Each of the gas heating system in a private house or city apartment has individual specifications and features. Gas boilers are not only functional and principle of operationBut the control system. For security purposes, all models of gas boilers, equipped with instruments and devices of automatic adjustment of heating equipment. For a more complete understanding of the independent heating in the house, you should understand how the automation system of a gas boiler, and what types of devices exist.

A heating gas boiler It is a complex engineering product during operation requires constant attention. Automatic control can provide the necessary control parameters rabotyra boiler, making the heating system truly autonomous.
What is automatic for the gas boiler. concept
Equipment used for gas boilers - a special device to ensure control of the heating equipment after its launch. The main purpose of the automatic control devices is to ensure the safe operation of heating units and maintain optimum temperature in the room.
As the functionality of equipment is divided into two main types:
- volatile device;
- nonvolatile control devices.
The first type - Automatic volatileUsed in autonomous heating systems, it has a simple structure and operates as a residual. the temperature sensor signal for temperature changes goes to solenoid valveWhich closes or opens, blocking the flow of gas to a gas boiler. In this type of control equipment are equipped with almost all heating boilers.

The second type of automation - volatile device They operate based on the physical properties of the substance inside the closed loop of the device. Upon heating the substance expands, creating increased pressure within the device. Under the action of high pressure actuated gas valve shuts off the gas in the combustion chamber. Starting the boiler is carried out in reverse order. By reducing the temperature of the substance volume decreases, whereby the pressure in the device is reduced. The valve returns to its normal position, allowing access to the gas burner. Such automatic devices are on the equipment of non-volatile gas boilers. Models automation system blocks can differ only in the regular features.
See also: Grounding gas boiler: How to do it and why?
The principle of operation of automation. The main units
Considering the internal structure of the safety automation devices, we can make a clear conclusion that the main elements structures are relief and principal valves, shut-off the fuel supply to the working zone or gas access opening combustion chamber. In this action we built all equipment for gas heating boilers. The differences may be only in the presence of additional functions in the device will automatically adjust and control method therefor.
For instance: You want to turn on the boiler. Ignition is effected by supplying gas to the pilot burner. This process is controlled by a solenoid valve. Installed thermocouple heated pilot burner, able in a short time, 2-3 seconds. to give the necessary spark to ignite the gas at the main burner. Releasing the ignition button to start the operation in the main valve which delivers gas to the combustion chamber.
The device works by the interaction of both valves.
Choosing the required temperature to the heated space, set the regulator to the desired position. During the process clearly follows thermostat, which is equipped with sensors for controlling the volume of gas supplied to the combustion chamber. Thanks to the two valves, shut-off and the modeling set in an oven, regulated gas flow, hence, the intensity of the heating boiler. Adjusting the arrangement of the main space on the device looks approximately so.

On a note: The intensity of the heating boilers can be adjusted by increasing or decreasing the working pressure on the fittings. Conventional membrane capable of regulating working domestic gas pressure at the outlet. In another situation adjust the output pressure of the gas in the system is possible by manipulation with a gas feed screw.
Next Detailed focus on what types of automation exists for domestic boilers burning gaseous fuels, on which principle based work automation devices, and how it affects the safety and efficacy of an autonomous system heating.
Basic automation functions
The main purpose of Automation in heating - instant response to changing situations. One of the main tasks of automatic control devices - the cessation of gas supply to the work area. Situations in which it may be necessary to cut off the supply of consumer gas can be the following:
- poor performance exhaust device, deterioration of traction, in which the high probability of getting into the interior of harmful combustion products;
- abrupt changes in the operating pressure gas pipeline;
- unauthorized attenuation to the primary burner flame.
In these situations, it is thanks to the automation of the gas boiler is controlled by a gas fuel supply, which ensures the safety of residents. It is for safety reasons, in accordance with existing regulations, must be equipped with automatic systems all older models of gas-heating equipment of the box which is not provided for these equipment devices. As for the gas heating units of the latest releases - it's boilers with automatics.
For reference: in some cases, cheaper to install a new boiler than to modernize old heating system, equipping automatic boiler. The reason is the significant structural differences between the old-fashioned models of modern heating unit.
Main article: gas burner with their hands.
What equipment is better - manual or electronic?
Devices that monitor the operation of heating equipment can be mechanical or electronic. In the low-end models of gas boilers in most cases a variant of the mechanical, manual control. Despite the fact that the level of technical progress has reached unprecedented heights, the mechanics remains a reliable and proven tool. Automatic safety gas boilers operating in manual mode, much cheaper. The principle of operation of most models of boilers with manual control is simple and straightforward for everyday use.

Block automatic mechanical action principle is easier to maintain and repair. Dismantling of the unit is quite capable specialist - heating equipment, is carrying out a routine inspection of the boiler equipment in your home.
Manual, mechanical control of gas boiler is not dependent on electricity - the owner of housing on their own exhibits required to heat the dwelling temperature, everything else depends on the laws of physics that underlie work mechanism.
For reference: a heat exchanger equipped with a thermocouple - based mechanism plate combined of two parts - a steel and nickel. During the heating plate is elongated and under cooling - decreases in length, acting on the valve which opens or closes the flow of gas into the working zone. On the basis of the same principle works damper, Which are equipped with gas-fired boilers with open combustion chamber. Bimetallic strip when the temperature rises to a critical level (greater than 750C) is bent, opening the circuit. When the flame decreases, the plate returns to its natural position. Everything is simple and clear.

Other operating principle laid in automation in the electronics, not using the physical properties of materials and media, and fundamentally different way to signal transmission equipment.
Automatic electronic control system
The most common type of automation that is used in low-end models of boilers - electronic thermostat.
The device is installed indoors and controls the heating based on the signals of remote temperature sensor located in the actual area of the room. When the temperature drops below a set limit supplied to the boiler for the inclusion of signal. On reaching the optimum temperature sensors transmit the parameters in a signal-off. Thermostats have a room with gas boilers cable connection.

In this case the presence of the thermostat provides optimum temperature heating gas boiler efficiency and consumption of natural gas. To date, the sale are several types of thermostats, different functionality, performance and installation method. Programmable devices ensure the maintenance of premises inside optimal temperature conditions for a predetermined time period.
On a note: Some models can carry out an automatic control of the operation of gas-fired boiler during the day, some models of equipment are able to control the machine running for a week. Produced as automatic wireless action control devices that allow remote monitoring of the boiler. Range of modern remote control systems, depending on the model chosen, is 25-100 m.
Which is better, the mechanical equipment and electronic control devices, the consumer decides. Good gas boiler can operate successfully as a manual operation, and the use of electronic circuit devices.
Modern instruments, which are equipped with all currently existing models of gas boilers, are an integral part of the heating system. Without a properly configured correctly automation will not work, no gas boiler.