Gas heating system and heating of running water - a measure, which many think. After all, this type of fuel is considered one of the most economical. Sometimes the owners of these plants occur a situation where the pressure falls in the gas boiler, the reasons may be different. Do not worry and panic. First of all, you need to install the "symptoms" of failure. Then, it turns the main factor which has led to a situation and then eliminated.
How to monitor the pressure?
Each equipment necessarily has sensors monitoring the operation of the unit, especially the low-pressure steam boiler. They gather information about the system and give it to the user via the monitor or other devices. The normal parameters in the system at the level of 1.5 to 2 atm. If the index is high or vice versa does not reach the desired interval - there are some problems with the boiler.
We must remember that there is insufficient pressure in the boiler system only with the pump. In the case provided for natural circulation - owners may be faced with "airing." Restore it, and clean the air you can own, but you need to have some knowledge to do so. If the owners do not have enough information, it is best to call a specialist.
Reasons for the pressure drop
Despite the fact that the gas boiler is a complex engineering system, the pressure therein may fall just because of a few reasons:
- Open fluid drain out of the system;
- frequent or prolonged power outages;
- problems with the expansion tank;
- properly designed power the boiler bypass.
Typically, low pressure in the boiler automatically suspend its work. For example, if the heating system coolant level has fallen to a minimum, it simply ceases to fall into the pot. In the case where an insufficient number of atmospheres in the gas pipe - the equipment automatically shut off., You must call the appropriate specialist service to solve the last problem, which has all the necessary knowledge and tools to enable it to establish the cause and get rid of it. He at least knows the tools to raise the reading to the required value. Independently solve this problem is not recommended.
In addition, the lack of pressure occurs due to air pockets, which arise due to some reasons:
- improper system coolant filling;
- after falling into the water heating system, it was not immediately vented;
- insufficient sealing of joints;
- clogging;
- constantly broken air release valve.
What to do?
There are several key features, which should be followed if the system is observed pressure drop:
- Reduction of atmospheric water points to the boiler and the entire heating problems. How to raise the matter when the gauge indicates that the system is less than the norm? It's simple - you should use make-up valve with which to add the required amount.
- If you then also there is a decline atmospheric somewhere there is clearly a hole that needs to be urgently addressed. It is advisable to seek professional help as further independent movements can only aggravate the condition.
- Be sure to inspect all heating circle. Sometimes there are situations when the pressure level is increased and the costs joints or seams of pipes - there is a minimum flow. Over time, the pressure gauge needle drops. In the event of such a problem, it must be eliminated as soon as possible.
- If nothing is found - it is better to invite a specialist, who will check the functionality of the expansion tank and completely start pinging every inch of the structure.
Features of repair in the event of a pressure drop in the gas boiler
There are some key points that must be remembered while recovering at home heating, if not holding system:
- The damaged pipe is completely removed. In its place is put a new one.
- If there is a leak at the junction, to improve performance will help stirring by. When this is not possible - it is necessary to conduct additional sealing. This is done using a special tool or tape.
- If the damage was clutch, it must be replaced.
Important! Difficult to detect leakage due to problems with the heat exchanger. Over time, it may appear a small split, through which moisture seeps. It enters the combustion chamber where it vaporizes. That is why to detect such damage is very difficult.
Though complex gas heating and hot water is complicated engineering solution, however, there are only a few basic reasons due to which the pressure can drop. Many problems can be solved independently, although some better call a specialist.