Gas heating equipment, the task of which is to domestic heating and hot water supply organization should be equipped with ventilation. Heating the heat carrier in the boiler autonomous gas heating system occurs due to the combustion of natural gas. The process of combustion of any fuel, gaseous mixture not only requires a continuous flow of air containing oxygen. Effective ventilation household boiler with an autonomous gas boiler is one of the key aspects of successful operation of the heating system. From the amount of oxygen entering the combustion chamber depends on the efficiency of the gas boiler.

More air - fuel burns more completely, increasing boiler heat transfer increases, less gas is consumed. Less air - combustion of the fuel deteriorates, and consequently decreases the heat transfer gas heating device, gas flow rate increases. Let us consider the purpose of ventilation in the house with gas heating system, its types, and how to do basic calculations in this case.
appointment ventilation
The autonomous heating system project, one of the sections always dedicated ventilation. The significance of this factor for the functioning of the heating system can not be overestimated. The main task, which is assigned to the ventilation - the efficient operation of heating appliances, creating a full-fledged mode of air in the heated rooms.
The second, even more important aspect that should be noted when installing gas heating equipment - ensuring the safety of the heated object when installed operating devices. Natural gas is a flammable, explosive substance, so it is necessary to comply with all the necessary precautions in the operation of gas heating devices.
Failure to comply with requirements for the venting of gas equipment, violation of the basic technological parameters of air in boiler may cause admission into the residential facility of carbon monoxide and other combustion products that are dangerous to life and health of inhabitants houses.

Ventilation in the boiler room with a gas boiler heating, arranged properly, prevents accumulation of gas from fuel leakage, reducing its concentration and preventing the formation of explosive mixture.
Ventilation requirements and the basic ways of venting boilers
Currently in the industry and in everyday life there are different ways of gas boilers ventilation equipment. View of the ventilation system depends on the type of boiler equipment, its capacity and design features of the building.

Important! The main rule in the regeneration of the boiler ventilation - air supply must be three-time!
In other words, for efficient and safe operation of the gas boiler in the boiler room air per hour must be replaced three times. Otherwise, the room will accumulate the products of combustion, since air will only provide the boiler.
the ventilation system requirements are outlined in the SNIP, list them in a more accessible form:
- the boiler can be equipped in an annexe to the main building, in a separate building or in a dedicated in-house for this purpose room;
- venting the boiler system should be either separate or connected to a common forced building system, while it should have a backup option in case of failure of the primary;
- air supply to the boiler can be carried out both on the outside and due to the air mass available within the residential facility, but In both cases, the amount of incoming air should be the same volume coming to the room there was no difference pressure;
- diameter airhole (supply opening) to provide traction should be designed in accordance with the norm - 8 cm2 sectional area airhole 1 kW of boiler equipment with a power exhaust;
- If natural ventilation, the standard size airhole sectional area is already 30 cm2 cross-sectional area of 1 kW.
All the necessary parameters for the ventilation equipment is usually specified in the data sheet gas heater.
Installation of gas boiler requires precision. Installation of gas heating in a private home is to be carried out in strict accordance with the data specified in the project, and under the supervision of the inspection of gas equipment. Otherwise, the boiler operation is found to be dangerous, and its operation will be prohibited.
For reference: starting, self-heating tests the functionality of the ventilation system checks Heating engineer. Shortcomings and technical project mismatch can cause failure of the introduction of heating system in operation.
Types of ventilation gas heating equipment
Ventilation gas heating equipment according to the method of venting is divided into 2 types:
- natural;
- compulsory.
Let us consider these types.
natural ventilation
The easiest way to ensure that the air supply - natural ventilation. Such an embodiment is independent from external energy sources, but its effectiveness may not be sufficient due to high structural features and gas boiler heated architectural parameters premises.

The effectiveness of natural ventilation affects the atmospheric air temperature, wind strength and direction, air pressure settings. The intensity of the heating system, the gas pressure in the system can also affect the amount of air flowing naturally and normal operation of the hood, so there is a significant lack of natural ventilation - dependence of its intensity on a number of factors.
Important! When connected to a natural gas boiler type of ventilation system needs to be used as additional measures exhaust fans to avoid the buildup of carbon monoxide inside the boiler and to prevent the formation of explosive the air-gas mixture.
This method is suitable for ventilation of residential properties small area is to be equipped with gas boilers wall type low power. These boilers do not require the allocation of a special room and do not need a separate duct system. It suffices to arrange an opening in the outer wall of 100-150 mm in diameter and insert the tube coaxial flue.
As a more effective and safe alternative to natural ventilation prevalent today forced or mechanical ventilation.
forced ventilation
Forced method of venting the boiler is used for a long time, and its effectiveness is proven practice.
Advantages of forced or mechanical ventilation following:
- equipped at sites where natural ventilation is not effective;
- Being able to adjust the intensity of ventilation depending on the mode of operation of the boiler;
- availability of management systems for the adjustment of injection equipment.

Mechanical ventilation is designed for installation on the residential area of large objects. The use of gas-heating boilers considerable power and high intensity of such heating systems put forward higher requirements for ventilation. Therefore, it is a compulsory system, mounted on the basis of the calculated data that enables efficient operation of high-power gas boilers and the safety of inhabitants of the house.
calculating production
If you want to provide your home with heating quality, to the question of equipment of gas heaters ventilation should be approached responsibly.
An important point is the pipe diameter, supply and exhaust ducts - one of the key parameters that provide effective operation of the heater. To calculate the duct characteristics are used:
- amount of heated space;
- dependence of the gain of the ventilation ceiling height in the room;
- air flow rate.
Consider the example of the calculation. In each situation, the original data will be individual, but the algorithm calculations continue. Similar calculations can be seen in every project the installation of autonomous gas heating equipment.
Dimensions of premises:
- height H = 2.8 m;
- width B = 3 m;
- length L = 4 m.
Multiply all the parameters:
(2.8 x 4 x 3) = 33.6 m3.
The resulting number is the amount of space - V.
It then calculates the amplification factor of air in the room, independent of the height of the room. Taken given the standard height of 6 meters, and it is subtracted from the actual room height: 6 m - 2,8 m = 3,2 m.
Then, the resulting excess value is multiplied by 0.25 and the result added 3.
3,2h0,25 + 3 = 3.8
3.8 The result is the estimated value of the coefficient of air amplification.
Multiplying the value of this factor on the amount of space, we obtain the volume of air that needs an hour to go to the boiler room of the ventilation system:
V = 3,8 x 33,6 = 128 m3
The resulting figure is the starting table for subsequent determination of the optimum duct cross-sectional area.
Important! Ventilation parameters must be the same diameter with a hood. chimneys are commonly used round cross section and a chimney, which provides ease of docking and least resistance when passing air flows.
For clarity in the table shows the calculated data depending on the desired volume of air from the air parameters.

After reviewing the requirements for the boiler room ventilation, easier to monitor the progress of its device, if the installation is carried out outsourced. At no stage of the project, either in the process of installation is absolutely forbidden to ignore the established rules, standards and regulations. Any discrepancy project data - a violation and, as a result, the basis for the prohibition of entering the system and the boiler in operation, as the severity of the consequences of such violations is unpredictable.
Poor ventilation of the boiler room is often the cause of emergency situations in the operation of the heating system, the consequences of which can be very serious. Not to mention the fact that is not properly adjusted and installed system is the main cause of excessive fuel consumption, which greatly impact on your budget.