the missed first trimester condensation creates artificial obstacles in the path of the air flow. Chimney in such a situation it is necessary to clean and warm, allowing the condensate to simply run down.

In the second case, the situation is dangerous. During the return movement of warm air, the wind power, it is likely flame attenuation. Good Automatic fire when the burner attenuation, shutting off the gas supply to the furnace. However, the combustion products will fall first, in the heater, contaminating the combustion chamber in a gas boiler, and then will flow into the living space. The reason for this effect is obvious - inadequate chimney height.
Read also: if gas boiler is not working.
How to deal with reverse thrust. Basic mistakes and errors
It was previously stated that it is possible to deal with the reverse thrust by increasing the length of the chimney. Solution to the problem is simple enough, but not always such a solution gives positive results.

A second solution to the problem in this situation - the installation on the upper edge of chimney vent, the task of which is to increase the draft in the chimney.
Third Embodiment - reducing the number of bends and sharp turns chimney increasing cavitation (swirling) flow of hot air with the smoke during its passage through the tube.
And in the first and in the second case, the situation has not changed. Elongation of the tube 1 meter does not give the desired effect. Installation on the chimney vent also does not solve the problem until the end. With a significant worsening weather wind still blows are not protected by a gas boiler, and heating again fails. What to do? What is the optimal solution?
Deflector special design - the problem
Effective method that is able to resolve once and for all the problem of reverse thrust, is installed on the chimney of the aerodynamic device - baffle special design.

In the conventional deflector airflows act at its outer portion. The interaction of the air mass from the deflector surface rarefied atmosphere occurs, which increases the thrust in the chimney. The phenomenon is called the Bernoulli effect, the concept of which has come to us from the air. In other words, when the air in an encounter with an obstacle encloses it, is created around the obstacle dilution zone, the reinforcing effect of the lifting of the wing.
For reference: deflector even conventional design increases the efficiency of any chimney at 15-20%, not to mention devices with more complex designs.
If an ordinary deflector is not able to eliminate the wind blowing out of the gas boiler, set the device more complex design. Today there are several types of deflectors having a complex configuration. The following types should be allocated among the most popular products:
- deflector such as "Smoke a tooth";
- deflector Grigorovich;
- deflector type "Waller";
- spherical and rotating deflectors.
The most popular in our considered two types of devices: baffle Grigorovich and type "smoke tooth" devices.
Deflector Grigorovitch is an apparatus design which all the circuits and elements are directly related to aerodynamics. Unlike conventional, familiar to us in the form of baffles umbrellas standing in the pipes in private homes, this device has two cones, forward and reverse. Interaction of two cones ensures the required movement of the air flow, thereby creating a zone of low pressure around the chimney. Due to the difference in temperature of cold and hot flows thrust in the pipe is increased by several times, preventing any infiltration of outside air inside.
On a note: deflectors complex design, by contrast, uses the wind force to increase the draft in the chimney, that is in the wind at an angle from above or below the air penetrating below the lower baffle cone, draws the air entering the chimney masses.

With the right location and the chimney design, equipped with a deflector, reverse thrust does not threaten you - any gusts of operating boilers are not afraid.
It should be noted, and another time - when the wind blows out the gas boiler and the heating system will not start. We are talking about is not enough heated chimney. During long trips the heating system, which is typical for country houses and houses, at the first start of the boiler burner flame often decays rapidly. The explanation of this behavior of gas-heating equipment is quite simple - waste products Combustion difficult to rise up through the cold flue, and any gusts only prevent heating of channel.
To exit from the situation sufficiently small to heat the flue of the boiler operation mode, gradually increasing the power device to the optimal parameters, and the hot combustion products in hot flue rush up naturally.
Main article: all of the gas boiler ventilation in a private house.
In conclusion I would like to say a little bit about that literate thermal calculations inherent in the project, will allow you to create an efficient heating system in your home. Do not underestimate the ventilation, the design and installation quality of which depends on follow-up of the boiler.
Do not skimp on the exhaust and ventilation. The house should not hinder the project equipment of the ventilation system. Otherwise, for the aesthetics will have to pay discomfort - to climb to the roof in the cold and engage chimney renovations.