The main element is a gas burner of the boiler. It is around her exposed all the other elements. From the node device depend on many aspects of the use of the equipment. First and foremost is safety and efficiency. Therefore, many people want to make their own hands a gas burner for the boiler, which will be suitable for the requirements of the owners. At first glance, this may seem a complicated process, but in fact it is not.

types of burners
Many believe that the burner - it is simply a nozzle through which gas is supplied. But it is not so. She also domeshivaet air in the fuel. It is important to bear in mind that the product should have a special design allowing a stable mixture.
The device may be of several types, depending on the method of addition of oxygen in the gas:
- atmospheric burner;
- fan;
- diffusion-kinetic.
The principle of operation of this component is simple: the gas passes through the ejector, where its pressure is reduced. The air gets inside because of the different indicators atmospheres.
These devices have many advantages:
- simple design;
- compactness;
- quiet operation;
- reasonable cost;
- the possibility of conversion of coal-fired boiler for this equipment - a burner is installed in the ash chamber.

Thus such devices can not have a high capacity. The fact is that due to its design, the atmospheric heaters may not involve large amounts of oxygen.
In this kind of devices the air supplied in the required quantity by a fan. By this supply of oxygen, they possess many advantages:
- No limitations in power - any amount of gas provides the necessary amount of air which is necessary for complete combustion without residues.
- The chamber in which the reaction takes place can be closed. Inside oxygen is supplied by a special duct. This completely eliminates the ingress of combustion products into the house because of the reverse thrust. In this case, install a separate air duct is not necessary. To do this, we use special coaxial chimney, which in fact is a pipe located inside the other. Smoke is removed through the inner member, while oxygen enters the boiler, passing between the inner and outer walls.
- Participation man using a minimized, since the equipment has the function of a "smart" settings.

This type of burner also has a number of disadvantages:
- Compared with atmospheric they work noticeably louder.
- Have a high price.
- Only work in tandem with electricity - must have their own UPS. Otherwise, the voltage drop may be damaged.
Basically, such equipment is found in large heaters for industrial use. The principle of operation is based, as in the atmospheric, and the fan warmer.
Gas burner with their hands
Since the construction of the fan type requires special equipment, consider creating your own hands the gas burner in the solid fuel boiler. It is best to choose this valve from an oxygen cylinder, standard VC-74. To do this:
- The outlet is further equipped with a fitting which via a hose can be connected to the reactor.
- On the inlet side pipe, connected to a container cap mounted with a small hole for connection with the jet. The latter can take a blow torch or slab.
- To cap welded steel tube 100 mm long and a wall thickness of 2 mm.
- Be sure to watch so that between the cap and the nozzle gap was 15 mm, through which oxygen will flow. That is why it is necessary to first attach the first three small wire segment (which can then be bend to the desired location), and only then the pipe.
- She burner ready. After that, to manufacture the base on which it is positioned for installation in a combustion chamber.

In addition to creating the burner itself, and it is also important to observe the process of ignition:
- Opens the gas valve on the tank or line.
- To the nozzle is brought match.
- Opens the main valve.
Important! Power devices can be controlled by the valve. Hottest is greenish-blue flame.
The whole setup is located in the center of the torch. For this bit of wire holders podgibayutsya.
use Features
Gas burners require minimal maintenance. The main feature is the annual cleaning. In this case, the procedure must be done only highly qualified professionals, as it needs to disassemble the boiler. Most often, cleaning burners engaged service center.
Dirt is removed simply - with the help of compressed air. It is important to set up a suitable pressure. The fact that some modern components can not withstand the flow of 10 atm.
To the cleaning process is faster and required less frequently, on the supply of gas is a specific filter. This makes the master after application to the appropriate structure.
Well, despite the fact that the gas burner in the heating boiler, though it seems complicated engineering unit, the subject at least it is no problem to do it yourself. To do this, you need to prepare all the necessary materials, and have the skills to work with metal. Furthermore, it is necessary to have several units of a special tool.