Fix Price products: new items, products of the month

The Fix Price mass market is distinguished by the fact that new items appear in it literally every week. Here you can find very high quality products at a price significantly lower than even on AliExpress. A good hostess will always find here the necessary, and most importantly, budget item for the house. We also found on the shelves of Fix Price the top 5 most useful and affordable products from 55 rubles.

Read in the article

  • 1 Vented container for storing vegetables
  • 2 Anti-slip hangers with velvet finish
  • 3 Bouillonnice with handles
  • 4 Organizers for cosmetics
  • 5 Wet toilet paper for hygiene

Vented container for storing vegetables

If you are faced with a lack of space for storing potatoes or other vegetables, then the Fix Price mass market will come to your rescue. More recently, such boxes with ventilation doors have been on sale. In them, vegetables will not rot and suffocate. A handy little thing for everyone who wants to put things in order in the cellar.

Fix Price Products
A spacious mini-cellar will cost only 199 rubles

Anti-slip hangers with velvet finish

This irreplaceable thing will solve the problem with the constant slipping of things. A thin layer of velvet will prevent any silk or guipure fabric from slipping off the sidewalls, even the most capricious in this sense. For 55 rubles you get 3 hangers. There are several versions: black, beige and lilac.

This is just one of the non-slip options.
This is just one of the non-slip options.

Bouillonnice with handles

Cookware is another unconditional reason to check out Fix Price. Frosted, transparent, deep and miniature plates, glasses and cups can be found here for every taste and age. One of the novelties is a very pleasant-looking and roomy bouillon bowl with a handle.

Modern design and pleasant mint shades have made this product one of the most purchased this summer.PHOTO:
Modern design and pleasant mint shades have made this product one of the most purchased this summer.

Organizers for cosmetics

Robust, modern, versatile - for every taste. Lovers of order will most likely like a set of organizers for the kitchen, bathroom and other places where things need to be organized. The containers allow you to properly and conveniently store cosmetics and hygiene items such as toothbrushes or hairbrushes.

The containers are strong enough and roomyPHOTO:
The containers are strong enough and roomy

Wet toilet paper for hygiene

Not always, even in a large cosmetic store, you will find so many hygiene items. Particularly fortunate was this wet toilet paper, which must be in a house where there are small children.

The price of one pack is 77 rublesPHOTO:
The price of one pack is 77 rubles

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