- What do you need for a puppy?
- How to teach a puppy to a tray in an apartment?
Small puppies all evoke tenderness, but caring for them is very similar to caring for young children: they need to be fed, they need to be played, make sure that the pet is not sick. But the most burning question is the idea of how to teach a puppy to the toilet. This work is labor-intensive and requires moral strength, time and patience. How to speed up the process of accustoming a small puppy to proper hygiene, you will learn from this article.
to the contents ↑What do you need for a puppy?
First of all, a small puppy needs your attention and kindness. Then he will listen to the instructions and try to please, then - to accustom the puppy to the toilet you will be able to quickly enough.
To make it pleasant for him to cope with his need in the place assigned to you, it is necessary to properly equip it. To do this, buy immediately:
- the correct tray, suitable for the size of your pet;
- filler - you may have to try out several options to pick up the one that will please your pet.
How to accustom the puppy to the tray in the apartment?
The entire process should include several repetitive moments. This will contribute to the fact that the animal develops instincts and a certain regime.
So, we act:
- Select for the pet a comfortable place to which it constantly has access, for example, an angle in a toilet or a corridor. Observe where he most often likes to walk in need and place the tray there or nearby. This will increase your chances of quickly accustoming the puppy to the toilet in the apartment.
- Remove carpets and rugs from the floor, so as not to cause the temptation of the animal to mark them.
- With constant frequency, plant it in the tray - after eating, after sleeping.
- Observe the behavior of the pet, if he starts to flatter, toss, to stop, to sit down - it's time to quickly take it to the "pot".
- Always praise if he did what you expected.
- If, however, the pet coped with the need near the tray or elsewhere, chide it, but do not scold heavily and do not punish. In general, do not take any negative action, if you notice the traces of filth only a couple of hours later - the animal just does not understand why you are angry with him.
- To discourage it from the chosen angle or other place in your home, treat the floor surface with a special spray.
Important! The same principle of action must be followed to accustom the puppy to the toilet on the street. But there are additional rules that must be observed:
- Do not take the dog out into the street until you have made important vaccinations - from the plague, rabies. For this period, at home, accustom her to the regime - for a month-old puppy it will be at least 6 times a day.
- Once the vaccines are dealt with, take the dog to the street at the same time. Only in this way can you train a small puppy to the toilet on the street.
A small puppy is, of course, a lot of trouble. But think how many pleasant moments he delivers to you with his games, caresses, touching eyes, and the problem of how to teach a puppy to the toilet will not seem so unpleasant and complex to you. Moreover, now you have step-by-step instructions on how to act!