- Why do I need to erase the embroidery?
- Basic rules for washing embroidery
- Embroidery from wool
- Washing embroidery in a washing machine
- How to iron an embroidery?
- Useful advices:
Embroidering with a cross - a long and laborious work, which brings a lot of pleasant moments to the needlewoman. It is embroidery - one of the oldest art forms, moreover, endowed with a sacred meaning. Correctly chosen theme of the picture for weaving with your own hands can help to establish relationships in the family, to strengthen the health of its members, to achieve a comfortable atmosphere in the house and this is not the whole list of the magic effect of embroidery. Believe it or simply spend time with such needlework to stay in harmony with yourself and get beautiful interior decorations to surprise guests - it's up to each young lady personally. But in any case, to make the finished work look impressive, you need to know how to erase the embroidery with a cross, what to do and how to iron it properly. You will learn all this from this article.
to the contents ↑Why is it necessary to erase the embroidery?
Washing embroidery - this is not a whim and not a measure of unnecessary waste of time. Thus, the service life of the finished picture increases, because we wash:
- dust;
- is a fat-rich release;
- small villi.
All this inevitably turns out to be "woven" into your masterpiece while you work.and most importantly - to wash the embroidery with a dagger is necessary in order to give it a brightness, because when mashing during the process of sculpture painting shades from frequent contact of different threads, from getting dust on them, are smeared.
to the contents ↑Basic rules for washing embroidery
There are only a few rules how to erase embroidery with a cross, without spoiling its appearance.
Important! We wash by hand - the fruit of such needlework still requires a delicate attitude.
So the basic rules of the process:
- The most important thing is to fix all the threads so that nothing sticks out anywhere. Need to process the canvas. It can be fixed with a sewing machine, a zigzag. Or you can sew a fabric around the edge of the embroidery, apply glue PVA, transparent varnish. See for yourself which option you prefer.
- One of the no less important aspects in washing is the water temperature. The water should be slightly above room temperature - about 30 C. But it is important that the water is not too warm.
- We take a large capacity so that our product floats freely in it.
- It is best if the washing powder is for gentle washing of colored things in cold water, although a normal shampoo is also suitable. If using a powder, you should dilute the detergent properly in water.
- Put our embroidery in water. We are waiting for 15-20 minutes.
- If the dirt is strong, you can wipe the dirty areas with a sponge or a soft brush soaked in soap.
- If there is contamination in the form of fingerprints, these areas should be gently rubbed against each other.
- After you have withstood 15-20 minutes, you need to wash the artwork carefully.
- Then rinse in warm, then in cold water.
- Pre-bed on a flat surface with a terry towel, and after washing, place embroidery there.
Important! Do not rub or press the strongly.
to the table of contents ↑Embroidery from wool
It is soft, gentle but nevertheless it is whimsical, embroidery of wool with a cross. Therefore, in order not to spoil the end result and your masterpiece was appreciated by all visitors at home, follow such rules to wash embroidery with a cross so that it does not shed:
- water should be cool;
- needs a special powder for washing wool, or even better - a liquid detergent;
- can also be dried on a towel, but it can be ironed only after it has completely dried.
Washing the embroidery in the washing machine
Never erase the finished embroidery in the washing machine:
- First, it will distort your entire drawing.
- Secondly - your canvas can completely disintegrate.
How to iron the embroidery?
How to wash the embroidery so that it does not shed, we found out, now the question is, how to iron the embroidery?- Nothing complicated in this process:
- The best way is to iron it when it is still wet, but if the fabric has dried, then you can pat it through a wet gauze.
- The main secret is to iron it on the wrong side, clean and not too hot iron. You do not need to put pressure on it.
- You can still starch if you want to make the picture more rigid.
Important! Too hot an iron can deform your product. The mode can be set between one and two, or focus on the "silk", "wool" mode.
to the contents ↑Useful advices:
- If you need to paint the canvas, do it from natural dyes - so you will avoid that your product can completely shed.
- If the screeds are stuck after processing, then they were made either unfairly or unprofessionally. It is best to rip and remodel.
- If you plan to add embellishments with satin ribbon, beads, stones, rhinestones or other elements in the decor of the embroidery, then it is better to wash your product, and then embody your fantasies in reality.
We all love this process of needlework, the very idea that out of a skein of threads we can make a whole work is already good, because in any case embroider for moral satisfaction. Do not rush and you will succeed - the main result!