- Advantages of using vacuum bags for things
- The principle of using
- What you need to know about vacuum bags?
- Rules for the use of vacuum bags:
- Vacuum bags for things. How to store clothes properly?
- Varieties of vacuum bags
- What kind of vacuum cleaner is used for vacuum bags?
Vacuum bags for storage of things have been used for a long time, their application is very common in the CIS countries. Our mistresses just recently discovered this wonderful method of storing clothes. How to choose the right products and what you should pay attention to - is described in detail in this article.
to the contents ↑Advantages of using vacuum bags for things
This packing of things is a convenient way for storing off-season clothing. Thus, you not only prevent moth, fungus and foreign odor damage, but in addition you will save a lot of space in the closet.
Important! Packed in a vacuum bag, the jacket or jacket is reduced in size by about a third, which is important for residents of small apartments, where each square meter is on the account.
to the contents ↑The principle of using
The process of evacuation consists in the fact that things that you do not plan to use for a long time( winter clothing in summer, or vice versa - summer in winter) are stacked in a special bag from which all the air is pumped out with a vacuum cleaner.
Important! The advantage of this storage is based on the fact that without the presence of oxygen, all harmful microorganisms can not reproduce, respectively - they can not harm your favorite thing.
What products can be subjected to similar storage? Thus, you can save almost all clothing and textiles:
- Bedding;
- Winter down jackets and sheepskin coats;
- Summer T-shirts, T-shirts and dresses;
- Soft toys;
- Bath textiles;
- Products from materials such as holofayber, feather, feather, sintepon, cotton and synthetics.
Important! Vacuum bags for things can be used exclusively for fabric products. Keep food and other items in them is prohibited.
to the contents ↑What do I need to know about vacuum bags?
As we have already said, special packages allow you to economically use the space in the closet and keep the ideal state of clothing that you do not plan to use for a while. A huge assortment of this kind of bags is on sale.
Important! Each manufacturer is trying to improve its products more and more. For example, there are variations of vacuum bags with different flavors: citrus, strawberry, lotus, tea tree and others. Such products give the fragrance a fresh flavor.
So, let's figure out what vacuum bags for clothes are:
- This packing bag is made of strong polyethylene, for added strength add nylon.
- Basically, packages are produced in a rectangular shape. In the center of the product is a special valve for pumping air.
Important! Most manufacturers of their choice of form argue that this is the optimal form, which produces a high-quality sealing and storage of products.
- The valve through which oxygen is pumped is made of polypropylene and is equipped with a special membrane. Through the last deflated air no longer passes inside the package.
- The material for making vacuum bags for storing things has a high degree of melting.
Important! Technological experiments have shown that the melting of the vacuum package occurs at temperatures above 135 degrees.
- Special zipper Super-zip closes tightly seals the bag, is able to withstand high pressure and does not allow air to pass from the outside.
- For the convenience of packaging and storing different sizes of products, products are produced in several standard sizes. More practical are considered to be medium-sized products.
Important! The largest size is 100x170 cm, it is recommended to use for storage of cushions, blankets and other similar items. Also, such packages are convenient when moving, since they can accommodate a large number of products.
- As practice shows, in a home life to use bags of large dimensions is not very practical. It is better to give preference to products that match the size of your closet or mezzanine.
Important! When the air is pumped out, larger bags become very stiff, so they can not be bent in half.
- Vacuum bags for clothing storage are suitable for reusable use, which is very practical and economical for the family budget.
- If you do not have a vacuum cleaner at your fingertips, you can easily remove air with normal hand compression, while twisting the bag into the roller. The special structure of the package allows you to do such actions.
Rules for the use of vacuum bags:
- When placing clothing in a bag, place it directly under the valve. Otherwise, air may remain inside the package.
Important! Products that do not allow air to pass through are placed away from the valve, otherwise the air may also remain in the bag.
- Packaged for storage of leather or natural fur products are stored in a bag without pumping air. Otherwise, the structure of the jacket may be damaged.
- The acceptable storage temperature for the products in this package is from 0 to +54 degrees. But the optimal temperature is 18-22 degrees.
- The quality of sealing of vacuum bags should be checked at least once every 6 months.
- To store paintings or paper products, add a cardboard sheet to the package. This way you prevent deformation of the paper.
Vacuum bags for things. How to store clothes properly?
To keep the packed items for a long time, it is necessary to observe a simple sequence of packaging of products. In principle, there are no special difficulties with this procedure. After reading the basic rules, packing in bags for storage of things will take several minutes:
- Before laying T-shirts, skirts and jackets, they must first be washed and thoroughly dried.
- Zippers, rivets and other decorative elements must not come in contact with polyethylene. To do this, turn the product inside out or cover part of the fabric. Otherwise, metal objects may damage the integrity of the package.
- Make sure that there is enough space in the bag to allow the package to be closed immediately before evacuation.
Important! Manufacturers recommend for quality packaging to leave at least 10 cm of space before the lock of the package.
- Another important factor - do not overload the packaging for clothes. The maximum permissible weight should not exceed 15 kg.
- Put the items in a bag evenly, so that after the pumping out of air you get an even package.
- Super-zip zipper is closed using a special clothespin( it comes complete) or simply by moving your fingers along the entire clasp several times.
- To make vacuum, it is necessary to remove the protective cover from the valve and attach the hose to it from the vacuum cleaner. Turn on the appliance of household appliances in the socket, hold no more than 30 seconds.
Important! The operation of the vacuum cleaner for the purpose of evacuating the air from the bag for a longer time can lead to damage to the cellophane and overheating of the motor of the unit.
- Once the air has been pumped out, close the hole tightly with a lid.
Important! It is not recommended to pump out air on jackets from down or feather more than half. The material can roll down, and the product will lose its aesthetic appearance.
- It is recommended to store vacuum packages in an upright position. This eliminates the chance of damage to the seal.
- Keep items in the storage bag away from heaters, out of the reach of children.
Versions of vacuum packs
Among the large assortment of these products it is very easy to get confused and choose a product not suitable for size or characteristics. We offer you to familiarize yourself with the main types of packages.
Vacuum package with valve:
- The main purpose of this product is to store things at home.
- Very often used when moving. It allows you to save space in the car, suitcase or bag.
- The air can be vented in several ways, using a vacuum cleaner - a portable or electric pump.
Important! It is very convenient to use a hand pump when traveling to a dacha or rest, when there is no possibility to use a vacuum cleaner.
- Manufacturers issue several variations of packages:
- For storing clothes like T-shirts - ordinary rectangular;
- For overalls such as jackets or coats - with a hanger.
Important! Packed in a vacuum coat occupies in the closet space exactly as much as a summer dress.
Aromatized vacuum package:
- This type of product is often used for storing bed linen.
- The light odor of lavender, jasmine, apple or lilac will allow the use of bedding without additional ventilation.
Important! To save the family budget, instead of buying a flavored bag, you can use the usual bag and put a bag of aromatic herbs in it.
Compression package without valve:
- To create a vacuum inside the bag, you do not need a vacuum cleaner or pump.
- Pumping air in this model is achieved by twisting it in the roller towards the fastener. In this case, it is necessary to leave an open, small portion of the fastener.
- In the end, the package is tightly closed with hands or a special clip.
- Very convenient option for use on the trip. This achieves maximum savings in baggage.
Important! Do not put things in one big package. Use several smaller bags. As a result, you will have more free space.
to the contents ↑What kind of vacuum cleaner is used for vacuum bags?
Vacuum cleaners, like other household appliances, have long become indispensable helpers in the home life of any hostess. When buying a vacuum cleaner, few of us know about the additional capabilities of technology. The main selection criteria are based on the power of dust absorption and energy consumption. An important factor is also the design and number of attachments.
Manufacturers of household appliances have improved their products, and now it is easy to clean the floor with different coatings( carpets, furniture), some models even allow washing windows.
And if the basic functions knows the majority, then not everyone knows about the additional possibilities. For example, using a vacuum cleaner, it is possible to draw air from a vacuum bag to store things. There is no need to purchase a special model of the unit.
Important! To carry out the packing of clothes, the vacuum cleaner of the domestic manufacturer, as well as the new improved models, will suit. At the same time, the speed with which vacuuming will occur depends only on the power of your device.
Using vacuum bags to store clothes, you easily and effortlessly save the attractive look of your things. With such products, the problem is where to store the volume and dimensional seasonal things that fill all the free space in the cabinet, will be solved in an instant. Applying in practice useful information from the article, you can make a successful purchase and properly organize the safety of textiles.