Owning your own area - bright and warm dream of every person. Someone buys a ready-made building or apartment, others acquire land, perform layout of the house, get a building permit. Construction of a new house or a cottage, though connected with the temporary difficulties and inconveniences, but the result is worth it.
The completed structure will match the views, tastes and desires of its owner. The cozy, warm, large or compact house in the yard can be located baths, garage, summer kitchen, playground, garden, flower beds, and other functional and decorative objects. Comfort, convenience of the housing will largely depend on the correctness of the project.
Features of the design plan
- The optimum area of the house
- Location of the house on the plot
- Layout ceiling height in projects
- Disposition country house windows
Selecting the project at home
- Cottage
- Two-storey house
- The house with an attic
- House of two rooms
- House of three rooms
Arrangement of rooms in the house
- Corridor
- Kitchen
- Living room
- Bedrooms
- Bath and toilet
- utility rooms
The distribution area in the homes of various types
- Type 6 6
- Type 8 of 8
- Type 10 10
- Styles and color scheme of the houses
- How to expand the space in a small house
- conclusion
Features of the design plan
Building beautiful wooden or brick building is based on an approved project, which includes its layout. Often, when drawing up the plan takes into account only the current needs, which can change with the times. It is important to understand and remember that the facility will be operated by more than one, two years, or even decades. Over time, the family can grow, there will be new plans, needs, desires, over the years to change the physical capabilities owners.
When developing the scheme, it is necessary to adhere not only to the existing norms and standards, but also take into account functional areas, their rational, optimal placement of that at a certain stage of life not disappointed in the selection. For example, if the baby is breast-true is a children's room with entrance from the parents' bedroom, that as he matures this layout will be unacceptable to all households.
The convenience of residence is not affected by the size of the construction and arrangement of tuned interior. Each family member should have their own separate corner where he could do what, interesting work without distracting others. Therefore, before turning to the architect, ready to take the project on their own to make a sketch, you must gather the family council, to take into account the opinion of each.
In a well-planned house, going from the street, you get into the hall, followed by the living room.

The optimum area of the house
Private house, especially a country, it is possible to construct a spacious and cozy, having spent virtually the same amount as in the purchase of an apartment. Depending on the wishes of the owners, available budget, the number of permanent residents, room size is determined by the area of the future building. Here you can place on a separate bedroom for each family member, a spacious living room, dining room, one or more bathrooms, kitchen, boiler room, office, garage, billiard room, the other functional premises.
When limitless funding list is easy to continue. Most people rely on the available means certain. Therefore, the list of required facilities to be the best, it should display only the most necessary rooms. If you do not, be included in the project is desired, then eventually just do not have enough strength and no money to complete construction, the process will drag on for a long time.
Parameters of the house are directly dependent on the number of rooms and their sizes. These indicators determine the cost of utility bills. Plan structure must be very rational, do not hesitate with the permanent residents. For a comfortable stay for each person is calculated on the average of 30 m².
Each allowed to determine the value of the construction, however, should be in the planning be sure to take into account existing regulations and standards specified in SNIP 31/02/2001, RSN 70-88, SNIP 2.08.01-89. If the size of the room will be less than the permissible values, the project will simply refuse to register at the BTI.

Location of the house on the plot
Before construction, perform geological site investigations, during which determines the level of underground water, soil composition, terrain features. This data is transmitted to the architect, considered independently. They determine the choice of materials, including in the basement project, which is located under the house, summing up to the construction of underground utilities.
When planning the placement of the house on the site in the first place look at the established rules. For example, in a SP 30-102-99 5.3.2 clearly defined distance from the housing structure, a red line streets, driveways. In the first case it is 5 m, in the second - 3 m. Farm buildings for both embodiments must be separated by not less than 5 m in n.. 5.3.4. defines all offsets from neighboring portion arranged thereon and buildings. Also in the code specified standards for all placed in the territory of household buildings and outbuildings.

Another important factor is the location of the house in relation to the cardinal points. The optimal placement will be that at which the window will go to the south, south-west, south-east facing. Heading north wall must be deaf, non-residential rooms with small windows. This will provide not only a good natural light in the daytime, but will retain heat in the winter.

Layout ceiling height in projects
The calculation of this parameter is based on the minimum specified in SNIP 2.08.01-89 in paragraph 1.1., Which stipulates that the distance from floor to ceiling should be not less than 2.5 m, and social facilities for apartment houses at most 2.8 m and 3.0 m, the height of the corridors inside apartment 2.1 m. According to the SNP 31/02/2001 P. 4.5 height of the kitchen as well as living spaces of at least 2.5 m, in some cases, defined by the developer, more than 2.3 m, in the corridors - 2.1 m.
Given the established rules, the landlord is necessary to define what height will be optimal for him. Too low ceilings will visually reduce the space, cause depression and discomfort. Too much distance will spoil appearance of any room for the ceiling will be difficult to look at the construction will take more materials, increase the heated area.
See also:Houses with attic
To the room does not create a sense of emptiness, and spend time here was comfortable and cozy, it is desirable to find a middle ground, to select the optimal option in the within 2.5 -. 3.2 m It should take into account the height, area of rooms, type of ceiling finishes and appliances, their own preferences of all members families.

Disposition country house windows
To meet sanitary requirements, according to claim snip 02.31.2001. 8.9 allowing natural light, the ratio between the window openings and the surface area of kitchen and premises must be more than 1 part to 8, respectively, for the attic floors - at least 1:10. The magnitude of the windows is not limited. In some cases, appropriate to establish large modern windows, without worrying about the possible loss of heat.
When the location of the window openings is necessary to consider the part of the world. For example, for the bedroom and children will be advantageous to the eastern direction, in the kitchen and bathroom - North, in the living room - east and south, and the boiler room to the corridor - Western. This is due to the specific rooms. The windows facing the north, did not get the sun's rays, while in the southern structures are observed to excess.
A large number of windows not only provide light and fresh air, but also an overview of the courtyard. It becomes possible to observe what is happening on the street, children activities, passers-by. If the area allows, it is desirable to plan instead of one large window several, even non-standard, from this appearance of the building will benefit, but do not overdo it.

Selecting the project at home
Unlike standard apartments in apartment buildings, private residential construction can have any number of rooms to be a one-story, two-story, there are even built in three floor. Many prefer models with a veranda, balcony, terrace, parked next to a different functional structure. In this case, the home differ in shape. There are square, rectangular, options with custom layout.
The plan can include the loft and basement. In the space located under the roof, usually equipped with a bedroom, nursery, office, bathroom. The basement is mainly used for household needs, it housed various communication design billiard room or gym, garage and boiler room.

The size and number of floors housing portion affected area, the number residing therein. Large family consisting of several generations, preference is given to two-storey building, providing comfort and a separate arrangement of all households. If the family is small, it is enough to be a compact construction.

The one-storey housing to build, plan simpler than multilevel models. Large facilities are suitable for people who own the corresponding area on a plot of land, as well as for a friendly family. The structure must contain a list of standard rooms:
- vestibule;
- hallway;
- living room;
- kitchen;
- bathroom;
- boiler room;
- bedrooms;
- utility rooms.

In drafting, it is desirable to adhere to certain guidelines and rules:
- Kitchen and bathroom should be located as close as possible to each other, or at least along one wall. It will simplify, to organize the plumbing communication, to ensure the angle of pipes used for waste water disposal.
- When planning to rule out the hallway to all rooms were comfortable and cozy.
- Windows should be placed on the sides of light for each room, according to its characteristics.
- Auxiliary and technical facilities required to be separated from the housing, to allocate a separate place for them.
- When planning the attic must be reasonable to put the stairs, so it does not interfere with free movement.

Two-storey house
On small areas of a large single-storey building housing it becomes impossible and irrational. Even in large areas would be appropriate to erect a building of several floors, especially a good choice for a large family. With the construction of two-storey house owner receives the following benefits:
- space saving in the area;
- a good overview of the surrounding area;
- opportunity to add to the balcony plan;
- rational distribution of residential and business premises.
Such a structure is not without minor flaws:
- construction costs increase due to the strengthening of the bases, which must withstand considerable loads;
- It needs to provide for the presence of ladder that takes the usable area.
Particular attention should be paid to ceiling and walls, they should be strengthened.

When planning rooms, utility rooms, they should be properly divided between two floors. Typically, on the first floor has a vestibule, hallway, lounge, kitchen, boiler room, a bathroom, a flight of stairs. If the area of the building allows, you can even add a room, dining room, guest bedroom. The second floor is mainly used for bedrooms, children's room, dressing room, sometimes install additional bathroom.

The house with an attic
The equipment of the attic space under the housing needs can increase the useful area of the facilities. It is a budget option, which is an alternative to the two-storey structures. The construction has a relatively low weight, which saves on the foundation. Usually placed in the attic bedroom, nursery, office.
At arrangement of the space under the roof, special attention should be paid to insulation, waterproofing, vapor barrier. From these actions will depend on the temperature conditions in a room as by daily temperature changes and seasonal. Windows placed at an angle, must be equipped with special double-glazed windows, create good illumination.

However, this level is not without drawbacks, namely:
- difficulty associated with the arrangement of the heating system;
- uncomfortable interior design due to the sloping walls;
- great energy;
- psychological pressure;
- complex for repairs and maintenance.

House of two rooms
For a small family of two persons is quite suitable compact house. To create a project, you can see the layout of standard flats in high-rise building. The plan should rationally arrange the two main rooms, highlighting for them the largest area. In some cases it will be convenient to combine the kitchen with living room, which also will be used as a dining room.
See also:Mansard roof
In a small building a bathroom, boiler room, kitchen should be on one side of the construction, and living quarters are separated by a corridor. It is convenient to use the mezzanine, pantry, space for sofas and armchairs for storage. The hall should provide additional sleeping space, install a sofa or bed, which can be hidden in a niche.
With the construction of two-storey house two main rooms equipped with top, bottom, there is an additional room for expansion of the kitchen space, placing a full wardrobe. In the hallway, instead of enlarged hanger located closet.

House of three rooms
Structure, consisting of three rooms, can be called complete. Here you can easily accommodate a family with two children. Three-room buildings projects enough. There are options to pass the living room, from which you can get to the two bedrooms and the kitchen. But it is better to give preference to models with a separate arrangement of rooms, to all members of the household, guests staying for the night, feel comfortable.
The only difference from the two-room house is the presence of another bedroom. Accordingly, the floor area will increase by at least 8 square meters. m. Hallway better place for the center of the structure, so that it divides it into two equal parts. On the one hand it is possible to arrange two bedrooms, another room, kitchen, bathroom, boiler room, pantry. In the presence of living attic transferred to the upper floor.

Arrangement of rooms in the house
Long-term experience of architects, as well as the majority of ordinary citizens, shows that the house is not desirable to use the communicating premises, and to plan and build a house you need to not only considering the current needs, but also take into account the plans for the future. When compiling a drawing should adhere to certain rules and recommendations, namely:
- The optimum shape of any room, including the kitchen and bathroom should be as close to a square.
- Do not skimp on the bathroom area, kitchen facilities.
- For each child is better equipped for a separate bedroom, especially if they have a big age difference, or they have a different floor.
- The two-storey structures the lower tier is given to the older generation. Also, when planning the guest must provide an extra bed or the possibility of retrofitting the entire room to the bedroom.
- It is necessary to reduce the number of corridors, because they take up useful space.
- room size is determined by their functionality, personal preferences. Their parameters should not be less than the minimum specified in the regulations.

According SNP 31.02.2001 p. 4.4. front width must be not less than 1.4 m, the corridors inside apartment - 0.85 m Given. These data, as well as the fact that all the furniture is entered through this room, it selects the optimum area. For smaller buildings it is advisable to combine the hallway to the living room, to attach in front of a small vestibule.

Hall is best positioned in the center of the facade. Thus, he will divide the building into two parts of it will be possible to get all the rooms in the house. should shift into a corner, then you can plan around the stairs to the second floor for the two-story foyer options. It is convenient to put the cabinet for outdoor clothes and footwear, is a large mirror.

In n. 2.7. SNP 2.08.01-89 kitchen width must be not less than 1.7 m, and an area of 6 m². This will be enough for the cooking zone. But its reception is better to provide a minimum of 10 m². It is also convenient to combine the room with the living room instead of partitions to make zoning with the help of the bar.

Positioning the room must be given sanitary communications closer to the bathroom. Here you should consider a good ventilation system, install the hood. On the kitchen space is not worth saving. The spacious room is convenient to prepare food and gather the whole family for dinner.

Living room
Established regulations total minimum area of the living room is 12 m². It can be combined with a corridor and a kitchen. With this arrangement it squaring should be approximately three times larger kitchen area. With proper layout of the house entrance hall leads into the hall, which is located in the central part of the cottage.

The room should be the biggest in the house. There usually take guests if necessary leave for the night, spend leisure tenants. One of the main requirements is a good light, so the room is set a few large windows, a chandelier on the ceiling is placed, provide additional electrical appliances.

The same SNIP 31/02/2001 n. 4.4. It says that sleeping room should be more than 8 square meters. Size is determined by the one who will spend the night in the room, the amount of the proposed furniture. For parents need more space, since many are equipped with walk-in closets, isolated place to work, hang on the wall the TV, set the computer.

Guest bedroom requires a smaller area. In the children's play and provides a work area for the student, and it can accommodate several children. Positioning the premises must be separate from the others. The two-storey house of a compact for these purposes you can use the entire floor. Windows is better to plan in an easterly direction, which will make the bedroom light, it will not overheat in the summer.

Bath and toilet
According to the standard width bath starts from 1.5 m to 0.8 m from the lavatory, its depth -. 1.2 m best option would be isolation Improvement partitions. But in a small house it would be appropriate to arrange a joint bathroom. For aesthetic reasons, can not be placed in the central part of the room facilities, as well as the entrance to them should not be viewed from the living room.

When the equipment sanitary rooms two-storey house, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the place for the natural needs should not be above the living room. In this case, on the ground floor are usually installed a full separate bathroom, and on the second combine, instead of putting a bathroom shower.

utility rooms
Utility room are placed depending on their destination. For example: the pantry for food stocks, blanks, kitchen utensils, better placed near the kitchen, walk-in closet - in the bedroom or hall, ironing in the living room machine machine can generally be placed in the hallway, hiding it in the closet or a niche.
See also:Wrought-iron gate with his hands
To achieve this goal, you can use the unpromising places, for example, the space under the stairs. That will make it possible to save storage space. In the garage, a dry basement can provide a separate utility room for storage of various items that are rarely used.

The distribution area in the homes of various types
Construction of large, bulky mansions and cottages - employment trim, require substantial investment, further spending on maintenance and upkeep. Most people opt for compact structures that include all the necessities of life. Design house are two ways to define the perimeter and fill the interior of the premises, or first make a list of rooms, and then draw the structure of the boundary. Follow the steps can be independently using AutoCAD, draw a line in the program.
There are a lot of plans and different configurations of the buildings, but among them there are several standard layouts: 6x6; 8x8; 10x10. In this structure may have:
- second floor;
- attic;
- ground floor or basement;
- garage.

Type 6 6
Convenient layout of the compact house, which can accommodate only two living rooms, kitchen, hallway and bathroom. An option chosen by many gardeners. It is convenient to accommodate a family without children or with one small child. If the building is only used as a country house, it is the ideal place to relax a little company. For a small room used to the citizens who live in Khrushchev, one-bedroom apartments.
It is advisable to build a two-story building or a loft. Top can be equipped with a living room and an office, and at the bottom there is a place for the two bedrooms. Or vice versa, to make the second floor are two bedrooms. Before entering the house looks great terrace, which will serve as a summer kitchen. To save space, the lavatory can be fitted on the street.

Type 8 of 8
Cottage 64 m² in size and easier to plan. The project could include: kitchen, two bedrooms, a small living room, bathroom, hallway, utility room. Such a structure is suitable for a complete family of 4 people. It is useful to combine a kitchen room, which will be further used as a table.
Rooms arrangement depends largely on the purpose of construction. For a country house used for recreation, enough to equip the kitchen space, living room, bathroom, steam room, bedroom. During the construction of two-storey buildings will significantly increase the number of rooms. It can be positioned on top of 2-3 bedrooms and a balcony, an office, a separate cloakroom. Bottom also makes room for a garage, cafeteria, and other functional areas.

Type 10 10
One-storey house of this size will be self-sufficient. It is easy to arrange the kitchen, living room, bedroom and two children, vestibule, hall, boiler room, even a place to study. If there is an attic, it is possible to move the children room, but on the freed space to organize an additional relaxation area, steam room, sauna.
If the plan provides a second floor, the house will be suitable for residence of several generations of residents and large families. In this case, on the ground floor, you can arrange a separate bedroom for the oldest generation, the hall in which they can relax and play with his grandchildren, a kitchen and a separate bathroom. Top can be equipped with a living room, 2-3 bedrooms for the children, one - for parents, the workplace. Living space enough for all the wishes of the owners.

Styles and color scheme of the houses
When making a home, you can use three main areas: modern, classic, ethnic. The main requirement - you can not mix them together. Let us consider them in more detail:
- Minimalism. The lining used white color, natural raw materials with a light shade. Things at least, all of the functionality.
- Scandinavian. The color base - white shade, light wood, as an accent - dark and bright colors. In the design of a lot of light textiles, accessories.
- Loft. Natural materials, nedodely, bricklaying sticking tubes marked beams and columns. To simulate concrete decorative plaster applied.

- Modern. Flowing lines for furniture and veneer. For the interior is characterized by a lot of accessories, devoid of luxury. The palette of natural hues expressed.
- Provence. Characterized by comfort. The interior design uses a lot of textiles in pastel colors. The priority of a bronze tint.
- Gothic. Suitable for homes with high ceilings. The design uses dark shades. Welcome stained glass, carved items, candles.

- English. The decoration used gray and dark green color. Wood furniture with carved elements.
- Mediterranean. Only apply light shades. Use large window. The interior is characterized by good lighting.
- African. A great option for the design of the space. The lining used leather, fur, bamboo. Dominated by desert colors.

How to expand the space in a small house
Owners of small houses can increase the space visually, use the special items, to release the missing square footage, combine in one room more functional zones. Either option will help make housing more comfortable and cozy.
To free up the already small area, you can set the folding sofas, beds that are cleaned in a niche, equipped with a mezzanine, set the open shelves. TV can be installed on the wall. The space under the furniture used for storing different things.
is mirrored wall to visually increase the room, installed more windows, finishing in bright colors are used, use artificial lighting. Physically, you can increase the living space through an extension simple veranda. If we combine the kitchen with living room, then the second will serve as a dining room.

The house - an important moment in the life of any man who cares and is accompanied by difficulties. For a start it is necessary to select a site to conduct geological studies, to make the project, and after coordinate it in different government agencies, to get all the permits for construction, liner communications. But the result is worth it, because the house - is the dream of the owner, who decided to build it.