Types of gas boilers and burners for heating private houses

Autonomous gas heating is by far the most popular in everyday life, taking into account the application of the scale. Natural gas is the most available fuel for efficient heating of premises in standalone mode. Domestic boiler - is technically perfect, highly manufacturable unit, which by burning gas in the combustion chamber heats the heating medium in the heating system. Today the market of heating and heating equipment widely represented different types of gas heating boilers, designed for residential apartment or private house almost any area.

Due to domestic gas boilers, it managed to successfully solve the problem of housing autonomous heating. The transition to individual heating justified from an economic and from a practical point of view. For those who are ready to embark on their desires, consider the types of boilers - gas heating units, and their design features, the basic installation guidelines and recommendations on the choice.

The main types of gas equipment

Domestic gas boilers used for heating, today constitute a perfect view of the heating equipment. Thanks to technical progress was possible not only to upgrade the design of gas-heating unit, but also to equip the boiler automation systems. At the moment, for heating apartments, private homes and other premises available the following types of domestic gas boilers, different type of accommodation:

  • units in outdoor performance;
  • Product type wall.

Each unit type has its own design features, pros and cons. The location of the heating equipment in the struggle for living space per square meter plays an important role today.

Floor standing gas boilers up to today are considered the most common form of gas heating equipment. Gas-fired boilers of this type today are heated almost all private homes, cottages and villas, the reason for such popularity - simplicity and reliability of the design of the unit. Most models have enough power to effectively heat the interior of a residential house and of the hot water supply.

Despite the advantages in power and performance, floor units have a significant drawback - the need for a separate room for their installation.

Important! Premises reserved under boiler (boiler with power up to 30 kW), should have an area of ​​not less than 4 m2And volume -. More than 8 cubic meters and equipped with an effective forced ventilation hood. Gas boiler is mounted on a concrete pad or foundation-on metal sheet. The allowable distance from the walls of the boiler unit to the perimeter of the wall panels is 0.5 m.

The conditions of the small-size urban apartment or a country house ideally suited to heating gas units are wall-mounted. The main advantage of wall-hung boilers - compactness and versatility. Current models are successfully entered into any interior living space and places high demands on the bearing capacity of the grounds on which the installation is performed.

Technically, the installation is possible in any area that has an exterior wall or the ability to connect the unit to the central chimney. However, for safety reasons the gas boiler placement in living room and bedrooms is forbidden, for this purpose you can use the utility rooms, bathrooms, kitchen and even the attic. Provided wall-mounted boiler ventilation equipment can be installed in a basement. However, a final assessment of the possibility of placing a gas boiler in a particular place must still provide specialist gas service.

According to the level of technical equipment wall pattern similar to a mini-boiler - a small housing compactly placed in the burner combustion chamber and heat exchanger equipment.

Having dealt with the types of boilers by accommodation type, it is important to evaluate the characteristics of the internal boiler unit.

Main article: gas burner with their hands.

Internals gas boilers

Consider the basic components and device gas heating boilers.

Heat exchangers

The efficiency of the gas boiler is determined by the heat exchanger, which is one of the main structural elements. As for the placement type boilers, heat exchangers of different materials of manufacture. The most common heat exchangers are of three kinds:

  • Steel - mounted gas boilers in the low-end models;
  • stainless steel - they are equipped with wall mounted boilers;
  • cast iron - equipped with almost all models in the outdoor performance.

If we talk in detail about each type of heat exchangers, it is important to know the following:

  1. Steel device easy to manufacture, but in durability losing articles of stainless steel and in cast iron have been subject to corrosion. In addition, steel oxidation products fall into the water and are accumulated in the radiator, so the cost units with heat exchanger made of steel below the price of other embodiments that a limited budget is often the main selection criterion.
  2. Iron - the brittle material, but in the gas boiler operation eliminates shock loads and this drawback is not basic. Iron susceptible to oxidation, but to a lesser degree, so the chemical composition of water from the contact with the cast iron is almost unchanged. Heat capacity boilers with cast iron heat exchanger is high, due to characteristics of the manufacturing material. Units of this type are durable.
  3. stainless steel heat exchangers aesthetic, resistant to impact resistance and do not alter the chemical composition of water. Their price of three options execution node is the highest, as is caused, besides the above advantages, the high cost of material and a complex manufacturing technology.

Cast iron heat exchangers and stainless steel products have approximately the same efficiency and durability. If when choosing a gas boiler for reasons of reliability and functionality, it is necessary to give preference to models with cast iron heat exchanger - gas heating system installed more than one year, it is important to take into account the resource gas boiler and the possibility of production maintenance.


Any gas boiler, regardless of the structure and type, equipped with a gas burner. This device, through which the combustion chamber is carried natural gas feed. The burner is equipped with nozzles, through which hot gas is distributed over the entire burner providing uniform heating of the coolant. Burner, depending on the model and the type of boiler, produces several varieties and are classified in two ways: the functionality and purpose.

As the functionality of burners are divided into the following types:

  • diffusion device - providing mixing of natural gas and oxygen already in the combustion process;
  • injection burner - enrich oxygen gas before admission to the combustion chamber;
  • atmospheric burner - operating on the principle of injection devices (degree of gas saturation of oxygen less intense);
  • regenerative burners - heating of the gas prior to feeding is performed by the operation of the regenerator to the combustion chamber;
  • Burner Supercharged - work on the fuel supplied to the combustion chamber fan performs;
  • Burner with prior complete or incomplete mixing.

Note: the latter type of burners for heating gas boiler operates on the principle of a cutting torch, where natural gas is used instead of butane. Oxygen is mixed with the gas directly at the outlet of the nozzle, creating the desired intensity of combustion of the fuel mass.

Besides labeling of gas burners for the functionality exists their separation as intended:

  • household;
  • industrial.

Household gas boilers with a small capacity are equipped with an atmospheric burner, as in most cases requires the ease of use of the heating unit and the long-term operation.

Industrial model having a large capacity, the work which is performed in high complexity mode, equipped with injection burners.

Burners that use air blowers work in the gas boilers are installed rarely.

Varieties combustors

Further separation of gas boilers type heat exchanger and a gas burner kind, there is a classification for the heating equipment combustion apparatus (furnace).

Boilers can be:

  • with an open combustion chamber;
  • with closed combustion chamber.

In the first case, for the normal operation of the boiler prerequisite is the presence of the chimney. Such boilers are usually placed in private homes, where the layout of the building allows you to make the necessary chimney lengths and the corresponding diameter.

Important! The chimney should meet the design documentation requirements of the heating system, ie match the power of the boiler and the architecture of the building. The diameter and length of the tube depends on the intensity of the thrust required for fuel combustion in the combustion chamber and ensuring safe operation of the heating equipment.

For the heating of apartments a small area used boilers with a closed combustion chamber. These models do not require for their installation of a separate device chimney. The output of the combustion products through an opening in the wall panel house, in which the coaxial output chimney, and simultaneously serving for the supply of air. As a backup device for safety room is further equipped with a forced exhaust hood (exhaust fan).

Boilers with closed firebox has a significant advantage over an open combustion chamber. Air is blown into the furnace, not only to lighting the boiler, but continues to flow into the combustion chamber after its shutdown. As a result of the furnace are removed all residual combustion products, including gas, accumulated in the furnace as a result of an accidental release.

Boilers with forced ventilation have better performance. Ignition of the boiler is faster, and the mass of the fuel almost completely burned out. The efficiency of such boilers compared to traditional models, is much higher, which makes it a significant gas savings.

Features of domestic gas boilers

Having dealt with various kinds of boilers and their internal structure, consider another type of classification - by the method of heating the coolant. It will focus on the single-circuit and double-circuit boilers.

Single-loop boiler is only used for home heating system installation in residential facilities of a small area. Increasing the functionality of the unit in this case is limited to the technological capabilities of one-pipe heating system. The boiler has no special hydraulic devices and tools that can provide hot water in the building. In comparison with the double-contour boilers such aggregates is much cheaper.

On a note: In order to provide accommodation WAN system, single-circuit hot-water boilers complement other device - indirect heating boiler (hot water elektrotitan) which is mounted next to the boiler. The volume capacity of the boiler is selected according to the amount of hot water intake points (50-500-800 l.) And driven by its power heating element

Combi boilers seem preferable in all respects. Such aggregates have a greater capacity and are used for heating the interior of the object and providing residential hot water simultaneously. Structure combi boilers equipped with both housing assemblies for heating and hot water supply units for system - capacitive or instantaneous water heaters.

Also see: rated gas boilers.

Turbofan boiler easily and quickly actuated, coolant heating intensity corresponds to the set parameters, and heating radiators in all areas is uniform.

The only negative, both the first and the second type of double-wall arrangement boiler is low power water heating systems - such devices have a design capacity for a total volume of hot water of 50-100 liters, whereas floor model - 150-200 liters.

Main article: all of the gas boiler ventilation.


All current models of domestic gas boilers are able to meet the necessary minimum needs housing residents. The choice of the boiler must be tied primarily to the needs and conditions of operation, therefore acquire too powerful unit should not be - plenty of power left unclaimed. However, low-power home the boiler, does not meet the requirements - a waste of money.

In this case, the unit price - not the least important criterion. Purchase cheap equipment fraught frequent damage it and ultimately will turn on a low-cost high-quality boiler, so select device should be in the middle price range, functionality and quality of products which are often different from the top-end models only in the absence of one or two seldom-used options.