Currently, apartments and private houses you can still see the old heating equipment samples no longer meet the increasing demands - an inefficient, wasteful and does not meet safety requirements. The main type of domestic gas and heating equipment have long been the Gas floor boilers AOGV (independent heating and hot water). These household boilers - heating units were equipped with gas burners of atmospheric type, and ensure the heating housing natural circulation of hot heating medium in the heating system. Weighing the advantages of this technique is non-volatile and high reliability. AOGV equipped with primitive automation, which are easily damaged, but the heater is able to fulfill its function without it. This household gas boiler - only the heater, do not consume electricity.

Modern household heating boilers of domestic and foreign manufacturers, are heating technology a new generation that meets not only the requirements of increased safety and efficiency, but also the aesthetic demands consumer.

Let us consider what a modern boiler equipment, and how functional this heating technology.
Gas boiler - a basic element of battery heating system
Stand-alone household water system heating based on gas-fired boiler It consists of the following parts:
- heating boiler to the pump;
- automation system;
- ventilation system;
- pipework coolant;
- radiators.
The main element of the heating system is a gas boiler which provides heating and circulating fluid. Consider this machine in detail.
Purpose and function of gas hot water boilers
The main objective of gas boilers - heating the interior and providing GBS (hot water system). Household autonomous boilers, heat generators are used as a fuel, natural gas, summed to the battery housing of a central heating system backbone. The use of gas heating boilers for home heating and GBS due to their following characteristics:
- compactness;
- gradation performance (capacity);
- the relative ease of installation;
- efficiency;
- efficiency;
- ease of use due to the high degree of automation.
Identical industrial equipment differs from the domestic power, size and technical equipment, so the gas operation Industrial boilers destiny requires of staff professionalism and constant monitoring of the unit operation process.

The use of gas-fired boilers in the home must be safe, so the management and maintenance of these units should be simple and not require the consumer's special skills. Current models of gas boilers due to the use requirements fully comply with their production of special technologies.
Modern boilers, unlike older models, have an efficiency close to 90%. In addition to heating the interior, modern household gas heating technology last able to automatically ensure operation of hot water supply of housing.

Boilers modern models optimally automated, degree of automation depends on the destination machine and performance class. water-heating devices consumer market represented appliances most various kinds and types. At the disposal of customers a wide variety of models, ranging from powerful domestic boilers Floor Type for heating private houses a large area and ending with a compact wall-mounted units for the urban apartments. For each type of housing and environmental conditions can choose the appropriate type of boiler - single-circuit or Turbofan gas boiler, Unit with an open combustion chamber or a closed type combustion chamber, with cast iron boilers or heat exchangers bimetal.
Important! The high degree of automation of gas boilers reduced the proportion of human involvement in their operation, but it did not reduce its role - that all the requirements of safe use of heating gas equipment outlined in the instruction manual, strictly required.
Classification of domestic gas boilers destination
Overview of domestic gas boilers would not be complete without considering the classification of these types of heating units:
- at the place of accommodation;
- functionality.
Classification by placement
Depending on the location and the setting method, gas Boilers are available in two types:
- floor-standing;
- wall type.
Domestic gas boilers the outdoor performance are more powerful machines (up to 1000 kW) capable of providing heat and hot water, a large area of ββthe house. The boiler output is listed in the instructions for its use, in order to facilitate selection of the unit for specific areas and operating conditions.

Important! A large volume of water tanks resulting in a considerable weight and size of these units, and thus for outdoor equipment must be specially equipped with a separate room, boiler room, equipped and chimney ventilation.

Requirements for domestic boiler, GOST defined and binding. In particular, for gas boilers up to 30kW floor area should be less than 4 square meters, and the volume -. 8 cubic meters.
Appliance wall gas boiler has a compact size, but its capacity is limited, since mounted on the wall of the boiler with a capacity for a large volume of water it imposes a higher load-bearing capacity of foundation requirements.

Boilers wall models can be easily mounted in the back room, in the kitchen, in the bathroom. can be used to save installation space available in a wall niche. Allocate a separate space heating boiler in this case is not required, the necessary air flow to the combustor and output of the combustion products out flue provide dual action - coaxial replacing traditional bulky design.

When it is mounted on the wall of the boiler arrangement according to the site layout is performed, and then - the hole diameter Chimney coaxial with the addition of 3-4 cm for subsequent complete sealing gaps caulking or another method. Device or an optional air connection of the chimney to the overall mine house is not required.

If you wish to have a home, except for heating, autonomous hot water supply should be wall-mounted boiler choose power of heat of at least 24 kW (not to be confused with the consumed electric power unit).
Cascade system gas boilers
In designing heating private houses a large area used to save application stage gas boilers small and medium power, united by a single hydraulic system and components (not to be confused with the parallel connection of boilers groups wherein each control are carried out separately).

This technology, depending on the time of year and in hot water needs, allows us not to use the only available huge floor-standing unit, and the required number of boilers from cascade.
Ways to control a cascade system of units may include not only the use of a certain number of boilers cascade, but also a combination (via Cascade Controller) of the heating devices working with different trailers capacity.
Cascade system mounted as the use of floor-standing boilers, and from wall assemblies.
In addition to the heating of private housing, cascading technology to install heating equipment, but because of aggregates more power is used for heating of public buildings (train stations, shopping centers, exhibition and concert halls).
It's important to know! Heating flat area of ββ50-70 m2 5-10 kW enough of the total capacity of the boiler of heat. The rest of the power required to heat the water in the heating system. The more points the hot water intake, the more powerful must be the boiler.
If the power unit is not enough to provide the required volume in GBS, used the installation of additional devices - indirect heating boilerThat piping is connected to the gas boiler.

Classification functionality
Separation by type boilers placement directly related to the functionality of the gas unit, which depends on the number of circuits in device design - one or two.
Single-boilers used for heating of the premises, which is provided only available in the design of the unit water circuit.
For the full life-support residential facility looks attractive double-circuit gas-fired boilers, which, except for heating, hot water ensure the functioning of the system, using a second circuit. Two-circuit heating devices vary according to the method of heating the coolant:
- flow;
- capacitive.

With slight consumption of hot water and a small amount of hot water intake points (1 or 2) better use combi boilers with instantaneous water heating. Such devices have a smaller capacity and economical.
With substantial need for hot water boiler must be purchased with a capacitive bypass means heating the water, but in this case its consumption has boundaries - if the hot water discharge temperature of 450C and higher than 20-40 liters per day, the boiler will not cope with the heated premises, as it will only work on the heating water.

Models wall boilers with instantaneous heating are compact and fast heating of hot water. Disadvantages of the design of such equipment - high gas flow rate and the fall of the coolant temperature with vigorous hot water consumption. Exit out of this situation is to install a storage water heater that will reduce fuel consumption and will maintain the desired flow temperature. However, this operation will significantly increase the cost of equipping the heating system, in addition to the installation of the boiler must also be a certain location.
For reference: owners of private homes are less limited in floor space than other tenants, and available single-circuit boilers, alternatively Turbofan unit may further set required indirect heating boiler capacity.
Design features
Domestic gas heating equipment may have significant structural differences and features, including also vary in material manufacturing heat exchangers, which on this basis are divided into the following kinds:
- steel - to equip low-end models;
- cast iron - boiler outdoor type;
- stainless steel - are used in wall boilers;
- Bimetallic (bithermic) - the most common type.

Each type of heat exchangers its advantages and disadvantages, so the heat exchanger should be chosen with reference to the operating conditions and personal preferences:
- steel heat exchangers are cheap but subject to corrosion.
- cast iron products are practical and durable.
- bimetallic products are easy and therefore are installed in the wall models combi boilers.
- Stainless steel heat exchangers, strong, durable, do not change the chemical composition of water, but because of the high cost and complexity of material manufacture technology are expensive.
Gas boilers are classified as on the combustion chamber design:
- open type;
- closed firebox.
The difference between them lies in the fact that the wind blowing into the room may come into contact noxious combustion products. Further, air required for combustion gas in an open type combustion chamber is supplied from the room, which leads to burn oxygen in the room. Both of these factors obliges necessarily periodically ventilate housing.
A closed type combustion process isolates the combustion chamber from the atmosphere of the room air flows to the outside and burn rooms oxygen occurs.
Currently gaining popularity condensing gas boilers and units with turbocharging, that with lower fuel consumption have greater efficacy, but, respectively, and more a high price.
See also: why blowing gas boiler?
Each model of domestic gas boiler has its own features and resources. Choosing a model of the device, it is necessary to take into account the conditions of the upcoming operation of the unit and the challenges that it will have to be addressed. Low-end models are able to meet the minimum requirements of consumers, while expensive devices greatly expand the possibilities of the inhabitants of the apartment, house.
According to this thinking, to save on the heating equipment is not necessary, it does not worth to pay for the potential of the equipment, which is no longer needed will be in demand.