Simple and interesting form of needlework of natural materials is gaining popularity. Kitchens and dining rooms of many houses are decorated with panels of cereals and seeds in kindergartens are educational sessions on manufacturing figures from the dough, beautiful appliqués. Attach the child to be creative, you can use any improvised material. Unusual variant - pasta crafts. Such a method of creating all kinds of decoration requires minimal financial costs. Clearly enough to implement the recommendations in the instructions to create your own hands real pasta masterpiece.
manufacturing features crafts
- The glue
- How to paint
- Choice of pasta
Master classes crafts pasta
- Bright decorative cans
- How to make a box
- decorative samovar
- Making photo frames
- openwork vase
- Flower arrangements
- Candlestick
- Teapot with cup
- Lampshades
- Ideas for New Year holidays
- Pasta crafts for Easter
- The idea of creating topiary pasta
- conclusion
manufacturing features crafts
Pasta is used for flat and three-dimensional figures of single or compositions. They are easy to operate due to its high strength, excellent fixation qualities. Rough surface involves the use of any adhesives. A variety of sizes and shapes allows you to realize the most original ideas.
Finished articles made of pasta easily decorated and well kept. Start work better with simple geometric figures correct form. The master classes will help you understand how to use parts of different shapes, to lay the basics for the design of more complex crafts.
Trying to feel better at first in simple techniques of decorating three-dimensional objects. For such purposes suitable baskets, vases and pots. Job is to glue the mosaic method of pasta to the finished product. Bonding between the pasta is - more complicated crafts. To choose the right type of product size, a suitable adhesive, the workflow takes a pleasure, and the result will exceed all expectations.

The glue
Choose the glue is necessary, depending on the type of crafts. For the panels, cards and other flat decor suitable conventional PVA. It possesses very good adhesive characteristics, provided that the basis is paper.
Assemble a really solid, durable construction will only by means of an adhesive gun. It is necessary to plan a sequence of actions and prepare the material, since the heated transparent mass hardens very quickly. Due to the high simultaneous application need to prepare a special surface for collecting glue and drip on it a minimum portion. Apply the desired amount on spaghetti toothpick.
Another affordable option - superglue. A convenient form of a tube can work without extruding. But it is worth considering that the formulations often have a yellowish tint. This may negatively affect the aesthetics of crafts. Paint over it will be difficult.

How to paint
Any figure or application of the paste will have completed the form, if properly paint. If the work involves large parts, you can get brush. Small types of pasta to give the brightness a bit more complicated. You can act in two ways: to paint the raw figures to collect or process is already a finished product. Depending on the type of crafts using food coloring, Easter, watercolor paint, nail polish, acrylic, various sprays.
To pre-staining fit just powdered dyes. The contents of the bags should be diluted according to the instructions with the addition of a fixative, such as vinegar. Party preparations necessary to dip a few minutes in the liquid, stirring constantly for uniform staining. Then get on the foil and put to dry.
Large crafts requiring a monochromatic surface is much more convenient to paint as a finished product using spray paint. Dyes in cans have many advantages, one of which - a huge range of colors (silver, gold, bronze). If you must leave a certain area is not colored, it is possible to cover a paper.
For details vectorization use acrylics or nail polish. A large amount of them are not exactly treat, but make a good accent is quite real. Very resistant material forms a film after drying, which is not washed off and not erased.

Choice of pasta
Pasta - affordable consumables, suitable for the realization of the set of original ideas. Long shelf life, good toughness make it a popular craft in the world. Appearance diy depends on the type and configuration of pasta elements. The most popular are the following:
- Butterflies (farfalle). Used to decorate cards, Christmas trees, baskets, topiary;
- Castors (Rotella). Of them make tea sets, flower pots, decorative coasters and trays;
- Shells (Conchiglie). Suitable for the production of planar, bulk petals and leaves for the panels;
- Helix (fusilli). Of them will receive the original beads, pendants;
- Tubes with straight and oblique cut (tortiloni and penne). Suitable for crown décor Topiary;
- Asterisks (Stellini). Small details decorate the night sky composition, are useful for decoration of large crafts, Easter egg.
See also:Decoupage Christmas balls

Master classes crafts pasta
These creative crafts are obtained from an unusual material. The only disadvantage of pasta - uniformity, can be easily remedied with a simple staining. To work with children suit simple figures without the use of glue and complex manipulations. Similarly, by following the instructions step by step and completing all steps, you can create a true masterpiece that will take pride of place in the house.

Bright decorative cans
Suitable for beginners does not involve working with adhesives and laying pattern. Enough to stock several different transparent banks bizarre shapes, woolen thread, a piece of burlap and colored dyes.
Pasta should be dyed, dried and pour into jars. They can be divided according to the types and mix or share certain portions of layers. The cover should be inserted piece of cloth to the product not Salduls. Beautiful jar will look good in the kitchen next to the spices on the windowsill or on a hanging shelf. Such decoration is spot Excellent accent to any style.

How to make a box
Among all pans looks particularly original box of pasta. It is possible to paste over an already existing product or create a completely pasta without using a base. The second option requires some experience in the work, therefore, to take up the implementation should already understand the essence of things to people. Pasta for crafts should be a little dry, which would make the structure even more dense. For fastening it is necessary to prepare a glue gun.
First we need to make a sketch of cardboard in full size. Pasta in the form of flowers or wheels collect patterns in the central portion of the decorative, hands and feet. Then symmetrically glue the edges, customize the size of the cover. You must try to place the pasta as close as possible to each other.
When the foundation is ready, you can start gluing the decor and coloring. Carefully fix the patterns on the sides and in the center of the lid. The color of paint and method of application, you can choose any. For the finished product is better to use a spray bottle.

Cover box can be hinged. For this purpose one side of the cover and glued thin webs of felt or leather.

decorative samovar
Very hard work gives a great result. Amazing decorative samovar is bound to attract the attention of visitors. When performing complex crafts must take into account a lot of nuances. For bonding is better to take an ordinary PVA. We have to work more than one day, because it is necessary to give the previous dry layer.
Depending on the shape selected samovar manufacturing method thereof. If the product is to be circular, a balloon is used to form the base. Elongated body samovar give the usual three-liter jar. To work on any principle require a square plate, glue, food film themselves pasta of different configurations. On the example of the next master class can easily make their own hands round the samovar.
First, we do the foundation. We spread the bottom pasta suitable shape and a plurality of rows in a circle. Make it easier on the board wrapped with foil. When part of the crafts is completely dry, remove it and fasten the legs. On this base now puts an inflated balloon.
Now spread the ball around and glue spaghetti. samovar body should have a uniform and symmetrical. After the end of the main components necessary to dry thoroughly. A day later the ball can explode and reach. We turn to the decoration of small elements and staining.

Making photo frames
Picture frames, decorated with macaroni products look great, not only in the interior of the kitchen, but also anywhere in the room. With a variety of grades and shapes of pasta can make a decoration as much as possible unlike the manufacture of the product.
See also:Beautiful crafts for home decor
Work afford even a child. It is necessary to come up with an interesting idea, piece arrangement of elements in advance to prepare the right quantity. This may be a small fence of tubes or spirals, floral composition, a clear line of a straight noodle, vermicelli chaotic mound.

Attach spaghetti better on the PVA glue. Pour it into a convenient container. The paste was spread on a frame in order. Now alternately take part, dipped in glue and leans to the surface as shown. staining method, you can choose any. Suitable as the manual application of acrylic paints or gouaches and spraying the composition from a container.

openwork vase
Manufacturing takes place vases on the principle of bonding of all three-dimensional objects pasta. For the manufacture of crafts required shaped products of various shapes, container bases, decorative accessories in the form of beads, beads, ribbons, various natural materials. You can use any glue, even paste from flour homemade.

First, come up with a composition that is suitable to the time of year, the room design, will fit the chosen theme. By following the given sequence to put the parts in the container. To make an openwork vase, it is necessary to take one type of pasta and place close together. Can decorate with flowers or spirals of seashells in the form of waves or clouds. It remains to apply the paint and ready to hack.

Flower arrangements
Pasta suitable for the production of stunning flowers. You can make bulk buds or beautiful autumn picture from flat forms a paste. The openwork vase made of shells and horns and asks a unique bouquet. For its production required shaped pasta, dense wire, glue gun, several aerosol paint cans. Manufacturing takes place in several stages:
- Cut a piece of wire and string on his products in the form of leaves, imitating a twig. We fix all the glue.
- We produce several kinds of buds. Of the wheels are obtained chamomile, spiral horns, and can be glued to the tips of the tube from a plastic bottle - it will asters, chrysanthemums.
- Collect twigs harvested the stem and twisting wire. Paint the leaves green.
- Sprayed on the buds and fasten them to the ends of the stems.
To give the most realistic appearance crafts, some spaghetti can be broken gently clippers and give the necessary form elements.

Simple and beautiful candle holder will not only aesthetic, but also functional, safe. Make it possible from low glass jars, a handful of pasta, plastic stoppers and screw. Will decorate with acrylic paint and clear varnish with glitter polish.
Screw screwed into the center tube, glue scanty structure to the bottom of the jar. Inside and outside of the container papered curly pasta and leave to dry. Now, cover the paste paint, and apply glitter.
You can also complicate the task and make a candlestick without a base, using only a temporary shape. This will require a way to paste over spaghetti docking saucer, a bowl, a small ball, to give shape to dry and release model.

Teapot with cup
The technique of making crafts similar to the manufacture of a samovar. All kinds of pasta will perform the role of openwork lace and proper staining allows to create original home accessory. Separately collected the following key components:
- Kettle. Inflate the ball tight and tightly tying. It is better if it is small. Its size depends on the value of crafts and consumption of pasta. Round pasta stick together, rising upward in a spiral. We leave open the neck. After complete drying of the ball burst, the stand set of tubes or spirals.
- Cap. Inflate the ball poorly, making the end of the tail have a pear-shaped. Papered model uniformly round pasta. Two curved spaghetti glue in the form of a heart and make the handle for the lid. Fasten the contour of spiral noodles.
- A pen. Of curved shells (scallops) collect arched handle for a kettle and cups. Necessary to glue a few pieces to each other to achieve the desired size.
- A cup. Choosing the right foundation, we put a plastic bag and paste over all the twists round pasta.
- Saucer. Swathes model saucer foil or cling film. The shape of the product spaghetti stick together, make out the contours of shells.
See also:Serving New Year's table - 55 beautiful ideas

Before gluing prefabricated components and decorating it is necessary to produce staining. The body of the teapot, cup and lid can be painted in a single tone, and handles and decorations to make gold or silver for a maximum similarity with this porcelain service.

For the manufacture of edible lampshade need basis, glue and the material itself forms a convenient docking. For a small courtesy light can take a beach ball or a balloon. Large chandelier will be convenient to do okleivaya fitball.
Form wrap cling film and papered pasta, trying to fill all the voids. You can make the future of the lampshade with smooth edges, undulating, sharp protrusions. In order to collect a large crafts is better to use the glue gun or glue Moment. The compositions dry quickly and give the functional strength of the product.
After drying, spray paint handle cover inside and outside. Collect flowers of spaghetti nests, painted in any color and glue to the lampshade. To strengthen the construction and extend the life inside of a circle need to attach a few wires tight.

Ideas for New Year holidays
Pasta - excellent material for creating crafts of all shapes and kinds. Christmas toys from the paste will not be less bright than standard balls purchased or houses. A little dream, you can create stunning snowflake. It is necessary to put on a plane symmetrical pattern and glue, processed with paint from spray from both sides.
Of the various types of pasta, you can make a great Christmas tree. From ribbons, tubes, shells get the original volume artifact. Enough to paste raw cone model and paint it green. For suitable applications planar spiral, vermicelli, already pre-colored food dyes.
Sinuous shaped products are suitable for the manufacture of Christmas light. It is necessary to string spirals, scallops on a string, tie bows, to get interesting product for the festive decor. If left in natural color, it is possible to decorate shelves, curtains in the kitchen. Brightly colored variants will be the place on the Christmas tree.
Excellent Christmas wreath obtained from the paper flat rings and pasta. Pasta is necessary to lay out and glue in any order, paint, decorate with ribbons, textile ribbons.

Pasta crafts for Easter
The most popular idea - production of decorative Easter eggs. We need to prepare the ground - make two holes in the shell and blow out the contents. Take two saucers: pour pasta into one asterisk or a broken vermicelli, pour in another glue. Obmoknut workpiece in the adhesive mass and the roll in a paste. In the same way you can decorate the egg of wood or foam.
Of tubes, ribbons, shells turn out beautiful Easter angels and swans. For crafts you can make a stand or provide space for tabs. To create a great product, for example, a house church with a dome, need to make a cardboard frame.

The idea of creating topiary pasta
The basis for topiary can be any spherical object. This can be a ready-made product, for example, tennis ball or self-made form of papier-mache, foam. It is necessary to consider the size of the base and the pasta themselves as ready to hack will have a much larger volume of the original version. The wood can be used, as a metal stick barrel.
Before starting the design of the crown you need to select the appropriate topic. Topiary of shells to be reminded of the sea. The paste should be randomly glue the different parties and the paint in the color blue. Spaghetti nests get excellent fantasy sapling. He did not even need to paint. Hedgehog from sticking out in different directions tubes and spirals will be as close as possible to the original form of topiary.

In the manufacture of handicrafts made of pasta is no big deal. Simple figures and applications will be mastered even a child. For more complex creatures need a bit of practice and step by step instructions. There are many original ideas and light master classes, which will help to create true masterpieces. Bright decor make macaroni cozy and original with any interior.