Gas boiler - a complex technical device, safe and efficient use of which depends on many factors. Therefore, the transition to the gas heating system requires the owners of strict compliance with the rules of safe operation of gas heating equipment. Ventilation for gas boilers is one such key aspects of its correct operation and, regardless of the type of heating unit is arranged on a mandatory basis.

For residents of urban residences, using compact mounted gas boilers, ventilation issue is not as acute as modern model boilers are equipped with a closed combustion chamber, which ensures normal operation simple - installing coaxial chimney.
It is more difficult for that category of residential properties that contain powerful gas boilers - such units for fuel combustion in the furnace require more air.
Basic requirements for the ventilation gas and heating equipment
The basis of any heating system of design documentation. Even at the stage of project development necessary to produce thermal calculations to accurately calculate the parameters of the exhaust system. For private homes, which is supposed to use gas-fired boilers of high power, a prerequisite is to allocate space for the boiler room.
Boiler room for gas equipment must comply with national regulations and standards, due to the increased danger of the use of natural gas in the home. Guidelines applicable to residential facilities with the installation of independent heating and ventilation equipment gas-fired boiler for installation of the heating system in a private home.
What is the ventilation gas boiler
The main task, which is assigned to the ventilation is to remove from the interior of the combustion products. Even a slight ingestion of carbon monoxide can negatively affect state of health of inhabitants of the house. Not less dangerous gas leaks, which can easily accumulate in a closed space at a certain concentration and represents an explosive combustible mixture.

Lack of normal ventilation also significantly affects the performance of the heating gas boiler. Only a constant flow of desired volume of air provides normal combustion of fuel in the combustion chamber. As a result, inefficiency drawing fuel burns worse, heat generation increases and decreases, respectively, the gas flow rate.
Important! for high-power gas boilers floor-standing poor performance exhaust causes rapid clogging of fuel compartment. The accumulated soot and soot also become a cause of reducing the internal diameter of the duct. As a result, part of the combustion products is not pulled outwards, and is supplied into the room.
the ventilation system must meet certain requirements, so its parameters must conform a calculated in the project - from the duct diameter, length and air ways depends very much. ventilation system parameters for the heating gas boiler in order to maximize the efficiency of the heating system operation are calculated individually for each situation and models of gas equipment. At the same accounting needs of design features of the building, which also play an important role in ensuring the boiler ventilation.
Basic requirements for ventilation equipment in the room, the boiler room
The building, planned for equipment autonomous gas heating, Meet a number of requirements, including having a separate, specially equipped according to EU standards premises to install a gas boiler - Boiler. Boiler room can be equipped in the following locations (the list drawn up in the direction of decreasing preference):
- in a separate structure;
- in an annexe to the main building;
- in the attic;
- on the ground floor of the house.
Important! The use of a basement boiler house or the basement, especially if the boiler on LPG gas is allowed in extreme cases and only if the two systems of ventilation equipment - basic and duplicate. Liquefied natural gas has a higher specific gravity, so it leaks lead to accumulation of gas in the lower layers of the boiler room air and creating an explosive situation.
Wall boilers have a capacity of up to 30 kW and a closed combustion chamber. Receipt of the air for such a unit in a city apartment provides an easy - to extract sufficient to establish in the hole made in the wall of the required diameter coaxial duct, which is capable of performing two functions - therethrough in closed boiler combustion air is supplied, and simultaneously are ejected products combustion.

Installation of gas boiler wall type carried out in utility room, bathroom or in the kitchen. Under the boiler installation, permitting the thickness of the wall can be built a special niche for space saving.
This heating system is quite suitable for heating private houses or small area in the country. At the same time, facilities installation of autonomous gas boiler required to be equipped with ventilation.
Chimneys coaxial structure is also used for high-power boilers ventilation equipment floor-standing, but the installation of such heating units are subject to additional requirements.

Using heating of the heating equipment, designed for installation on the floor (up to 30 kW), requires isolation for installation of a separate boiler room, which, in accordance with SNIP 2.04.05.II-35, should always be equipped with ventilation. In addition, this room-boiler room shall meet the following requirements:
- minimum area - 4 sq.m .;
- room volume - More than 8 cubic meters;
- ceiling height - 2200 mm;
- door width - not less than 80 cm;
- the presence in the room opening windows;
- special apparatus airhole constantly open;
- glass area should be greater than 0.05 m2 1 m3 premise (the norm for legkosbrasyvaemyh structures in hazardous areas - SNIP 03/31/2001).
The air with the oxygen necessary for combustion of fuel and the boiler is supplied to the heater from the outside through the vent. The boiler location duct location - the upper part of the room, wall or ceiling part. For easy cleaning of the duct 30 cm below the main channel is inspection aperture, flap, or flap-closing lid-plug.
Important! Job ventilation is calculated as follows: 1 kW boiler requires 8 cm2 airhole channel cross-sectional area; with natural ventilation through internal air mass required for 30 cm for 1 kW2 area its section.
Main types of ventilation for gas heating boilers
There are two types of ventilation, to arrange for the effective and safe operation of heating gas boilers:
- natural;
- compulsory.
For clarity, the action of these two types of ventilation can be represented schematically.
Let us briefly consider the device and the use of these systems of ventilation of premises.
natural ventilation
The average area of a private house of 80-100 m2So for the normal operation of the auxiliary heating is sufficient natural draft. For boiler up to 30 kW must be airhole diameter of 15 cm. Vent equipped with a plastic pipe and outside the closed metal mesh covering the access rodents and prevents ingress of debris.
Ventilation for gas boiler in a private home is mounted as follows. The upper edge of the exhaust pipe closed "umbrella" protecting exhaust duct from precipitation. On the inside of the pipe mounted on the check valve, which prevents the arbitrary air output to the outside.
Extractor hood is placed directly above the boiler, whereas the duct is mounted behind the fuel chamber.
Important! In accordance with the requirements and regulations, ventilation effectiveness is determined by the ability to upgrade its air mass in the boiler room three times within an hour.
On a note: calculate the exact parameters of the natural ventilation of the gas boiler, mounted in a private home, it is impossible, since the intensity air too depends on many factors - the atmospheric pressure, wind strength and direction, the ambient temperature and etc.
The efficiency depends on the chimney hood device and the requirements for chimneys fixed in corresponding SNIP - the diameter of the chimney is determined by the capacity of the boiler.
Example: for a boiler with a capacity of 24 kW is sufficient to have 120 mm diameter chimney. With an increase of the boiler capacity is increased diameter of the chimney. Gas boilers of 100 kW equipped with chimneys having a diameter of 230 mm. Plays an important role length and the degree of elevation of the top of the chimney above the roof ridge - trumpet should rise above the ridge is not less than 0.5 m. Otherwise, the possible air leak into premises.
For reference: recommended for each model of the boiler flue diameter is specified in the data sheet of the gas equipment.
forced ventilation
If the natural extract parameters do not meet the requirements specified in the instruction manual of the boiler, you can use the equipment that is equipped blower. In most cases, gas-fired boilers are installed duct fans. air into the combustion chamber is performed by means of the fan. Running blower creates a low pressure area, whereby air is sucked into the room.

For high-power boilers with high intensity combustion and formation of a large volume of pollutants, the device must be forced ventilation. Calculate the performance of forced air gas boiler installed in a private home, just enough. Consider a specific example.
Dimensions of the boiler room:
- length - 3.0 m;
- width - 2.0 meters;
- height - 2.2 m.
Multiplying the parameter determines the volume of the room:
M2 x 3m x 2.2m = 13.2 cubic meters. Rounded up to the nearest whole unit, we get 14.0 cubic meters.
For an hour the air in the boiler must be replaced three times, so:
14.0 x 3 = 42 cubic meters. That is, the exhaust fan in ideal conditions should be capacity of 42 cubic meters / hour. But part of the power will be spent on overcoming the resistance of the passage of the chimney, thus to obtain the value of 40% should be added:
42 x 1.4 = 58.8 (cubic meters / hour).
Value rounded up to tens and obtain the final value of 60 cubic meters / hour.
You should know that the intensity of the ventilation
In order to get a better idea of how to look the ventilation in the apartment, or what tenants of private homes should pay attention, watch the video.