According to popular legend the idea of creating ladders people have thrown animals. Goat trails that had improvised steps steel prototype of this construction. The oldest ladder found in a salt mine. It was made of wood, but it retained its appearance thanks to "preservative" exposed to salt. The first technical requirements for ladders made by the ancient Egyptians. Their letters speak of podkovannosti architects of those times. Stairs in the interior of the houses of the Egyptians rarely decorated. They gave sacred meaning in the pyramids. After all, in fact, this man-made burial mound symbolize the four-way into the sky to the god Ra. Even in buildings with more than one floor, no stairs can not do. Over time, they began to be replaced by a more comfortable elevators, but in every house there is still a "legacy" version as an alternative.
This structural element provides the vertical joint between floors. staircase design in the Middle Ages became difficult. Those that are on the street, decorated with carving and braiding plants, making them an important element of the exterior of the house. Inner stairs gave more complex shapes, and the rail and baluster performed from wrought metal with intricate patterns. Now, this element emphasizes the stylistic solution design house. Let's talk about the kinds of ladders and materials from which they are made.
- Types and design features of the stairs
How to design a ladder correctly
- The choice of design and style
- stairs Location
- Materials used
Varieties railing on material performance
- metal
- Made of natural wood
- glass railings
- combined
- Lighting
How to make the space under the stairs
- conclusion
Types and design features of the stairs
Despite the large number of species and stairs models, the basic kit includes each of the same elements:
- Stage. Horizontal surface on which a person begins the descent / ascent.
- Bowstring and stringers. The main supporting parts, which are usually located on the sides of the stairs.
- Protections. Presented railings, balusters, posts and rails along the adjacent walls.
- Beams, columns and Bolza. This vertical supporting pillars.

By types of construction stairs are divided into three main types:
- Screw. They are spiral twists and installed in rooms where little space. Examples of each spiral staircases seen in historical films, which exhibited rises in high turret old palaces.
- Boltsevye. The design of such ladders are used for fastening the frame of each stage and the patterned rack. The main load is transferred to the ceiling and floor.
- Marching. The most common variant, which uses either stringers (closed model) or string (open model).

The latter type, in turn, classified into subtypes depending on the shape of the stairs:
- Straight. The most primitive variant, where the element does not turns and takes a lot of space.
- L-shaped or simple duplex. In these two flights (ladder sections) are arranged relative to each other at an angle of 90 degrees.
- U-shaped. A more complex design requires two parallel flights, between which is located either mezhyarusnaya or storey area (span)
- Rounded or radial. Design vaguely reminiscent of a spiral staircase, and the number of turns is not limited, but the output from the march in the direction must be the same with the input.
- Three-section. Complex model, which is a double L-shaped staircase.
- Trapezoid. The most intricate variant that has no restrictions on the choice of the angle between marches. This creative model is ideal for areas of non-standard forms, as it can be tailored for them.

By the way, there is a separate category of stairs - combined. It combines a variety of models. Typically, the need for such complex elements occurs in areas of irregular shapes.
How to design a ladder correctly
Stairs need not only the owners of country houses, but also the owners of two-storey apartments. Even street into the house is usually a small ladder which compensates for the difference between threshold foundation height and ground level. The standard layout of the average garden includes a kitchen and a living room on the ground floor and bedrooms on the second. The most convenient way to arrange the rise in the hallway. Build a ladder with their hands only half the battle, much more time will be spent on its design.
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First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the generally accepted standards. Thus, the optimum is considered to be the width of the stairs in 30 cm. This value is recognized as an ideal for the average person, and does not allow him to stray from the step when climbing or descending. The incline must leave 45 degrees. Such a rise is not too steep and not too steep. Minimum clearance for engineering canons is 2 m. However, if the owners of tall or plan to constantly drag cabinets on the second floor, it can be increased.

The average height of the riser must not exceed 20 cm. The optimum width of the staircase is considered 1 m, but in the presence of a free, "orphan" space - this value can be increased. Decrease is not recommended, as the simultaneous descent / ascent of two people on such a narrow passage will already be difficult. Of course some basic units is not limited. The project starts with planning the placement and choice of place. Then, make a detailed drawing, choose the materials and style.

Individual design element you can think of your own, or use ready-made ideas of professionals.
The choice of design and style
Each style has a number of features that are not bypassed and stairs. For the classical ideal direction mid-flight wooden structure. They are considered the most reliable. As the base material is selected precious wood, including oak lead. Fences made of polished wood elements forms soft lacquered. The rustic look organically stairs made of timber with rough handling. Railings and decorative elements are constructed from conventional round logs. In modern interiors using composite materials. For example wooden stair railing blended with tempered glass.

With decorations in the style of Provence combines wooden stairs. After installation they are subjected to the painting in the traditional style of a white color. Steps to make out the darker shades, as this part of the design is the brand. In minimalism appreciated ladder creativity in the form of "naked" stages which are built into the wall or arranged between the "veil" of the thinnest vertical supports, resembling strings. The loft used luxurious mix timber and wrought metal. This technique underscores the sophistication direction.

Stairs can be a bridge between the rooms, which are decorated in different styles. With the help of decorative elements that can make the transition smooth and unobtrusive. Regardless of the location and area of the room, the staircase will always play the role of its chief ornaments. Due to its massiveness of this design simply does not get pushed into the background. Therefore, the choice of stylistic solutions is very important, especially in those country houses where the staircase "frontally" greets guests at the door.
Spiral staircases are ideal for areas with a touch of romance. They are elegant and airy, easy to fit into small spaces. The main thing is not to overdo it with the number of turns so as not dizzy.

stairs Location
Most often, the ladder is installed in the hallway or lobby, allowing no long march by more than the rooms directly with the threshold raised to the desired floor. options are also found with the side corridors, similar to the typical high-rise buildings, but this model is more suitable for the placement of large houses with lots of interior.
According to the location in the room emit only two types of ladders:
- Central. They are placed in the middle of the room, thus turning into a luxurious interior element, which is bound to draw attention.
- Pristennye. Such ladder is compact and saves space located "on the sidelines".
Original look model with windows in the aisles. When decorating them make out in the same style and the opening becomes part of the interior compositions.
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Materials used
The most popular material is wood. Ladder necessarily choose quality wood, because of the design of the security depends directly. Type of timber note:
- Pine. Budget available option, which has a beautiful natural drawing. However, pine quickly turn yellow and has a short lifetime, but it is easy to process.
- Beech. Durable but capricious material. Even after treatment with special means, beech may easily deform when a change in temperature or humidity. Not suitable for seasonal private houses, which hosts visit from time to time and do not support the temperature conditions throughout the year.
- Birch. Available type timber with a pleasing pattern. Processing lends itself more easily than pine. It boasts a long service life.
- Ash. Durable material, which is due to the hardness of hard to process. The texture of ash is not to everyone's taste.
- Oak. Tree species that knows no equal among the local "competitors". Rugged, durable, reliable. For quality will have to pay well.

stairs also made of concrete, glass and metal superalloy. There are also combined variants. Concrete stairs differ monumentality. It is these structures are arranged in multi-storey buildings. Make no mistake about the unsightly appearance of concrete stairs. If such a structure to fill in a private home, then it is possible to give the original shape, and an optional inlay fully eliminate the same similarity "official" element. Metal stairs are good that are combined with any other materials. glass designs are considered "an amateur", as only suitable for a narrow range of modern styles, led by high-tech.

Varieties railing on material performance
Railings considered the final touch to the design of the staircase. They are classified according to form, material and design execution. Although their main function - protective, decorative attaching increasing importance. By Material railings are divided into:
- wooden;
- metal;
- glass;
- polyurethane;
- Combined.
Each material has its advantages and suits strictly to certain styles.

Metal railing made of steel, iron, aluminum, brass, bronze and cast iron. The latter material is relevant for outdoor stairs. Stainless steel and iron are the universals that can be successfully maintained, as the impact of the rains and frosts, as well as indoor climate. Bronze and brass capricious in care, so apply only in the classical style, which emphasizes a refined luster elegant surroundings. Soft, malleable aluminum is used only inside the house, but allows tinting in any color on the owners request. For any of these materials are characterized by:
- The strength and durability. Metal is not afraid of moisture or temperature extremes.
- Easy maintenance (except for brass and bronze). The only enemy of metal - rust. Save from it will periodically applying a layer of anti-corrosion paint.
- High fire safety.

Railing on the creation of technology is divided into four types:
- Prefabricated or modular, that is composed of individual elements which are interconnected during installation at the installation site by means of fasteners. It has a light weight.
- Welded model going to "tightly" than provide security structure. The only weak spot - the seams of the welding. Rust have to handle it with the utmost care.
- In the casting process design created by filling molten material special mold. Cast railing differ refinement of forms.
- Forging allows you to create unique, elegant designs and ornaments to fill the railing. Wrought iron handicrafts are highly valued.
Any of the above embodiments easily combined with other materials. For example, forging with tree looks organically and practical modeling and modern design tend to glass and polyurethane.

Made of natural wood
Wood - material out of fashion and out of time. He will remain relevant forever. Wooden railing will merge organically in the style chalet, loft, ethnic and classical music. The only drawback of the material - the sensitivity to moisture and temperature extremes. To extend the service life, any need to impregnate the wood with special structures. Preference is given to a type of oak, beech and birch. The luxury apartment used valuable exotic species, which will cost a pretty penny. By the way, handrails spiral staircases use quality imitation wood made of PVC. Its upper layer with an accuracy of pattern repeats unique natural material.
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glass railings
Glass railings on a subconscious level, causing a feeling of uneasiness, as the material is associated with the fragility and risk to get cuts. These fears are completely unfounded. In fact, the glass, which is used for handrails, has nothing to do (except perhaps of transparency), the material for the manufacture of utensils and bottles. It is covered with a special protective film, which in case of a strong impact prevents sloughing debris. Similar effects have glass machines, which are decorated in a collision mesh of cracks. The material has the strength, durability and environmental friendliness. Its edges are carefully processed, eliminating the possibility of cuts.
If desired, glass can be toned in any color or decorate pictures, panoramas, opaque patterned by etching a pattern on the surface.
Combined options are varied, but always aimed at achieving the main goal - to increase in strength. Considered optimal tandem wooden railing in combination with racks of metal. This combination is versatile and is suitable for both classical and modern styles. Luxuriously looks trio of filling glass, metal and wooden frame rails. Cost such magnificence is not cheap, but the aesthetic design is worth it.

Luxury stones require an elegant frame. Also with stairs: this needs to be emphasized. His lighting is decorative in nature and refers to a local. Of course, in the backlight there are practical benefits: overcoming the stairs in the dark, with a guide, is much easier and safer. To open the same type of lighting used sconces on the walls, pendant lamps and backlight levels. On the role of hidden devices usually take the neon or LED bulbs. They are mounted under the stairs and hide behind the special caps attached to the wall next to each bar.

Neon has a long service life, and the LEDs are universal and work from both the network and from the battery. In complex structures ladders designers at the design stage provide for a special niche for each step, where the lamps are located in the future.
How to make the space under the stairs
For non-standard models include ladder-shelving. This original design element allows you to turn derelict, empty space in the usable area. Such a rack can be an open and closed type. If space allows, put on the shelves of books, and a number equip a cozy reading corner. For more practical hosts organized under the stairs closet built. In cases where a design has a window, its complement a low sill-sofa where you can relax over a cup of tea while admiring the local beauty. In a luxury apartment under a ladder equips the bar with special holders for glasses on top. If the home has pets, the space under construction can become a platform for accurate placement of the house for a pet. A study in this area is also not uncommon. When the area of deficit in the house is not observed, then this area can give a mini-garden with plants.

Stairs have a rich history. If at first they performed only the practical function of the road to the other floors, but now managed to become a full part of the interior of the house. Their design is as important as the design of furniture, or a combination of the color palette. You should not shoot the ladder in the corner, waving her hand. With the proper approach, it will become the pride of the owners and demonstrative example of their decoration talents.