Proper table and chair for home occupations
The correct position when the seat for the child - the condition of development of posture, maintaining health. Education, especially in elementary school, a load stress to the body. It is therefore necessary to create favorable conditions for training. How to choose the right furniture for your child?

Magnificent ergonomic desk Direct 1200 M, for a set which are extensions to the computer
- 1 regulatory parameters
- 2 correct posture
- 3 The width and depth
- 4 Buying for growth
- 5 Placing PC
- 6 Video: Table desk transformer 'Acrobat', array
regulatory parameters

Desk for the student COMSTEP-01 / BB - is simplicity of design and a comfortable position of the child
- By the rule of determining the parameters, value tables and chairs should be within 2 to 3. Tolerances - minimal and should not reach values greater than 1 centimeter.
Choosing a school chair and table on the table in terms of growth
- For a table of the child about 1.1 meters tall would be the optimal size to 0.52 m. The size of the chair reaches 0.32 meters. If a child's growth is 1.25-1.30 meters, the size of the chair should be 35, the table - 57 cm.
- Subsequently, the table height is calculated Formulary. For every 10 cm child's growth, accounted additional 5 and 3 cm table chair. 10/5/3 ratio is maintained, regardless of age.

Table-transformer can be used for a long time, it allows you to adjust the height of the legs, as well as the slope of the countertop
correct posture

Children's Orthopedic table Conductor-03 / Milk & B, allows you to adjust the table height and angle of inclination of table top
Adopted child and layout rules.
- It is necessary to pay attention to the countertop. It is at the level of the diaphragm seated. From countertops to the knees is about 10 centimeters of space. Between the rear wall and the legs stored at 5-6 cm distance.
Table and chair for house training a young student
- Table height - at 3-5 cm below the elbows student standing is in position. Chair height should monitor by placing furniture on the removal of 10 cm. After the child's seat with your back straight and bend at an angle of 90 ° down. In this position, the feet should be firmly on the floor.
The proper desk and chair for the student
- It is unacceptable that there was underfoot support. The disciple is not necessary to also bend the legs more than 90 degrees.

Children's desk transformer moll Champion - a beautiful table for the little schoolboy
The width and depth

Select the height of the children's table and chairs on the rise
However, it is not only the height of the table. Important section width and depth of the work surface of the chair. Table top should be the width, so that after placement of necessary supplies forearms child was at least 10 cm of space.

Proper workplace for the student, which allows to keep a good posture and the child's vision
The depth should be such that when touching the back of the child to the back of the chair his feet did not touch the seat. In practice it is not less than 0.3 meters. A chair is considered optimum width value equal to 2/3 of the thigh.

Demi growing party for elementary school students and high school students
For writing and drawing can not be rejected in advance by more than 15 °. It is impossible to touch the breast sitting surface of the table - this is 100 percent proof that the height chosen is wrong.

Right and wrong position at the seat of the child at the workplace

For different activities tabletop tilting at a predetermined angle
Buying for growth

Children's table Mealux BD-205 with lift Stabilus, with which you can easily adjust the height of countertops
Not every family can afford to make frequent purchases - children grow up quickly. Many people purchase baby furniture for 5-6 years of study. How to accommodate seated in this case?

Adjustable wooden table and chair
The way out - buying the appropriate chairs.

School desks for pupils with adjustable chairs

Comfortable chair, the height of which is adjusted as the child grows
To baby's feet had a normal footing, purchased or produced on their own special stand, pick up to 30% space. It can be made as a permanently installed at the table, and portable. In the latter case, they will find it convenient to use the 2-3. As soon as the student growth will increase, simply remove the stand.

Table for the child to school and other activities with a high chair for the baby's age
The optimal variant of the table "for growth" - adjustable model. The value changes in increments of 5-6 centimeters, so you can choose the parameters for any growth. The table is made of quality materials, will last the entire period of study.

Growing table, the table allows you to adjust the height and angle of the table top, depending on the type of growth and employment
Placing PC

Convenient right computer desk for activities and games

Computer desk for older students
More than 60% of households in the country have at least one PC. 50% of proposals desks -products providing accommodation and monitor the system unit. This solution looks convenient and saves space, but to choose a universal product is not worth it.

Computer desk and a chair placed in the corner of the room
It is better to put a computer separately. Then there will be more space, and from the educational process did not distract.

Table for writing and training on the computer for teenager
Do not forget the gym - every 15-20 minutes of sitting must be interrupted to perform a warm-up. Implementation of these rules will ensure proper, good posture and spinal health.

Convenient computer desk with unusual shapes