Thermal insulation of the roof - one of the most important procedures in the construction of the house, especially in the harsh winters of our country. Selection of insulation depends on the type of design, operating conditions and destination. The optimal solution is the insulation of a roof using foam polystyrene, which has proved as one of the best materials in terms of low thermal conductivity and the property to prevent heat loss.
Styrofoam - types, features

Depending on the production technology of distinction: bespressovy, pressing, extrusion, autoclave and autoclave-extruded polystyrene. Each type different density and thermal conductivity. As the insulation in the construction industry uses material made by extrusion.
Extruded expanded polystyrene (EPS) is produced by mixing the granules under high temperature and compressing. The result is a dense material in the form of plates with closed pores and small granules (mesh size range between 0,1-0,2mm). The advantages of this insulation are:
- Environmentally friendly;
- High strength;
- A low level of thermal conductivity (this amount of thermal energy transferred from the warm to the cold portion, the smaller the better retained heat in the room);
- A light weight;
- Ease of handling and installation;
- Moisture barrier properties;
- Long service life with preservation of all operational features;
- Acceptable price.
Manufacturers offer 00,028-0,034 material thermal conductivity (W / m · K), which is considerably lower than that of other heaters (e.g., from Styrofoam). With all this it has a high density (100 kg / m3), good sound insulation properties. PPP various grades produced 10-200mm thick, but this figure does not significantly affect on the thermal conductivity.
When carrying out insulation extruded penoplistirolom observe all technological rules, otherwise even the most high-quality material can not ensure the desired effect.
roof insulation technology ekstrudirvannym penopolistirolomPri choice of extruded polystyrene foam for thermal insulation of the roof needs Thermal calculation is carried out taking into account not only the area but also the purpose of the premises, the design features and climatic conditions region. For this purpose, suitable material with thermal conductivity of 0.033 - 0,038Vt / m · K.

Extruded polystyrene (EPP) insulation is suitable for all roof types. The sequence of actions in each case is different. Flat roofs are insulated from the outside, and a pitched roof - from the attic.
The flat roof is one of the practical ways the buildings everything, only that it is absolutely necessary to insulate. This is done in compliance with certain technical regulations. Alternately action depends on the flat roof type (classic or inversion).
The basis is a classical flat roof support plate. This is largely unexploited roofs of high-rise buildings. For warming classical type of flat roofs using polystyrene on the support plate a vapor barrier is laid first, and on it a heater. Last close waterproofing layer based on bitumen poured gravel.
Inverted roofs are found in low-rise buildings, it is operated by the roof, exposed to heavy loads. The outer insulation consists of the following steps:
- Purification RC base from contaminants;
- Application of a waterproofing layer (polymer-bitumen mastic or rolled material);
- Coating gravel (also can be used slag or expanded clay) to form a slope;
- Laying vapor barrier layer (thus necessarily carried out sealing of joints, closing of microcracks);
- The layout of foamed polystyrene boards. It is possible to use the material with one layer or two, depending on climatic conditions. For fixing styrofoam used special glue:
- Laying glass fiber insulation layer to protect against mechanical damage;
- Waterproofing (rolled material laid overlapped);
- Mounting of roof covering.

Warming to roofing footpath includes the following steps:
- RC plate covered with a layer of cement-sand mortar (sloping);
- Carried gidriozolyatsiya web material;
- Stacked sheets of extruded polystyrene;
- Insulation covered with geotextile;
- A layer of gravel fractions mixed with sand (at least 50 cm thick);
- Laid paving slabs.
If planned on the roof of polystyrene green zone, then with gravel layer is applied protivokornevoy substat soil in which the plants are planted.
Technology insulation pitched roof with polystyrene foam
Insulation of pitched roof Epps made inside or outside. The first option is used for old coatings and mansard roofs.

Technology insulation pitched roof with polystyrene foam on the inner side of the roof comprises the following steps:
- Coating the entire inside of the roof rafters and battens with a waterproofing material. For this purpose, roller blade, which are placed overlapping. All joints are closed with sealing tape.
- Epps fastened sheets. They are fixed by means of adhesive or nails with large caps. The joints are closed special-foam adhesive for foamed polystyrene (without mineral spirits, kerosene, acetone, etc.).. Insulation can be placed one or two layers (depending on climate conditions and purpose of the roof). For each layer Epps sealing is required.
- Laid top insulation and vapor control layer tape construction joints are closed.
- The penultimate layer - this finishing via fiberboard, plywood, plasterboard and other moisture resistant materials.
- For the exploited roofs held finish. For this purpose, a wooden paneling, and other materials of low thermal conductivity.
Important! In the process of insulation is necessary to exclude direct contact with the flue system Epps. Warming chimney edges (minimum 20 cm) made using the incombustible insulating materials.
External insulation pitched roof with extruded polystyrene

Technology external insulation pitched roof is slightly different. Before you begin to warm, the support is installed. This is done using strips or rails for locking the first row. In this case the starting height profile must be smooth insulation thickness. The support is mounted parallel to the eaves of the entire length of the slope and is bordered to the thermal circuit. It prevents the offset plates.
When it comes to thermal insulation of the wooden structure of the roof, the flooring in places dock walls with a roof grooves are cut which are filled with soft insulation (polyester fiber can be used or other similar material). This is done to eliminate the gaps that appear as a result of seasonal strain tree.
The second phase involves laying slabs Epps. You should start from the support member in the direction from the eaves to the ridge. In areas of structural joints for precise docking insulation is cut to the desired angle. At all locations docking plates smeared with a special glue. For greater reliability conducted fixing with dowels Belleville. By using two layers of polyurethane foam slabs are mounted with offset joints.
Epps combustible material, the strong heating is critical for it. It is therefore essential between the roof covering (particularly when used metal) And heater provide a ventilation gap. To do this, after laying the slabs on top of the rafters parallel mounted crate.

This is done using strips of at least 30 mm thick. The result is a gap sufficient for ventilation of the space under the roof insulation and the elimination of overheating. To avoid cracking during mounting rails pre-drilled holes in increments of 50 cm.
Further waterproofing is carried out, the material is selected according to the type of final coating of the roof. On the waterproofing layer kontrobreshetka mounted, and above them - topcoat.