How to set the home Turbofan gas boiler?

To ensure your house or apartment economical heat and hot water at any time of year, you can install and connect a bypass gas boiler, but how to do it, known only to specialists. With a single element to solve serious problem. And because lately these units are very popular among the owners of country houses. Connecting such a facility is a difficult process, but if you understand it, you can do everything yourself.

basic information

In most cases, there are units that are able to heat for one minute to 6 liters of water. This figure can be considered quite good. True it is possible only if you make the right setup installation.

The principle of operation is based on the presence of two separate circuits from each other. The first is responsible for the heating of the house, and the second - for hot water at the tap.

To connect the boiler is installed, you need to take into account the existence of several systems in the room:

  1. Heating. There will be two pipes - hot and cold reception.
  2. Water pipes. The system is fed cold water.
  3. Pipeline. fuel feed.
  4. Power. Necessary if the device provided for controlling devices and automatic ignition.

Installation and connection of a bypass gas boiler begins to mount it on a wall. For this purpose, special brackets, which in most cases are supplied with the equipment. The main thing to consider - fasteners must be in perfect horizontal plane, and therefore it is necessary to have a level.

After installing the fasteners on the wall hung boiler itself. Everything is done by hand. So just in case, to avoid any mistakes in the beginning, you can view multiple videos that are in a lot of the network. They show the different installation systems.

Requirements for premises

There are several rules that must be followed when choosing premises for the installation of the unit:

  1. The presence of a window that can be opened at any time.
  2. The existing ventilation.
  3. The room must be a way out of all necessary pipelines, which will connect the home boiler. Especially need to pay attention to the gas pipe. It must be a counter.

Typically, such devices connect the same. The only thing that may be different - the location of the ports. But this is not common.

The main units

Due to the fact that on the market there are many different models of gas boilers, to tell about all the specific installation schemes difficult. We can only identify the main components that must be present to the unit was not only easy to install but also to use in the future.

Key points:

  1. the water filter. Mandatory element of the gas boiler in a private house, which helps protect against debris formed in the pipes. Another such device is installed on the return line to stop possible contamination from the heating system. Be sure to put on a horizontal section, along with a crane.
  2. Magnetic filter with a tap. Used to combat rust and scale.
  3. Gas filter with a tap. To protect the boiler from the established scale and dust. The use of this element allows you to significantly increase the life of the installation.
  4. Ball valves, which are necessary for closing roads to make it easier to carry out repair work.
  5. Special expansion tank is installed for the heating system. On the wall models boilers are usually installed at the factory.
  6. Devices to ensure safety - valves, pressure gauge and other elements. Again, the wall model is all it has. Flooring all bought separately and is placed next to the unit.
  7. Radiators.
  8. Pipeline.
  9. grounding.

important nuances

Installation should begin with the installation of shut-off valve and filter water. It will go through the machine only purified liquid, which in turn will significantly extend the service life.

A valve is required for the situation when it is necessary to close the water supply for the filter replacement, repair or cleaning system.

Thereafter connected pipes of the heating system and hot water. Here, too, there is nothing difficult. First shut-off valves are connected, then there is a connection with the boiler.

Home wall-mounted boiler necessarily equipped with a pump that provides uniform heating of all the radiators in the room. This device requires a special harness. Wall models are volatile and therefore any power off instantly reduces efficiency. Floor models are able to operate without such pumps as special elements to create a natural pressure envisaged for them.

See also: causes a pressure drop in boilers.

An important rule - the latter connects the gas pipe. Boiler, it is desirable to find a location, so that it is closer to the fuel source is. The fact is that even though you can connect the gas hose with a special, yet it can not be too long. It is desirable to take the place of installation tube mounting. It's probably the only thing that is better left to professionals.

The first thing that must be installed on the gas supply - the crane. In addition, there is also need to think about the filter. The most effective is a mesh.

It is also important to remember the chimney beforehand. When it comes to your own home, of course, the ideal option would be a coaxial model. To do this in the nearest wall bore holes under the chimney. Such a system is displayed horizontally.

For outdoor unit is better to use a typical installation, which takes place outside of the roof. The fact that such units have tremendous power and an appropriate amount of the products of combustion, which can cope with only a vertical chimney. It is desirable, it should not have a minimum number of turns. It is necessary to make so that it extends at least two feet from the highest point of the roof.

Turbofan Gas boiler at first sight is a complex engineering system. In this case, it can be connected not only to the highest class specialists. Can do it and ordinary townsfolk. The main thing to observe some basic rules.