Due to the great French architect Francois Monsaru in homes, even the area of the attic is converted into a useful area. Previously, these facilities were used for summer accommodation or as a subsidiary. New building materials and insulation technology attic with mineral wool inside their own hands lead to the attic is 100% residential facilities.
Mineral wool: Definition and production technology
Among existing methods of thermal insulation inside the loft, mineral wool is in the first place, as a cost-effective and technically suitable material. Its price is significantly lower than other heaters, and installation features easy and simple.

Mineral wool - a fiber obtained by melt volcanic rock, glass waste and blast furnace. Insulation, depending on the bases divided into basalt, slag, or glass wool.

To retrieve it uses the same technology:
- Glass melt rocks or blast furnace slag is charged into the shaft type furnace.
- At temperatures above 1500ºS heated to a liquid state. Blower or a centrifugal method, the fiber directly. They constitute the fabric structure.
- Phenolformaldehyde resin bonded fibers, followed by polymerization.
- Heat treatment.
- Packaging.

Mineral wool is hygroscopic, during prolonged contact with water loses its insulating properties. To exclude moisture, the material sealed in a polyethylene film.
Advantages and disadvantages of mineral wool
Advantages and disadvantages of mineral wool
After the heat treatment of mineral wool acquires the following characteristics:
- low heat conductivity, making mineral wool insulation excellent;
- fire safety, the production of wool from non-combustible components allow it to withstand fire;
- resistance to various temperature conditions, sudden changes do not cause deformations of insulation;
- resistance to chemically aggressive media;
- ability to resist the appearance and development of microorganisms inside the heater;
- excellent water vapor permeability;
- ease of installation.
Among the drawbacks noted excessive hygroscopicity and susceptibility to the formation of dust. The latter property is manifested only during work. Compliance with all safety regulations during installation helps to avoid the appearance of dust.
Preparatory stage
Warming of the attic from inside the insulating material - mineral wool begins with preparatory activities.

Preliminary work:
- Inspection of surfaces for fixing the mineral wool.
- Wood coating antiseptic and anti-corrosion metal compounds.
- Replacement of damaged areas, drying damp places.
- Survey truss system and repair.
- Removing the packaging film with cotton wool to stuff scored shape.
- Preparation of protective clothing for the safe installation of: suit, gloves, mask, goggles.
manual calculation
The next step in the warming of the cold attic with mineral wool at home is the calculation of the layer thickness.

Manual calculation is performed according to a set of rules "Thermal protection of buildings". The formulas and calculations require special preparation layman.
To understand the nuances of the manual calculation of a single technology attic impractical. It is recommended to use the free calculator program from the Internet.
Calculation using the program
When you select a calculator program for calculation of the thermal insulation layer thickness into account the region of residence. Otherwise, the result will not be reliably show the real picture. For a single definition of the thickness of the insulation is recommended to use the online service.

Calculation of mineral wool calculator thickness
To obtain accurate results is required to make the correct settings for all layers of roofing pie. Take into account the headliner, the lower crate and insulation. Located above the ventilated gap layers are not taken into account.
Features warming

Before starting work on the laying of insulation material paying attention to the following important features of insulation:
- Attic living quarters will therefore require a more thorough insulation than roof insulation.
- Truss system and floors are not designed for a lot of effort, so the insulation should have a small mass. Taking into account the share of mineral wool is ideal.
- Heat leaves the attic not only through the roof, but also through the walls, the floor, they also require careful insulation.
- Warm air in their physical characteristics promotes the formation of dew drops, so the heat insulation layer must be covered with vapor impermeable film.
What is mineral wool is better suited for the attic
According to experts in the field of construction of private housing, mineral wool is considered the best insulation material.
To verify this, we carry out a comparative analysis of cotton insulation on a different basis.
Slag wool in the former USSR was popular 30 years ago. The disadvantage of high hygroscopicity. This quality is unacceptable in a heater for rooms with high humidity. Modern builders prefer modern glass and basalt products.

In the Russian market can be distinguished from the top 7 producers of high quality products which best corresponds to the price:

Leading Danish company RockwoolProducing thermal insulation based on basalt. In the opinion builders, it keeps the bar high at 10 points out of a possible 10, provides the highest quality without any extra unnecessary overpayments.

The second place is occupied by just three companies. Their performance at the level of 9.9 out of 10:
- Paroc - producer of basalt mineral wool from Finland. His rating of 9.9 out of 10.

- French company "Saint-Gobain" - an international concern. He began producing their own heat-insulating materials 80 years ago. Products produced based on glass, and basalt.

The German group Knauf companies manufacture insulation of glass and stone fibers.

International company from Spain URSA formed relatively recently, after the acquisition of Concern Concern URALITA Group, German company Pfleiderer, or rather, its insulating direction. Mineral wool is made of glass. Plants scattered throughout Europe, has an office in Russia. Rating of 9.8 out of 10.

Completing the top two companies Technonikol Beltep from Russia and from Belarus. Their products are manufactured on the basis of volcanic rock, high quality and reasonable price. Performance rating of 9.5 10.

Having familiarized with the best manufacturers of mineral wool, the builder alone makes the choice. There is no single opinion, which of the following best brands. When you select design features allow for the roof, the climatic regimes of the region and price.
The properties and characteristics of plating mineral wool
Essential requirement: the insulation insulating material laid in two layers. This design most appropriate thickness of truss system and provides better insulation of attic. In winter it will be warm, and cool in summer.

Warming of the attic from the roof is carried out as follows:
- slate or metal;
- crate;
- as a roofing waterproofing material;
- insulation from mineral wool;
- vapor barrier film.
Materials and tools needed for insulation of the attic
If the insulation material is selected mineral wool and insulation process is planned to do with his hands, then can not do without special tools and materials:
- glass or basalt wool;
- waterproofing film;
- Steam insulation sheet;
- wooden slats;
- timber 50 × 50 can be smaller, but not less than 25 × 25;
- plane;
- ax;
- chisel;
- hammer;
- stationery knife;
- stapler;
- marker;
- measuring tools;
- fasteners.
Algorithm insulation of the roof and walls of the attic: step by step guide

- Before beginning work, check the evenness of rafters. This can be done using a long spirit level.

- Measurement mezhstropilnogo distance. It must be a multiple of 58 or 118 cm. The ideal option: to sustain the size of the design stage and construction of the roof. In this case, 60 cm wide standard mineral wool slab can be used. A distance of 58 cm intended for one plate, which will facilitate its fixing. 2 cm margin will allow the plate mounted in the spacer and stay without additional fasteners. This scheme will help to avoid gaps gaps between the beams and slabs of insulation.

- If the distance does not meet the specified size, the plate is held synthetic twine and kontrobreshetkoy. When cutting the stock material include 2 cm.

- Thermal insulation of attic roof starts with a moisture barrier. In special film is used as Gidrobarer. It is fixed along the rafters slats so keep it enveloped the frame beams.

- Mounting plates of mineral wool takes place by their squeezing and mezhstropilnom installation space. To avoid cold bridges insulation is laid in two layers. Each layer of mineral wool is fixed synthetic twine. Horizontal and vertical joints are displaced in a staggered manner. It is important to prevent creasing and wrinkles on the surface of the insulation. In places where the installation of roof windows are paying attention to the quality proleganiya mineral wool. Here you need to use non-standard pieces of insulation and mount them on the frame.
- Proceed to the attic insulation front walls. At frame gables mounted with distance between the uprights 58 or 118 cm. In order to save time and get accurate results, determine the thickness of the insulation for the walls is calculated by the calculator program. This will save time and will give an accurate result.
- Once the heater is installed, you need to check the availability of all places possible formation of thermal bridges. For their use sealant or insulation foam core. Pay special attention to the joints between the outer wall and the rafters.

- Mounting vapor barrier. For insulation you can use plastic wrap, but it is better to use a vapor barrier membrane. It will protect the insulation from condensation effects, and will not interfere with air exchange in the room.

- For fastening to the rafters use the staple gun and staples. Step fixing 150-200 mm. The membrane was installed with the overlapping margin of 100-150 mm. After installation, all the joints carefully glued with a special tape, it will provide maximum protection for the insulation of steam.

- Secure the bottom of the timber batten 50 × 50, it will hold the insulation in its original position and will be the basis for fixing the ceiling and wall paneling.
A detailed article about insulation of a frame house with mineral wool.
Thermal insulation of cold floors attic of a house with mineral wool roll

Warming of the floor attic floor is similar to the mineral wool lining the walls. It occurs in two layers, but the algorithm of work is different.
Stages of the floor attic floor insulation of mineral wool:
- Attaching the vapor barrier membrane.
- Thermal insulation of attic floor on wooden beams roll of mineral wool.
- The final stage of warming the floor of the attic - mounting Gidrobarer. It is possible to use roofing felt, plastic sheeting or vapor barrier membrane.
The above guidelines will help even the novice builder to insulate the attic with mineral wool. As a result of usable area of the house will increase almost twice.