- Unpleasant smell in the house
- Folk remedies for removing odor from the person
- Removing the smell from the mouth
- Removing odors in the room and in the car
A good atmosphere in the house is a comfort and cleanliness, but all this idyll can spoil the unpleasantsmells. To provide any consumer with the fastest removal of odors, which he does not like, the modern industry of household chemicals offers a huge range of products. But most of them are far from natural, and using them under certain conditions is not at all safe. As a result, the question of which remedy to remove odors is still valid.
to the contents ↑Unpleasant smell in the house
For help in dealing with unpleasant odors in the house, in any situation, one should turn to people's safe means. They are effective enough when used correctly and are environmentally friendly, which means they will not harm your health.
We offer several useful options for the most common problems:
- Soda ash can help with the unpleasant smell from the sewage system. Pour 1 or 2 tablespoons into the drain drains of the sink, and then rinse with hot running water.
- Often there are specific and far unpleasant flavors in refrigerators. To avoid this, store the products in containers with a lid or wrapped food film. The simplest removal of odors from the refrigerator is to wash its walls with cold water and vinegar. Also, good absorbing any scents, are soda, crushed activated charcoal, slices of black bread. You should put any of these remedies on the saucer and send it to the refrigerator. You can leave such a means to remove the smell for a long time, periodically updating the substance to a new one.
- Activated charcoal is also suitable for removing odors from your sneakers. Rastolkite a couple of tablets, and then pour the powder into your socks and put them in your sneakers. Also from an unpleasant smell will help to get rid of a weak solution of potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide, a few drops of which should be diluted with 1 glass of water.
- From the smell in a thermos or teapot, which you have not enjoyed for a long time, will help get rid of washing it with warm water with baking soda. Then dry it and put a piece of sugar inside. From the unpleasant smell there will be no trace.
- To prevent an unpleasant smell from appearing inside the dishwasher, do not store dirty dishes in it. But if this happened, then to combat the smell comes in handy lemon juice or water with vinegar.
- To get rid of the smell of tobacco, tobacco will help the use of large salt or soda. Sprinkle powder carpets and carpets, clean with a wet brush and thoroughly vacuum. And wipe the pillows and rugs with a cloth, which is dampened in a weak solution of ammonia, then put on a balcony to ventilate.
As you can see, in fact the difficulty of removing odors does not cause. And given the fact that all of the above funds are very affordable, the choice is obvious. No more need to use harmful chemistry.
Important! What you need to comprehend - the smell will not go away until you remove the source of odor. No matter how much you poured or scattered, sprayed a professional household chemical or folk substance, removing odor would not be effective. Look closely at the object, which disgusts you with its fragrance. The reason may lie in the presence of domestic wastes, solid contaminants, etc.
to the contents ↑Folk remedies for odor removal from the person
Any person sweats, but in some this process is more intense and is accompanied by a real stench. If you have had to deal with such a problem, use such means to remove odors:
- Formalin. Dilute 1 teaspoon of formalin solution( 40%), 50 ml of water and 100 ml of vodka, a teaspoon of alum, stir and moisten armpits, feet, shoes, clothes.
- Mix eucalyptus, pine, and sage oil evenly. Add this aromatic mixture to the shower gel or to a warm bath( a few drops each).
- Daily mushroom infusion rub daily problem areas. First, wash your armpits and feet with soap, and then wipe them with a towel moistened with tea mushroom infusion.
Professional cosmetics from sweat
What you need to understand when choosing cosmetics from sweat, so this is the difference between antiperspirants and deodorants:
- Antiperspirant first of all destroys odor molecules, that is, they act immediately on the source of odor. But this does not happen immediately. They even remove the smell permanently, but they do not work right away, it's worth waiting for some time until they begin their action. Often, those who produce professional chemistry are advised to take the antiperspirant, which perfectly fights the source of the smell. They can be both ready-made and concentrated.
- Deodorant just for a while interrupts the unpleasant odor without destroying it completely. And after a certain period of time, the unpleasant odor will return again when the odor is eroded.
Odor removal from the mouth
Unpleasant odors can come from the mouth, scientifically this phenomenon is called halitosis. This deviation from time to time is almost everyone. Among the many causes of the appearance of halitosis are such as: gastric ulcer, gastritis, colitis and enteritis, gastrointestinal diseases, pancreatic and liver diseases, throat and nose, lungs, ear, dental caries.
Causes of unpleasant odor:
The most common cause, of course, is not only non-compliance with oral hygiene, but much more. Smell from the mouth often occurs afterwards consumption of onions, garlic or after excessive consumption of tobacco, alcohol.
Removing odor from the mouth of a person is, first of all, removing the cause of odors and careful hygiene. To cope with this problem, you can use such odor removing agents:
- Rinse mouth with a solution that consists of 2 tablespoons of 3% H2O2( hydrogen peroxide) per 1 cup of water should be done three times a day. This method is very effective for removing odor from the mouth, since high-activity oxygen exterminates the cause, which is putrefactive bacteria.
- Oral and gum disease can cause a smell from the mouth. In this case it is necessary to take fresh needles of Siberian cedar( instead of it you can take pine, larch or fir).Chew should be until the gruel in the mouth for consistency does not resemble water. Thus, disinfection of the oral cavity with coniferous phytoncides is ensured, effective cleansing of the oral cavity from bacteria.
Removing odors indoors and inside the car
To remove odors from your car, you should contact the car wash for assistance. There is a unique technology that allows cleaning car showrooms, this technology is named "Dry Fog".
The uniqueness of the method lies in the equipment that creates the working substance. Elements of dry smoke have dimensions of 10-15 microns, this allows the sprayed substance to penetrate any surfaces. Thus, the working substance, which is used for such a cleaning of the cabin of your car, quickly makes its way into the pores of each surface, exterminating the sources of odors.
Important! New smells, after treatment with this remedy, will not be retained in the surface, since active substances do not disappear anywhere, but continue to act in the future.
In case the smell has penetrated into the salon of your salon too deep, then no methods will help. In this case, it is necessary to replace the skin in which the smell was radically entrenched.
Popular smell remedies in the car
Depending on what caused the fetid aroma in your car, refreshing the air will help such odor removal tools:
- fresh apple;
- ground coffee;
- vinegar;
- soda;
- vanilla;
- filler for the pet of the pet.
Important! Any of these solid or powdered products should be placed in a convenient container and left in the car for a few days. Liquid substances are mixed with water and sprayed through the interior, especially on the surface, from which a clear stench emerges.
Methods of prevention from the appearance of a smell in the car:
- Wash frequently. Try to wash your car as often as possible on a high-quality car wash. There are expensive cleaning products that do not harm the paint and varnish coating of your car. It is worth noting several ways to prevent: dry and wet cleaning the car, airing, checking mats for difficult contaminants, places under seats where garbage can accumulate.
- In order to protect your car from the appearance of unpleasant odors in the future, you should buy rubber mats on the floor.