Installation of the roof is the final stage of construction. There are about a dozen major and over a hundred other subtypes roofs. The configuration of the house often limits the owner's choice. However, if it is possible, it is necessary to pay attention to the visual design of the roof. Unusual roof can decorate a country house, cottage or cottage. In order to draft the support structure, it is necessary to involve professionals in the field of construction and design, as well as skilled workers, able to cope with the task of any complexity. All decisions must be rational. You need to meet your budget, take into account the climatic features, to think about the role of the attic, take care of reliability and appearance. Roof important characteristics such as tightness, strength, stability and functionality.
Classification and versions of roofs of private homes
- Pent
- gable
- Roof
- hipped
- poluvalmovaya
- tent
- Mnogoschiptsovaya
- vaulted
- diamonds
- How to choose a roof slope
- Constituent elements of the roof structure
Form jig system
- Naslonnaya rafters system
- Hanging truss system
- The choice of roofing depending on slope
Features mansard roofs
- Warming and waterproofing
- The design and color solutions for roofs
- conclusion
Classification and versions of roofs of private homes
Before you make a choice among the variety of materials and forms of execution, it is necessary to get acquainted with the nuances of the roofs of buildings and their functional features. Among the main criteria, which form the classification of roofs, - the type and design of the overall design, slope, materials and finishes. The roof is the attic and built-up flat and pitched. Flat roofs are no different variety, but the second type is divided into many sub-types, such as conical, dome, tent, attic, mnogoschiptsovaya, hipped, gable and lean-to. Purpose, the advantages and disadvantages of each of them need to study in detail. First of all take into account the durability, cost and performance. In the world every year generating a large number of houses with beautiful design roofs, so you should use imagination in the design process.

When designing a roof schemes for the complex geometry of the building is necessary to select the main and adjacent parts of the roof.
The roof of a private house with a single slope outwardly looks very simple. This type of construction is rarely used, but it can be seen in the simple country house. The disadvantage of this type of plan is a unilateral drainage - it accounts for a much larger load than bilateral or other types. The appearance of the roof with a one-sided slope is not the most presentable. Such an arrangement can be considered the best solution in the regeneration of the various additions of small size. So trim garages and guest houses. Those who wish to mount a roof you should consider a system of water outflow. The main criterion is its bandwidth. With snow masses such construction copes very well. Pent roof relevant in cold climates, and in those regions where there is a large amount of precipitation.

This type of roof can have:
- Hanging or sloping rafters.
- Different eaves.
- Irregular angles.
The design consists of a gable roof support beams and roofing material attached to the crate. Truss system is usually made of boards joined metal pieces. The upper part forms a roof ridge. It is located exactly in the middle or closer to any edge. One subspecies pentroof is raznonaklonnaya (angles of inclination with two unequal sides). The design of this roof looks original, but the design has a significant drawback - attic space is used inefficiently. Sloping ceilings not only eliminates this problem, but is built specifically for the attic. Folds rays create additional volume for the attic. Aesthetics is another advantage of the sloping gable roof. Symmetrical design follows the shape of an isosceles triangle.

This type of roof is not a gable directly, as it can be also a console or broken. The main feature - division on sloping ramp (upper) and the steep part (located below). Conventional gable mansard roof has a rectangular lying parallel to the rafters. Steepest part of the slope copes with the load in the form of snow. Mansard roof can also refer to the broken. A characteristic feature of the past - a presentable appearance. Bends made outside or inside. They are often combined: it turns unusually shaped roof with many indoor and outdoor breaks. Mansard roof console combines features of a gable and sloping. Her pieces can advocate for the walls of the building a few meters, creating a lot of space inside. There are also mixed roof structure. This type includes the features of the three preceding and additional features.

See also:Projects of houses 6 6
Another common type of roof. Hipped roof is assembled from four ramps. End (they are called hips) have a triangular form. They occupy the space from the end of the ridge to the eaves. The other two have a slope shape of a trapezoid. Practicality is provided structural features. First of all it concerns the drainage of precipitation. But the performance of the technology is much more complex. For its construction will require a team of experienced builders. One of the downsides is that the attic level will not be the gables, and to improve the illumination required to do more skylights. This will add to the complexity of the design process, including in the calculation step truss system. Despite the fact that this design copes with showers, it is often used in dry tropical areas.

Hipped roof will come in handy if you need to finish:
- house with a veranda;
- oblong building;
- L-shaped house.
The roof of this type include the classic features of a gable and gambrel. The design no sharp corners, and one of its main functions is to protect against strong winds. In regions with snow in winter, such a roof made with small sheds and steeper slopes. If at the location of the house heavy snowfall does not happen, the canopies must be large, and relatively gentle slopes. Typical poluvalmovaya hipped roof has a slope of the cut end. Free space sealed window (including a solid) or a wall. However poluvalmovaya roof can combine elements of a gable. Surface elements in this case is still four. Unlike the previous embodiment, the lateral ramps deprived bottom and front - have a shape vaguely resembling a trapezium, but with six angles. With this structure will loft larger volume.

This hipped roof, consisting of identical triangular sections. They must be isosceles. Stingrays are connected exactly in the middle. Due to the strict geometry of such a coating is not suitable all the houses. The name comes from the word "tent" - a mobile home rectangular shape. Hipped roof is also known as a pyramid. It can be installed on a home with a base in the form of a square or regular quadrilateral (not in all cases). Overhangs a roof are at the same height. Despite the simple appearance, work on the installation of this type of roof complicated technically. The advantages of hip roof is its ability to quickly warm and resistant to strong winds. The main drawback - the presence of many compounds in the truss construction, which makes the construction process more difficult and time-consuming.

Other cons:
- Significant departure roofing materials.
- A small amount of space under the attic.
- Costly.
It is characterized by great variation in performance based on the number, shape, location and size of the gables (forceps). Her sunken corners require a very careful, accurate and precise finishing. Mnogoschiptsovoy on the roof of a large number of valleys in places stingrays connection. It is being built on with a complicated layout of objects, unusual architectural forms, attic bunk compartments and attics. On the valleys will go rainfall and melt water. There's also usually accumulates snow, so they should make the most durable and airtight. Increasing the bearing capacity can turn the valley of the most vulnerable elements of the roof structure in the most functional. One of the main advantages mnogoschiptsovoy roof truss system is balanced. The main problem is the complexity of its installation.

So called roofing rounded, hemispherical or cylindrical. Vault is usually made of stone or brick. It requires special rafter system, as in the finishing of the curved arch standard will be unusable. As a material used as supporting structures curved metal molds and rounded wooden frames of laminated veneer lumber. It needs to make specific order. The strength should be superior quality cylindrical beams. Sometimes used trusses with a complex pattern. This will affect the final price. Design and installation are much more than roofs with rectilinear forms. For this reason, cylindrical roof is not widely used. For finishing shop roll materials of a polymer bitumen, rebated metal coating; in some cases fit shingles.

Despite the fact that the installation itself the vaulted roof is much more expensive material consumption can be small.
The roof is made of four diamond-shaped rays, summarized in a single point in the center. Suitable for square-shaped buildings. Diamond-shaped roof is mounted on a small country houses, country houses. If desired, you can make the most of the high attic. Bubnov roof often can be seen in the single-storey buildings. The most common subspecies of diamonds roof is a roof Sudeikin. Its design consists of four triangular rays (hips) in the upper half and the same amount of the adjacent triangular rays, directed top down. Such a building will be four gable. The truss system is used as a special design of the boards in the form of an octagonal dome. Classic diamond-shaped roof G. Sudeikin provides for a central supporting pillar. However, the roof can be installed without it.
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How to choose a roof slope
For subsequent placement decorating elements (original dormer windows and chimneys, gables unusual) set roof with a large slope, almost vertical in some places. You can use this configuration for arranging a full floor with a variety of design solutions. Small slope with better protection from the wind, because the contact area is larger. However, this does not touch the roof with very low slope. Rainwater and snow with low roof go slower, it may leak. Cover with a slight slope requires more care. There is no need to clean the slopes with an inclination of 45 ° or higher. A roof with large slope (45 °) is considered "self-cleaning". Relatively flat roof - the most economical option, but the space in the attic will not be enough. This problem can be solved by increasing the height of the walls of the top floor at the design stage.

Constituent elements of the roof structure
Roof includes various elements. All kinds of roofs consist of ramps - surfaces, having a certain slope. This multiple independent components, which are closely adjacent to each other, at least - one. Called top ridge parallel to the horizon line, which connects several stingrays. The same name can have a ridge tiles and ridge lath. Many roofs have an element such as a flagon. This internal angle at the interface of the two skates. Flagon - master node device roof. Overhangs are of two kinds. Cornice - is on the side of the roof surface, projecting beyond the walls of the building; Front - part of the roof overhanging the gable (pediment) of the building. Both options can have a strict linear shape or performed in an original manner. The basis for the construction of the roof is the truss system - load-bearing structure of the trusses, braces, struts and crossbars.

Form jig system
Truss developing are different. Pent configuration provides two rows of racks or walls as a support for the rafters. One wall should be higher. Gable carrier construction performs a function on roofs, consisting of two rectangular sloped surfaces. In most cases, such a system feet rest on two identical supporting walls of the box home. Hip designed for four sloped surface. Rafters create two trapezoidal and the same triangular bases. They are based on the long and end walls respectively. Hip roof truss system is supported same walls. Broken (roof) truss structure installed in a similar manner as in the case of gable systems, but the rafters are placed in two tiers.

Truss system may include the following elements:
- fight;
- ridged node;
- run;
- rack;
- mauerlat;
- braces;
- sill.
Naslonnaya rafters system
This design has a solid support under the upper and lower heels. Manufacture and installation takes place in a similar manner as in the case of a pent roof. Erecting naslonnye system above the box on the inside retaining wall. It is needed as a support structure for the ridge pole. wall function may perform the ranks of columns or pillars. In a simple structure with a five-meter naslonnoy span the top of the rafters rely on the run. Lejeune plays a supporting role for the most runs. structural strength is provided by struts. Systems with large spans are equipped with additional purlins and contractions. The latter provide structural stability. Inclined system can use one of two types of bearing. When one of them can be rotated and has two degrees of freedom. The second option provides only one degree of freedom.

Hanging truss system
In the design of this type has only the lower support. Prop top of each other. the frame elements are made in the form of a triangle, which is why there is no need for mauerlat. His role is performed by tightening the (base). It is used to compensate for the thrust on the roof of the weight of the system, and snow cover, which it will. Hanging configuration is applicable to small boxes without bearing member under ridge run. If you want to decorate a large span, the structure is equipped with ties, braces and attendants. The use of two additional supports allows to block a distance of 15 meters. Rafter hanging systems avoid the horizontal loads. They create a tension that is not transferred to the walls of the building. The top of the rafters may be fixed or placed back to back on the run.
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The choice of roofing depending on slope
Flat roofs are covered by the multilayer roll materials, bitumen. If the slope is greater than 5 °, it can be used in the finishing of three-layer web materials, without protection. Bituminous waterproofing layer to the coarse recommend to apply if the slope is greater than 10 °. When tilted more than 15 ° laid roofing sheets waveform. Materials may be performing bitulin, ondulin, evroshifer, asbestos slate. Grooved roof tiles of clay used in a slope of 20 °. Galvanized steel, copper, tile, metal, steel sheet metal profile and is placed at an angle of inclination greater than 30 °. Seam Steel applied at an incline of 18 ° to 25 °, sometimes by 8 °. Slate and asbestos cement tiles, roofing tiles and natural appropriate coating, if the roof is steep (50 °). When finishing roofs inclined at an angle of 80 °, chips are used and shingles (shingle).

Features mansard roofs
Attics can vary greatly configuration. One of the principal features of the mansard roof is the presence of bends outward, but there are internal fractures. Sloping ceilings can be seen in buildings of small size. This more complicated version of a gable roof with a decorative purpose. Pent mansard roof should ideally be inclined at an angle of 40 °. Scat made on the leeward side of the building. Attic under simple symmetric roof typically has a sufficiently large "dead" zone in the vicinity of the roof to the walls joints. Recommended roof inclination angle - 45 °. Not a bad solution - to create an attic floor with asymmetric slopes. There can accommodate tall items. The main problem lies in the complexity of the calculations in the design. Hipped mansard roof should be done with a large angle of inclination. In the attic of the center will be a lot of space to store tall bulky items.

In regions where there is a hurricane, Shed roofs are better placed on the windward side, and a support structure - strengthen diagonal ligaments.
Warming and waterproofing
The choice of material for waterproofing depends on climatic conditions. The most commonly used roofing material. This is a very strong material. Its advantage lies in the long term of operation. Recently, it became popular to use waterproof film to protect the layers of the roof of the water with its evaporation. Thermal insulation is carried through internal finishing space between the legs of truss construction. Those involved before the final lining of the room. The insulation material is selected glass fibers, glass or mineral wool. Glass wool is produced in the form of plates and rolls. It is recommended to choose the plate. They are more durable since less deformed, and their insulation properties are approximately the same. In addition, the foam sheets can be used to insulate roofs.

Parameters of insulating materials:
- breathability;
- compressibility;
- water vapor permeability;
- compressive strength;
- density;
- thermal conductivity.
The design and color solutions for roofs
Over the past 15-20 years have become popular flat roof. Such an arrangement makes it possible to shift the focus to the main part of the building. House with a flat roof may have an unusual and geometrically complex shape in the spirit of modern styles like minimalism, biotech, high-tech and avant-garde. Pitched roof is more diverse. Sloping roofs are appropriate in all kinds of design projects of buildings. Pent roof looks nice with transparent walls. Mnogoschiptsovuyu roof can be designed in a unique French style or manner of traditional Russian architecture. The color scheme is chosen according to the color of the building. Roof made darker shades so the choice is often limited to the dark, cold and mixed tones. Roof original shape looks best in blue, bluish, black and gray colors.

The installation process begins with the design of the roof. At this stage, various parameters are calculated, taking into account all the wishes. Much depends on the carcass structure. The optimal variant of accommodation and skylights size is determined before the start of its construction. After the installation of roof system begins the main part of the work. In a corresponding design of its configuration coating is applied. Roofing to be performed with the use of resistant and durable materials. The main criteria for choosing them are indicators such as ramps, windy areas, the number and type of precipitation in the region. Over the past few decades, there are many high-quality functional materials for decoration. After the completion of the external arrangement of the roof should be addressed choice of insulation, waterproofing and vapor barrier.