How to make earthing gas boiler in a private house with his own hands?

Grounding gas boiler - one of the basic safety requirements that must be completed to obtain permission from the relevant services for the operation of the heating system.

Why do this?

Grounding gas or other boiler in a private home is a safety measure operation of gas equipment, which consists in laying electric wires connecting the heating system with a special device - earthing circuit.

Ground features:

  • in the case of the wiring circuit on the case eliminates the possibility of destruction of human electricity when touching the equipment;
  • the system does not accumulate static electricity;
  • reduced effect on automation of the electromagnetic field.

Furthermore grounding gas heating system must be equipped with an automatic duplicating off the gas supply by closing the wiring.

Important! Grounding - mandatory measure the safety of operation of gas equipment, independent of the duration of the planned use of the boiler. In the absence of ground clearance for operation of the heating system supervisory technical services will not be issued.

It should be understood that the main body of the system as a result of friction mechanical parts against each other and the inner surface of the gas pipe is accumulated static charge, which is not only malopriyaten to the touch, but is also a factor causing sparks and can cause a gas explosion at his leak. In addition, static electricity interferes in the work of automation, which in turn leads to a malfunction of the heating system as a whole.

If you are going to make the grounding of the gas boiler yourself, you must understand that it needs to have some knowledge of electrical engineering. Not being a specialist in this area, it is best to contact the experts. This would eliminate the doubts about the correctness of performance and ensure safety and durability of the equipment.

Basic Rules

Immediately it should be noted that the grounding of the gas boiler to satisfy more stringent requirements than an identical operating conditions usual electrical appliances. Therefore, the issue should be taken seriously.

There are several basic ways to create a ground:

  1. Buy ready-made kit and assembled on location. It contains all the necessary elements. In this case, installation is simple, and the connection to the boiler does not take a long time, regardless of whether it is a single or dual circuit. Only need a small piece of land - no more than one square meter. Installation is possible close to home, or even in the cellar.
  2. Grounding element to make your own. For this it is necessary to have welding machine, grinders, hammer steel corner 60x60, 75x75 or 80x80 mm, and the steel strip 3 mm thick.

Ground inspection is conducted before turning gas boiler specialist versed in this matter. It will determine not only the total resistance, but also hold the corresponding tests with soil conductivity.

control authorities recommend buying ready-made designs that just do not make a mistake. Although, if necessary, all you can do with your hands.

How to do it?

Grounding - a compound of the electric wire conductive electrodes with equipment external ground loop, able to take over and give in regular intervals into the ground electric current in case of fault on the wiring housing equipment.

Many people, even though they know that it is necessary, however, do not understand how to make a ground connection. At the same time work on the installation of grounding is not highly labor-intensive and requires no special skills.

Apparatus outer loop:

  1. Near the wall, through which will go a ground wire, is counting on a design by the above given scheme.
  2. By conditional triangle vertices in the ground with a sledgehammer electrodes are driven from angle steel pins 2-2.5 m in length each, their excess length cut off at ground level. Between clogged pins digs a trench depth on the bayonet shovels, and rods are connected by electric welding between a steel strip so that the strip was below ground level after backfilling to 10-15 cm. Then, the triangle of flat steel welded more piece to the wall of the house, and also dug a trench strip is fed to the wall.
  3. The end of the strip is fixed securely to the wall or is put into the house through opened and thereto connected equipment grounding wire.


During the execution of works of their own hands, it is necessary to take into account the requirements that are set by the authorities,

  1. coefficient of resistance. It can vary from 10 to 50 ohms - it depends on the soil. In ordinary soil monitoring organizations admit rate of 10 ohms.
  2. Conductivity. For conventional soil is allowed no more than 50 ohms.

Important! resistance coefficient measurements may be made according to different documents. It is best to know in advance, according to which standards will undergo a quality evaluation.

Measurement of the ground resistance to the gas boiler is made by special devices of various modifications. They are relatively expensive. If your profession is not connected to electricity, control measurement of resistance is better to entrust the professional. It makes no sense to acquire and develop the device due to the need for a single.

Once passed the installation, connection and self-checking, you can call an inspector for professional diagnosis and recording devices in the registry. Notes Inspector binding and postpone system commissioning to address them. It should be remembered that the controlling inspectors participated in the assessment of specified gas equipment - primarily pledge your personal safety and the safety of others, not to mention the durability expensive system heating.