In recent years, people began to rapidly leave the stuffy "jungle" of cities and explore new areas outside the city. The choice in favor of the provinces has many advantages. Firstly, you can forget about the flood on top, loud quarrels between neighbors and repair the disco noise until late at night. Secondly, in their own domains, you can do gardening, horticulture or livestock farming. Dacha usually has its own garage and the home "spa complex" in the form of a bath, and in the summer, and not far from the river. Gone are the days when weight was only functionality with site design. Now in the first place there is the beauty and aesthetic appeal, so the design of country houses with their surrounding territories pays special attention to jewelry. To get the project of landscape design in the area of 20 acres, you can go two ways:
- Consult a professional and ready to pay for the work of the designer.
- Make the project their own hands.
The second way is more attractive, as it guarantees the economy and cause spiritual awe at the creative individuals who love to realize themselves in new and creative professions. Try to understand the sequence of actions in the preparation of the project and consider a number of original ideas.
- Features design and preparatory work
- stylistic directions
- Proper zoning - comfort and beauty area
- Garden paths, steps and flowerbeds around them
- greening portion
- Popular decorative techniques
- Artificial ponds, fountains and cascades
- We think over lighting
- conclusion
Features design and preparatory work
That the project was a competent and easy to incarnation, one must possess not only good taste, but also the skills of the gardener, designer, knowledge of landscape architecture and even engineering. Do not despair if you are already at this stage is scary and there are doubts about their abilities. To help newcomers ready to professional programs Punch Home Design, Sierra Land Designer 3D, ArchiCad 17, FloorPlan 3D 12, Expert Landscape Design 3D and a dozen renderers working both online (cloud) and without the presence of Internet.

Thanks to these assistants, you can forget about the layout and drafting. Boring job scheduler will perform instead of the designer, in addition they are usually given plenty of examples of successful design projects, which will become a source of inspiration and creative ideas. Some of the programs are completely free, and others without buying a license to sample only a limited version is available. Before you create a project, execute the training:
- To conduct measurements, noted bias relief portion separate zones (Upland, hollows) calculate specific platforms. To cope with the task is difficult, so you have to invite surveyors for surveying the terrain.
- To find out the depth of the groundwater.
- Sketch on a piece of paper forms of tenure. The square is considered the most advantageous, but with triangular and multi-faceted have pretty suffer. For private land area of 20 hectare characterized by typical forms of the rectangle, where one edge is 50 m, the other - 40 m. This greatly simplifies the work on the project of landscape design.
- Set the type of soil. This knowledge will be needed not only for the creation of the garden, but also in choosing the type of foundation for the buildings or the local sewage system (drainage, latrines).
It is also necessary to make a mark on the character of insolation in the area (the shadow of the distribution and sunlight). This will affect the site selection for garden, garden area and the location of the windows on the facade of the future house.
See also:Disposition suburban area: Ingredients plan diagram

If you got the "overgrown" a piece of woods, fields or severely neglected land, then to invite a specialist (lesopatologa), who will be able to determine exactly which areas are potentially promising, where you want to save the flora and which are already subject to fading, and the best way to save on the final stage of depletion will just cutting live on it.

stylistic directions
Novice easy to get lost in the stylistic diversity, so to facilitate the selection we present some of the most popular and (we will not prevaricate) beautiful destinations:
- Dutch. The site, despite its apparent solidity of the house, has a slightly untidy appearance, due to the medley of colors. The Dutch style is rarely planted trees, as preference is given to low shrubs and plants. Along the garden paths stone bloom mixborders violently, and a ground lawn elements decorated with motifs village. Great addition would be a real wagon, which, after the skilful work of the designer turns into a bed.
- English. This sleek style is not famous stiffness inhabitants of Albion. The main credo of direction - preservation of natural flora in order to achieve full communion with nature. For the English style characterized by the use of vertical spaces, paths of stone with lush grass growing on seams, "carpet" flower beds and free-beds mounds (rock gardens, rockeries) with no protections, planted perennials. It is also an indispensable element is the presence of the reservoir and the well-kept lawn in the garden.
- Colonial. One of the most beautiful areas of the mix, which remains valid for several centuries. The colonial-style organically combine Old World culture and native customs. For directions characterized by the use of large kadushek as flower pots for flower beds, a short, stone or wooden fence and a combination of green spaces of different heights to create light at welter site. The colonial landscape terrace necessarily used as a "step" to a garden, which is divided from its threshold.
- Mauritanian. Oriental style used in the oasis gardens, which were hidden from the looks of strangers and struck wealth and luxury. Moorish area will be like a fairy tale, in which the lush thickets of exotic trees hide the quiet corners for privacy to the singing of the birds of paradise. Particular attention will be paid to the garden, which is made on the principle of "chor-tank", when the main zone is divided into four is not a mini-site.
- Provence. For directions characterized by white paved paths, plenty of fruit trees and flower beds with buds in pastel shades, wooden arbors, pergolas, sculptures and topiary on the lawn and in the garden. Instead of the traditional flower bed in the yard of the house is divided beds with Provencal herbs, and the center of the recreation area will be a fountain or a stone well.

Also use Japanese, Chinese, Alpine, Mediterranean, Spanish, classic, rustic and minimalist, modern, hi-tech, eco trend.

Proper zoning - comfort and beauty area
In order for the site was convenient to move, it must divide into functional zone. Those of them that have a similar purpose, combined or purposefully arranged close to each other. In the list of areas included:
- "Center" area - the house. When designing take into account the slope, insolation, the possibility of the access road, the soil type to select the type of foundation.
- Parking for cars (garage, roofed parking).
- Place in the communication.
- Area for passive recreation (garden furniture, grill for barbecue or barbecue, hammock).
- Area for active recreation (tennis courts, a dance floor, a field for ball games, children's playground).
- Bath and outdoor shower.
- Pool or pond.
- Outbuildings (barns, woodsheds, construction equipment storage).
- Garden.
- Horticultural land.
- Summer kitchen.
See also:Interior arbors: modern ideas

The best option is considered to be the combination of garden and rest areas. Beautiful landscape view will make even more pleasant pastime. Outbuildings, a summer kitchen, a bath, too, combine into one large functional sector. The separation can be carried out with the help of garden paths, decorative fences, mixborders or flower borders.

Garden paths, steps and flowerbeds around them
Garden paths not only share the land into zones, but also gives it a neat, tidy appearance. They are made of stone, brick, wood, concrete, rubble, PVC, gravel or pebbles, bottle caps and even the tile pieces. To create a non-trivial or landscape composition for revitalizing dull, smooth terrain use stage. They are also vital to facilitate recovery if possession were placed on a slope. The steps can be of stone, brick and wood. They contribute to the aesthetics of the landscape of the site and complicate geometry. The most common type of flower beds - beds. Plants for them must be chosen, based on climate characteristics. For example, in the southern latitudes easily take root gentle, sensitive flowers that fade in northern climates (short summer, late spring). Also, when choosing a plant should pay attention to the period of their flowering. Follow the principles of Carl Linnaeus, who created unique floral clock in which the bud opens at certain times. Then the flower beds throughout the season will be pleasing to the eye.

greening portion
Greening portion carried on three levels:
- Trees. They are divided into deciduous, coniferous, fruit species.
- Shrubs. Some species used to create hedges and topiary ( "live" figures).
- Flowers. Planted in flower beds, and are considered the foundation of summer decor territory.

Popular among designers creating rockeries and alpine or rock gardens. For first title hides a stone garden, laid out on a flat site. The rockeries used a small amount of boulders, interspersed with flowers. The gaps between plants backfilled pebbles fines. According to the rules, the composition is devoid of volume, so the protruding boulders partially buried in the ground. In rock gardens use more rubble, and the center of the composition they perform, rather than plants in rockeries. Rock gardens mimic the mountain landscape, so have the volume.

Popular decorative techniques
To decorate the suburban area there are plenty of interesting ideas and techniques. If the territory is equipped pond, then through it is possible to bridge the gap and take the track on both sides. Perform it more often made of wood or metal and stone. A similar construction can simply decorate the flat landscape. It looks like the solution is stylish and exotic. For those who missed the water, but is not able to organize a real pond at the site, approach the so-called dry creek. It simulates channel aqueous veins, which was once filled with liquid. The bottom is lined with small pebbles and are planting rare plants bushes. To create the effect of "water ripples", pick a smooth, round and oval stones, which are laid in rows "ribs" down. Among the general neatness will be allocated to running a garden, where a riot of vegetation has managed to take its toll. Of course I care for them will still have, but only in order to save passages to free movement. For additional lighting tracks sprinkled with glowing stones. Most often it is the marble chips, coated with a special luminescent acrylic paints, which give a soft night, green or blue light. Another unusual decoration portion will mill and beacons. The second element will complement the theme of the sea embodied in the other details of the decor. Mills also may be conventional or water. Good they are combined with the country, Russian and Dutch styles.
See also:Do yourself a playground

By the way, glowing stones can be done independently, if they are required in large quantities and the purchase is expensive. Just type pebble and buy a special paint store art supplies.

Artificial ponds, fountains and cascades
Water decoration is necessary to obtain complete design pictures on the site. All water bodies are classified into two types:
- Natural. Streams, ponds, springs.
- Artificial. Fountains, waterfalls, pools.

Particular importance attaches to the water eponymous Eastern culture and style that is gaining popularity in recent years. By the way, the direction given rise to minimalism. Water is a symbol of harmony and balance. Included with the ground it forms a tandem, which helps unite with nature and achieve a special "zen". If the site has a natural water vein, it is possible to elevate or to complicate with the help of artificial stone cascades. When you need to create your own pond, you need to carefully study the characteristics of soil and choose the place properly, which will allow it to become part of the design of the composition and form a secluded corner of Philosophy thought.

We think over lighting
Proper lighting at the site - the question is not only beauty, but also the safe movement throughout the night. Functional lighting (basic) recommend to place so that you can see the main building and all the tracks that diverge from it. Also be sure lights are fitted with "dangerous" areas: sharp turns, steps and approaches to obstacles that you can not see in the dark. Decorative lighting emphasize the beauty of the jewelry area. They give little light (usually toning) and installed near important art objects: the rock garden, flower bed in the wagon, well, pond, fountain, garden gnomes or sculptures.

Creating a project of landscape design - a complex, multi-stage operation, which not everyone can handle it. Holders of "technical" mentality will have to discover their creative potential, and "humanists" will be forced to learn the basics of the exact sciences. Properly executed project does not guarantee the quality of design, as a thorough embodiment of every detail of the plan will require additional monitoring. If confidence is not present, then the pay check and proofread their work in a professional. In any case it will be cheaper and will help to avoid mistakes.