Today, many housing-related infrastructure used for life support gas heating. If for city apartments is such an opportunity is limited to technical scope, the private sector, independent heating is one of the key aspects of housing comfort.
To provide quality and efficient heating residential gas heating equipment may be offline. Hot water boilers are exactly the type of heating equipment, which can be thanks create the necessary comfort and convenience not only in a private home, but also in small hotels, in country houses and cottages.

Technical equipment of this type are able to fully meet the demand for heating and hot water.
Gas boiler - an overview
Water heating gas boiler is a kind of domestic boilers high power, calculated on simultaneous solution of two problems - heating the interior and provide a large area screen in a normal hot water (hot water supply). This type of heating equipment is used in autonomous heating systemsIn which water is circulated forcibly.
On a note: for operation of the boiler using natural gas or LPG to the amount of heat by the combustion of 33 MJ / m3 at ambient temperature for 200C and atmospheric pressure to 745-765 mm Hg. Art.
In operation, the household boiler is able to heat the coolant temperature to 95 deg. Celsius, creating a system operating pressure 0.6 MPa. Autonomous gas fired boiler or solid fuel It has a high capacity, which is usually measured in megawatts. The models on the market today, have a different capacity. Boilers for private homes usually have a capacity in the range of 0.4 - 1 MW. Industrial units are able to heat large areas up to 30-40 thousand. sq. m., having a capacity 1.5-4 MW. Due to its design and operation to hot water boilers have one of the highest efficiency - up to 92%.

The main advantages of water-heating gas following units:
- quick access to the best modes - 2-4 hours;
- compactness;
- ease of installation;
- ease of operation and maintenance;
- environmental friendliness.
The main advantage of this type of boilers - low cost thermal energy is lower than other heating devices. The main application of -providing hot water and heating of residential objects located far away from the heating plant. Generally boilers installed at sites where independent boiler installation technically impractical and uneconomical.
In other words, the boilers are high-precision apparatus in which by burning natural gas produces a large amount of thermal energy. The resulting heat is used for heating water - heating medium that circulates in the heating circuit. Circulating in the heating circuit pipe, the water heats the radiators, then giving to heat room air. The pressure generated by the system, provides the necessary flow of coolant in the most distant parts of the heating circuit and the space heating to a comfortable temperature.
The main point to which you should pay attention to before installing the boiler - uninterrupted supply of water. Good technical condition of water supply is a key aspect of normal operation of the gas-heating equipment.
Types of boilers used in various fields
The classification of this type of heating equipment based on the following criteria:
- type of fuel used;
- type of allocation;
- The main purpose.
According to the type of fuel used boilers are divided into gas appliances, liquid fuel, solid and combination units. Of these, the equipment is gas boilers have most high performance.

By appointment hot water units are divided into industrial and domestic.
The first type is used for heating of industrial buildings, maintenance of such equipment requires expertise, maintenance of industrial boilers clearly regulated regime charts and instructions.
On a note. Typically, the power industrial boilers tens of megawatts (MW 10-50), as a coolant industrial heating systems, steam is used, so this equipment is more commonly called steam boilers.
The second type - domestic boilers, heating equipment representing limited power. These boilers are used to heat the home and premises of small size, limited area. As a coolant they use ordinary water.

On execution or accommodation type gas fired units are divided into wall (hinged) and floor models. Suspended gas boiler embodiment assumes a low power device. Such devices are installed in apartments or small private homes. Floor boilers have greater capacity and hence large size. For the installation of underfloor water heating unit require a special room - boiler room, which necessarily must be equipped with ventilation.
The main purpose of water heating device due to the method of heating the boiler water. Boilers with instantaneous heating means provide a predetermined temperature of water heated by the heating circuit, located in the combustion chamber. Other models are equipped with a storage vessel in which there is an indirect water heating. Devices equipped with storage tanks, have a shorter life and are mainly used for hot water and heating the apartments and country houses a small area. The amount of water intake points in this case is also limited. Therefore, the larger flow of hot water from the hot water supply system, the high capacity and power must be additional indirect heating boilerUsed if the gas boiler - planimetric.

Important! In a domestic boilers that operate in heating and hot water provision of housing, the majority of power is consumed for heating the water. Therefore, when choosing a boiler model, you need to consider a backup power supply, through which hot water in the house will be in sufficient quantities, and home heating will be most effective in any weather.
At the moment, a significant part of the models on the market - a combi boiler (not to be confused with two-pipe heating system wiring). Less common are single-circuit units.
Popular models of gas boilers with a dual-supply system of coolant is their high efficiency and uniform distribution of coolant throughout the heated area of ββthe building. The ability to simultaneously provide a building and domestic hot water heating, while expending a minimum amount of fuel - gas main advantage combi hot water boilers, modern models which are equipped with circulators - devices that improve the circulation of the coolant in the system pipelines.
Design hot-water boilers
To date, the heating equipment market is saturated with different models of boilers which have a similar construction and differ only by the power of the heating elements and, respectively, performance. Lineup are products of both domestic and foreign manufacturers.

In terms of design features - is nothing new. Typically, the gas water heating boiler has a strong steel or cast iron body, trimmed insulating materials. The basis of the design of a gas burner and a heat exchanger used for preheating water entering then into the system.
Equipped with modern models
The hot water devices gas burners installed in two types:
- atmospheric;
- supercharged.
From the burner type and quality of its productivity depends, and consequently the functionality of the boiler. The reason that insufficient gas boiler heats the water, is that the system gas supply gas pressure has dropped, whereby it does not provide the required delivery in combustion chamber. As a result, low intensity burning gaseous fuel supply and the low temperature heat exchanger.
Atmospheric burner naturally mixed natural gas with air, while the charging air fans for this purpose - superchargers. Mixing of gas and air takes place under pressure. The fuel mass supplied to the furnace under high pressure, thus improving its rate of combustion and the heating efficiency of the coolant. Fuel is burned in this case entirely, enhancing the efficiency of the radiator coefficient.
Furthermore, the charging of the burner to ensure the gas pressure in the system more reliable in operation.

The design of the boiler consists of the following elements:
- a support frame (floor type);
- block convection, radiation heating surfaces;
- block with the ISP (fittings, valves and gates).
The boiler is mounted on a support frame or mounted on a wall, after which the connection is air, water and gas. Completed installation of installation of instrumentation, valves and safety valves. Typically, all boilers are equipped with explosive valve which is installed at the rear side of the device. The main task of this device - to prevent destruction of the heating circuit due to overheating and the operating pressure in the combustion chamber.

An important component of the boiler is pumping equipment required performance is determined by calculation with reference to the heated area and the capacity of the boiler.
During installation, the boiler must also be equipped exhauster through which the combustion chamber will be deleted combustion products. exhauster parameters are also determined by calculation on the project development stage heating system. Incorrect calculation of the characteristics of smoke exhaust is fraught not only layers of soot on his walls and reduced effectiveness operation of the boiler, but also a dangerous deterioration in the functioning of ventilation and a high concentration of carbon monoxide in the room gas.

In conclusion, a few words on how to further consider when choosing a unit. Having defined the power demand, and having an idea of ββthe conditions of its future operation, it is necessary to explore the possibility and extent of Automation reliability of operation which depends not only on the efficiency of the heating and hot water, but also the safety of the inhabitants of residential premises.