The house is long and 8 meters wide, has a compact form. Such parameters actually allow properly plan the territory allotment. But for functionality and comfort House, 8 × 8 m is sufficient. The building is only the appearance of a small - inside there is plenty of space for planning facilities, especially if the building has more than one floor. The internal design of the building provides a combination of rooms, but for a family of 4-5 people to lack of space should not be. A two-storey version can be divided into 2 areas: active and to relax. The first floor is reserved for entertaining, cooking, festive events. On the second rest and sleep. Housing base 64 sq. m are also attics, terraces and the simple one-story form. Solid foundation reserves the possibility to make another floor.
- Features homes 8 of 8
- House rules on the location of the site
The choice of material for the construction of
- Advantages and disadvantages of wood-based materials
- Advantages and disadvantages of the brick structure
- Advantages and disadvantages of frame houses
- What type of foundation to choose
Floors and layout of the house
- Two-storey house
- Cottage
- The house with an attic
- House with annexe
- Features accommodation rooms in the house
- Modern house plans 8 8
- conclusion
Features homes 8 of 8
The total area of the premises such houses can be compared with large three-, four- and five-room apartment. With proper layout of the interior space will be more. The construction 8 8 there is a place for a few bathrooms, two bedrooms, large living room and kitchen / dining room. During the construction of such housing need to take care of the grounds of safety. Solid foundation will allow to finish building floors. People often erect a house in a budget option, and then wish to turn it into a large and expensive house. Building Design 8 by 8 meters is characterized by uniformity: the ground floor is taken away under the living room, hallway, bathroom and kitchen, the second - under the one-two bedrooms. The attic also rework and used as another room or attic. Win a seat can be achieved by combining several rooms. Facilities are often combined with a kitchenette, while improving the design of these two rooms.

House rules on the location of the site
Residential building must be at least 3 meters from the red line of travel and at least 5 meters from the red line streets. The distance between the houses on either side of the passage should be between 6 and 15 meters. If buildings are made of non-combustible materials, it is enough 6-meter distance, and if both houses were built with the use of large amounts of wood, then you need at least 15 meters. The smallest permissible interval from home to another border portion - 3 m. Between the housing structure and the bath / well / compost device lumen is at least 8 m to margin. commercial buildings should be 12 m. To build a house you need a square area between the center and one of the corners to leave as much territory as possible for patio. However, much depends on the area of land allotment. The smaller it is, the closer to the edge you need to have the building.

The choice of material for the construction of
The most prestigious houses are considered to be wooden. They presentable appearance, and inside these buildings is always a good smell. The house is still possible to build from round timber. However, all these options have a low fire safety. The most commonly used material for the construction of private buildings - brick. This is the traditional option. Constructions of it with the correct laying technology can stand for centuries. This material makes it easy to allocate a place under the technical premises. If the building material to use reinforced concrete panels, the house will be outwardly unremarkable. During the construction of can be used and light concrete blocks. Some subspecies of this material can significantly reduce the cost of the project. In this regard, we should mention the foam blocks. Other types of light concrete blocks are aerocrete and slag concrete.
See also:Cellar with their hands

Advantages and disadvantages of wood-based materials
Among the wood materials is to provide:
- sawn timber;
- Veneer;
- glued.

Chipped, can be further processed and thereby calibrate the width, making the surface smooth. He is inexpensive. blanks minus is a tendency to warp, the possibility of flowing water in the joints, the high cost of processing time. Advantages sliced timber - is the preservation of the original shape, strength, resistance to sunshine, temperature fluctuations, humidity resistance, heat-insulating qualities. There are drawbacks of a possible shrinkage of the house up to 15 cm and a tendency to the formation of gaps due to eversion. Glulam has high strength. It is characterized by the absence of shrinkage, deformation and shrinkage. Such a material has the optimum moisture content that prevents the development of processes of putrefaction. Disadvantages also manifested in less room for air circulation and a high price.

Advantages and disadvantages of the brick structure
To build houses of brick is most often used ceramic and silicate. The first kind - eco-friendly and compact. In construction it is valued for its thermal conductivity and water resistance. This material has a porosity that allows include the above advantages. Note also the frost resistance of the ceramic bricks. One of the drawbacks is the wrong form of some products. Deviations not always visible and it is difficult to masonry. Another brick in the composition may be a certain amount of limestone. Silicate brick - and eco-friendly material. It is compatible with almost any masonry mortar. Sand-lime brick is endowed with a large number of positive properties. Each element differs ideal geometry. The material has high compressive strength, frost resistance, good sound insulation. However, it is heavier than ceramics, so it will take a strong foundation. Silicate material does not tolerate high temperatures.

Silicate brick - a beautiful material, but the ceramic version more variety in terms of decorative details.

Advantages and disadvantages of frame houses
Data structure - a budget option in comparison with brick. At the same time facing these buildings may be less sophisticated and more diverse. By finishing works commence immediately after the completion of construction. Prefab homes are much more likely to retain heat. In addition to erect such a building can be both in summer and in winter. It is possible to save on the foundation, because the base with a large carrying capacity is required. Construction of frame structures characterized by high speed. House 8 × 8 m can be built in a few months (including finishing). Poor insulation - the lack of frame houses. Monolithic, brick and block building in this regard, better. It should be noted, and a hazard in the event of use of substandard materials. This applies both to the finished structure, and risk to workers during construction.

What type of foundation to choose
The main types of foundation:
- belt;
- slab;
- pile;
- columnar;
- floating.

Everything depends on the use for the construction of house building materials and soil characteristics. Strip foundation copes with high loads (heavy walls and floors in the house). This applies to the recessed type of substrate. Brick or stone house 8 with dimensions of 8m possible to construct on such. Melkozaglublenny foundation is weak and is used for the construction of light wooden structures. To a certain extent is a universal slab foundation. It is applicable on almost all types of soil and at any depth to groundwater. Frame, made of lumber and brick house can be built on such a basis. The costs, however, will be high. It is worth noting the quality of pile foundations. Since this is the most reliable type of base, they are used on an unstable soil. For the construction of low-rise town houses are often used foundations on screw piles.
See also:Spiral staircases: design options, assembly and installation

Floors and layout of the house
Size 8 by 8 meters allows you to place a building in a small area, while ensuring a comfortable stay in it. Number of floors typically selected between one and two. And the second option can be done in different ways: it is a house with a second floor and a small loft, a spacious attic instead. In the design of the house is worth thinking about the use of the adjacent territory - a great place for summer terraces and platforms. Planning the interior of the building - a difficult and responsible process. It is important to make the right decision about the number of bedrooms, hallway size, configuration of the first floor. It should consider the options of combining several rooms into one target. Required attribute of all private houses - a spacious guest room. All these aspects need to be combined in a single solution.

Two-storey house
Structure 2 of floor - great saving section area. This will allow you to create and equip it to small buildings. From the standard 3-meter-high ceilings can be abandoned in favor of a 2.8-meter. The two-storey house it will save energy for heating. Building on 2 floors with the parameters of the 8 × 8 meters and a roof with a slight slope is planned, depending on whether it is a house, a cottage for permanent residence or a seasonal option. The optimum layout of a 2-storey residential building implies on the ground floor: living room, combined with entrance hall, kitchen, bordering this space, children's room and one or two bathrooms. Second floor - a place for a large bedroom and a size slightly smaller cabinet. Next to the stairs is a hall and another bedroom / bathroom. On the second floor it is desirable to have from 1 to 3 balconies.

Disposition floor house 8 × 8 meters should take into account the number of children in the family. If the two of them, the one large room or two small can be set aside for them. One of the options - two bedrooms, one for adults and one for children. Rooms are made multifunctional: with tables and wardrobes. Minimum floor space recommended for adults - 12 square meters. m, with the presence of a single window. Room for children is slightly larger, and preferably with two windows. Living room of 20 square meters is enough. Hallway, kitchen, bathroom and toilet better place on 14-16 square meters. m. Under the kitchen is to provide a place near the entrance. From a small hallway it is recommended to do as much as possible outputs in the other rooms. Both bedrooms are located as far as possible in the opposite sides. There is another good option plan, involving the presence of one bedroom and studio sleeper behind the partition.

The house with an attic
The most popular option - a building with a loft as the second floor. The front and rear of the house you can make the most different from each other. Loft under the roof is usually emit a certain amount of free space. Chimneys decorate the roof with a steep slope. On the first floor of the square house with a loft should be to equip the hall with wardrobe, kitchen with a small addition like a pantry and a large guest room. If you plan to allocate 2 bedrooms, one of them is on the ground floor and is made to be able to receive visitors. Stairs leading upstairs is better not to build in the hallway and the living room. In the attic should be allocated a few rooms. The first of them - a large bedroom, combined with cabinet. It should also make the baby is large. Attic floor - the right place for a room with fitness equipment.

House with annexe
Building square configuration will not prevent extensions like terraces and verandas. This is a common way to increase the space of the living area. There you can relax, spend time on warm days, to organize a warehouse, or simply place some items. The terraces are open, closed, regulated by a sliding structures. Glazed option - a full-fledged multi-purpose room with an additional destination, primarily for recreation. On the terrace you can save heating. In most homes, instead there is an open or covered veranda along the entire length of the wall. It is easier to provide for the design of the house. Garage should be located right next to a residential structure. Ideally, it has a common foundation of the house. This is another reason to consider all possible options for extensions at the design stage house and grounds.
See also:Materials and technologies for home decor facade

There are some interesting options for extensions:
- Greenhouse. In the cold season will be able to quickly take the vegetables or fruits with a closed bed.
- Greenhouse - a very interesting option. In addition to plants, it can be filled with furniture. Get a beautiful and original room with plenty of natural light.

Features accommodation rooms in the house
In the case of the first floor it is important to combine several rooms into one space. Entrance hall and dressing performed by one location. The kitchen is better to do with a small pantry. In the guest room requires stairs leading to the second floor or attic (if available). It is advisable to select one bathroom, on the floor, as if the building is one story - it will take two to one (1 bathroom with toilet and 1). The bedroom on the first tier is a universal, suitable for guest accommodation. If the house lives an elderly person or disabled person - a bedroom on the ground floor of the two should be given to him. The second tier is supplemented by the target area that are not on the ground. Here is a place for rest and quiet. Staircase to the second floor should encircle a significant amount of free space. It is not necessary to burden a large number of devices.

Basic requirements for the arrangement of the upper floor:
- Children with wardrobe;
- bathroom;
- Compact room to store items;
- Large master bedroom with balcony.

Modern house plans 8 8
Options that can be found in the catalogs of finished projects, have some similar characteristics: the number of habitable rooms - 4-5, usable area - more than 100 square meters. m, the presence of terraces. They are available with a ground floor, attic. One of the classic home projects 8 8 m provides for a small square hall, which opens into the hallway with stairs to the second floor. Next to the front door provided toilet. Opposite the stairs is a large long living room (about 27 square meters. m). She goes into the kitchen in the far from the entrance of the building. On the second floor - two bedrooms. Other popular options include the absence of a long room, the stairs straight into the living room, one / two bedrooms on different or only on the second floor. A distinctive feature of the modern designs of houses is a large common area of window openings and short corridors.

When choosing a home project in the first place must take into account the needs of all family members.

Square 8 x 8 meters is sufficient for the realization of architectural ideas. The square configuration is well with rectangular plots of land, which the majority. building planning of this form is rarely accompanied by problems with the safety regulations. The main difficulty is precisely the choice of interior layout, because the variation is more than enough. Need to be addressed, and how many bedrooms you need, and whether to do it on the first floor, as well as many other nuances to consider. Living generally aligned with the kitchen or the hall. Bathrooms are positioned on both tiers, and if this is not possible, then at the first. On the second floor it is necessary to provide a place for a large bedroom and a spacious room for children. at least one balcony should be constructed. In some cases, the construction and finishing it takes only a few months.