Gas heating system will only be effective and economical when in its design and installation will take into account all the technical nuances and household needs of inhabitants of the house. Gas boiler is a key element of independent heating system, so even at the design stage should be to determine the type and the type of gas heating equipment. Figure out which pot is better in every case, floor and wall-mounted, single tube or two - a task complicated and deserves a separate article. Let's try to deal with the situation, how to choose a bypass gas boiler for the house, if you decide to stay in the units of this type.

To choose in this case will have on many criteria. Each dimension has a certain value, it plays a role in the home heating system. From your choice depends on the ultimate level of home comfort.
What determines your choice?
If you are the owner of a city apartment or the owner of a small private home, your choice in favor of combi boilers is well founded and obvious. The main aspect that defines most of such a decision - the desire of homeowners to receive several engineering solutions, "two in one", independent heating and hot water supply. Information for the layman on the gas boiler equipment today granted in huge volume. Try to figure out exactly what we need, what model to give preference to, and what technical parameters combi boilers should pay attention.

To begin to clearly outline the circle of autonomous heating system requirements, which are derived from the existing technical conditions and habitat of its own domestic needs. For instance:
- What area of your home, apartment, country house requires heating;
- What are the climatic conditions in your region;
- at which time, the operation of the heating system is most acute;
- What is the duration of the heating period, for your property;
- What is cyclical on / off gas boiler;
- the actual number of inhabitants of a dwelling house;
- the level of domestic comfort in the home, including heating rate, the degree of arrangement of housing the exterior insulation and hot water supply;
By answering these questions, you can already more detailed approach to the task, and to choose the model of a bypass gas boiler for your apartment or private house. Often determines the choice of the value of units, the methods and conditions for installation of gas boilers in specific circumstances.
The first thing you should pay attention - whether the double-pressure boiler is suitable for your water system. Failures in the cold water supply system can lead to serious damage of the heating equipment.
Important! When selecting a model of the gas boiler is necessary to clarify the ability of structures to respond to the working pressure drops in the cold water system. Manufacturers typically indicate a documentation minimum threshold operating pressure of the water required for the boiler and its subsequent operation.

Combi boilers are typically used for heating in small residential facilities where hot water is not due to the large length of the pipeline. The essential point is the number of residents in the house. If both intensive use multiple hot water analysis points, the probability is high that the amount of hot water will not be enough for domestic needs.
For instance: gas boiler is better to install in the kitchen or in the bathroom, where there is no need to lay water pipes of great length. If the hot water pipe has a length of 7 m., The waiting time until tap pour hot water, it will be prolonged.
What is the bypass gas boiler?
The first thing that impresses you in combi boilers - it is their compactness. Indeed, according to their dimensions, such a model is just perfect fit into the layout of a city apartment, comfortable and practical for installation in a private house of small size. To study in detail the technological capabilities of each model and its functionality, you can choose a gas boiler which best suits your needs and specifications.
Most often, combi boilers are the mini-boiler rooms, equipped with all the necessary functions for domestic use. Wall embodiment is more practical and convenient. Current models are able to solve the problem efficiently heated premises and provide residents with hot water for household needs. Availability of automation It provides high reliability units.
Features internal structure and the technical parameters of units
Wall double boilers are now the most common form of heating equipment, which can be found in a city apartment. Compared with single-circuit boiler models such aggregates is significantly cheaper. It affects the optimization of all equipment installed inside the structure itself.
For comparison: ease whole unit is achieved by using a stainless steel construction of heat exchangers and the bimetallic material. Instead storage tank for hot water, is used in the design flow heating method. To create the required pressure in the system is set, usually one, at least two circulating pump. All other design elements - sensors, automation, and the main relief valves, gas burner are small, closely interact with each other and arranged in a small volume.
Figure Scheme double pipe apparatus shown domestic gas boiler and the principle of its operation.

Outdoor boiler is much more powerful and heavier. Cast iron or steel heat exchangers, a storage tank for hot water (boiler with indirect heating) - all this and more has considerable dimensions and weight, which makes for the strength of the floor space increased requirements. To install a bypass gas boiler floor type require a special place or even a separate room, which should be a good cooker hood and is equipped with a chimney. Such units are usually placed in large country houses in private residential buildings in two or more floors.
Regarding the choice of a particular model wall gas boiler, here again, you should not rush. For efficient operation of the gas-heating equipment is required thrust, due to which the burning of fuel in the furnace. Some models are designed for natural draft, while others are equipped with fans for forced ventilation. Comparing both versions, there is lower cost units with natural draft and open the combustion chamber. On the other hand, you will need in this case to do chimney organization, which must clearly comply with all technical norms and standards.
On a note: for an urban apartment bulky flue pipe is not suitable. Which of your neighbors like smoke in the apartment of your chimney.

Models with a closed combustion chamber and forced ventilation is more expensive, however, are more practical and reliable. To bypass the boiler with closed combustion chamber mounted coaxial chimney, which is a compact pipe, acting on input and output. Such structures are not overall, do not require much space and can be installed in a city apartment.

What to look for: at a heavy use of hot water in the house, it is better to equip the heating system gas-fired boiler with an additional storage tank for hot water. Margin in 50-60 liters. It would be appropriate in every situation. Built boiler ensure constant water pressure in the system and keep the desired temperature of the hot water.
For gas heating devices one of the most important design elements is automatic. Today, no single model of gas boiler is not released without automatic control devices of the heating equipment, which can be mechanical or electronic. The choice of equipment, in this case for the consumer.
Models of the foreign producers almost all equipped with electronic automation devices. This approach makes the heating equipment modern high-tech devices capable operate in different modes and independently controlling the current state of all components of a single mechanism. A significant obstacle for many consumers is the cost of such boilers. In some cases, gas-fired boilers equipped with electronics, become hostages of the power supply system. There is no electricity, no heating. Frequent breakdowns and failure of gas boilers with electronics entails additional costs for repair and maintenance equipment.

For reference: gas-fired boilers equipped with electronic automation, often fail because of the breakdown of electronic components of the system (every second boiler breaks down the fault with the electronics). Frequent interruptions in mains voltage, voltage fluctuations adversely affect the gas heating units with electronic automation devices.
Optimal for our conditions will be the option of purchase of the boiler with an independent source of power or mechanical control devices. These models represent a budget option. In this work they are practical and unpretentious.
The boiler output. What to look for?
The key points that influence your choice may be a boiler output. Do not just stop at the gas twin-tube boilers of high power. Technical progress we have made, allows to produce models designed for different household needs. Importantly, objective approach to the requirements that you are bringing an autonomous heating system. Choosing a gas boiler two-circuit would be the best if you have at hand a finished project, and you listen to the advice of experts.
The table clearly shows how it is possible to determine the optimum in each case the boiler output

It is noteworthy that many owners of apartments and private homes the wrong approach to solving the problem of determining the optimal capacity of the heating unit. There was a misconception that all hinged model combi gas boilers have a capacity of 24kW. Thoroughly familiar with the offer on the market for you to clarify the situation. Typically, the power of such models varies between 17-35 kW. A key aspect is determining the capacity of hot water extraction points in the building. Select Turbofan gas boiler should be subject to rule - the more hot water tap, the more need to boiler capacity.
For instance: private house area of 200 m2 very hot; double-pressure boiler with a capacity of 24 kW. However! If the house has two bathrooms, then this power will already be enough for normal hot water. Therefore, buying boiler, it is necessary to take into account the amount of hot water extraction points.
Of the total capacity of the boiler on the heating takes a third, that is 5-10 kW. The rest go kilowatts for heating water in the hot water supply system of a dwelling house. In other words, enough to heat the home to 30-40% of the power boiler, the remaining power is needed for the normal operation of domestic hot water.
Focusing on the optimal parameters of the gas boiler power, add to this figure, another 10-20%, taking into account the heat losses that are inevitable when the independent heating system. In many ways, the amount of heat loss depends on the thermal efficiency of a residential facility. The work done in a timely manner on the insulation of residential premises in the building or complex thermal insulation of apartments will bring the heating equipment to work optimally.
What should be a two-circuit heat exchanger in the boiler?
Given an order to provide maximum comfort in an apartment, you should not go to extremes and try to purchase everything at once. It is important to remember that "the main enemy of the best is good." Contemporary Wall combi boiler models are available with two types of heat exchangers:
- separate products;
- bithermic device;
Units with separate products - a boiler, in which there are two heat exchangers. The main or primary heat transfer medium used for heating in the heating system, while the secondary heat exchanger is designed for heating water in the hot water system. In the first type main job is performed on the heating coil in charge of the heating system. The secondary heat exchanger by indirect heat already due to the heated water coolant in the heating system.
To choose for themselves a model guided by its relatively high cost. The reason for high prices in the large number of individual components and additional features.
On a note: Significant advantages boilers with separate heat exchangers - absence of scale formation in a heat exchanger that performs indirect heating. Besides, this scheme eliminates the boiling of water in the system.

Second Embodiment - boilers with bithermal heat exchangers have dual elements. During operation of the boiler is carried out simultaneous heating and heating medium for heating water for domestic hot water system. Accordingly, in such systems will scum formed deteriorates passability coolant and hot water in the pipeline.
Create a level of comfort
Selection of boiler equipment must fully meet the requirements of being an autonomous heating system. That may have an impact on the efficiency of the boiler bypass? the outside air temperature changes depending on the climatic conditions of the region in which you reside.
The wide range of combi boilers allows to independently determine for themselves which way to control gas and heating equipment suits you best. Today released the model units with the following types of power control system:
- single-stage;
- two-stage;
- three-stage.
The most common and popular - models that use a two-tier system of boiler power adjustment. It is these boilers are easy to adapt to seasonal and daily temperature extremes. The possibility of adjustment in two different modes enables optimal heating the coolant in the system, depending on whether warm or cold outside. Controlled heating intensity significantly extend the operating life of the burner and heat exchanger.

Less convenient in boilers with single-stage regulation system. Such models are much cheaper, and this, of course, due to their limited technological capabilities.
Gas boilers are equipped with a three-stage power control devices for perfect order other variants. These units are versatile and completely autonomous in operation, but the high cost limits the popularity of the use of these high-tech devices.
On what manufacturer to choose?
Autonomous heating - no idea one day. The choice of the model of the boiler, the other elements of the system depends on your comfort, not only today but also in years to come, so to save on hardware, in this case it is not necessary. The only way out of this situation - carefully examine the existing market offers and to take into account the reputation of the manufacturer.
Well-known companies in the world and companies engaged in production of heating equipment, try to keep the brand and value their reputation. Models boilers from leading manufacturers of reliable, practical and easy to use. A slight difference in cost is offset by the absence of problems with the equipment in operation.
However, blindly believe in the reliability of the foreign producers models are not worth it. Cases when imported machinery is completely adapted to our realities. On the efficiency of the gas boiler can affect the quality of the coolant. Important is the presence of your local repair and servicing base. Buy unit, which tubal get accessories and spare parts, in addition to repair that have artisanal - the most ridiculous mistake. Treat their choice responsibly in all aspects! A perfect choice - the purchase of equipment, the manufacturer adapted to Russian conditions.