Reading will never go out of fashion, many have a certain amount of literary publications acquired or inherited. Home library allows you to place a collection of books and serves as a place for recreation. Neatly placed on the shelves of book editions decorate the room and make it possible at any time to dive in the fascinating stories that were created by talented writers, thus detracting from the city fuss. Of course today the majority of people reading books in electronic format. But it never compare to the smell of new paper, pleasant rustling, tactile sensations while turning pages, creating a special atmosphere in the reading process.
In order to organize the interior of the library must be well thought out placement of book collection to paper publications remained intact for a long time and have become remarkable decoration premises. It is important to provide an enabling environment and treat yourself books carefully. They can be arranged for the convenience alphabetically or by genre. Some sort books on color covers, eventually shelves look nice and neat.
- Where to place the library
- Choosing furniture for the home library
- Lighting in the home library
- classic interior
- modern interior
- Restoration of old cabinets
- books retention rules
- conclusion
Where to place the library
You can not keep the book in the kitchen or in a dark closet, so they can get damp and deteriorate, as in other areas with high humidity. The best place for a home office or library will be living. But not necessarily to place literary publications in the same room, sometimes books are located partly in the different rooms, one bedroom, hall, dining room and so on. This is especially true in the Khrushchev apartment with a small area. When there is shortage of space, a lot of books can be located on the corner shelves on shelves, niches on the sides, on top of a door or window opening, near or above the fireplace. To do this, you can build a structure made of plasterboard or purchase a suitable functional furniture. It is important to consider the location so that the books are not in direct sunlight. Sometimes used the space under the stairs on the sides or side doors, windows, on the show floor, above the headboard. It is not always the number of square meters allows you to allocate a separate room for the library, so the shelves can be distributed to different rooms.
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Choosing furniture for the home library
When choosing furniture you need to focus not only on the number of books, but also on the footage of the room. For the organization of the reading space purchased bookcases gated racks, shelves, sofas, desks, in the classic version. Ultraviolet and harmful effects of dust on the paper, so the publication, it is desirable to store in cabinets with glass doors translucent. Of course you can use open shelves, niches or shelves, but then often have to direct them to the order neutralize accumulation of dust, which is very inconvenient and takes a lot of time to spare. Therefore, this option is more suitable for the storage of a small number of books.

Very comfortable furniture is modular, it gives an opportunity to choose the right equipment. A built-in furniture design, a good solution to save space. Great abundance of various furniture manufacturers offer modern, that allows you to create original and stylish setting home library. The main thing is to fit a shelf for storing books in an optimum upright position. The very process of reading should be comfortable, this acquired soft comfortable chairs, sofas. No less important role is played by the correct lighting.

Lighting in the home library
The balance should be organized so as to avoid direct sunlight on books, it will protect against yellowing pages, which leads to their fragility. In the work area to create a local lighting of sufficient intensity. For this purpose, floor lamps, lamps, wall lamps. Near the chair can be hung wall lamp or floor lamp to put on a high leg. For the desk to purchase a table lamp. During the reading of the light should fall on the left side, so will not appear shade that creates disturbances. Also located on the book shelves can be illuminated spotlights or diode strips. This will create a stylish setting, but there do not need to overdo it, because for the paper books are too intense light exposure can affect adversely.

classic interior
Home Library heralded in a classic style with wooden furniture with artistic elements thread or selected stringent laconic models with correct, clear forms in the traditional format. You can also add a soft chair with quilted leather interior, but the best quality of leather or imitation leather. Classical direction supplemented parquet floor covering or carpet. Finishing touches will be painting in the Impressionist, bas-reliefs, antique floor clock with a pendulum, beautiful vases and delicate figurines.
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modern interior
In the modern design libraries are used shelves, racks, cabinets unconventional shapes and colors. This wave structure can be made of plasterboard or rack with diamond-shaped sections. You can create an original and compact office-library, which consists of chairs, combined with the bookshelves and glass table. In the modern version might arrange a place for books in keeping with any stylistic direction, whether it be modern, hi-tech, loft, Scandinavian, English or Marine style. It is not necessary to acquire new-fangled furniture can be restored the old and supplement it with a certain style decor accordingly.

Restoration of old cabinets
Furniture, which is manufactured in the Soviet times, has a very high quality. In many homes there are cabinets that are used for decades and remain intact. True their appearance does not always fit into the modern interiors. But that is no reason to replace them with new furniture, it is sufficient to restore, change the design, you end up with an exclusive and stylish thing. Doing so is not so difficult and such works are often performed at home.

Change the color of the cabinet can be in three stages:
- cleaning;
- primer;
- painting.

First layer sandpaper erased old varnish and paint. Further, if required, shpaklyuyut existing defects on wood putty. After that, the cabinet surface is primed with a special compound. At the end of the furniture painted in any chosen shade. After painting renovated closet can leave and so, or add decorative elements. For example, unless the paper-cut patterns or other items, stick them to the surface with white glue and covered with a transparent varnish, obtained designer furniture, made in decoupage technique. For the country style you can decorate the cabinet surface craquelure technology, paint it with special paints, varnishes, to get the effect of antiquity. Sometimes furniture glued lace textile or wallpaper that looks very unusual and sophisticated. On sale you can find a lot of stylistic decorative details that can be used to create a stylish, modern design for older cabinets.
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books retention rules
To paper publishing for a long time remained in a saved state you must follow a few guidelines:
- avoid storing books in areas with high humidity;
- Avoid exposure to direct sunlight;
- regularly clean the dust from the book shelves, a vacuum cleaner or a slightly damp cloth;
- not to book too close to each other;
- wash hands before reading.

Optimum temperature for the storage of books + 18 degrees at a humidity of 60%. Too low a temperature may lead to the formation of mold or mildew, and excessively high for books deformation. From sunlight pages turn yellow and become brittle. The dust contains harmful microorganisms that adversely affect the paper books. When you remove a book from the shelf, it should be easy to give in, by placing too tight deformed bindings. To provide adequate ventilation, the books must be from the top edge of the shelf at a distance of at least 3 cm. Even if hands appear clean, they still may be microparticles grease, dirt, which are harmful for the book pages. Therefore, be sure to wash your hands before reading.

Now home libraries are gaining popularity and today it is a fashionable trend in interior design. Reading books will never go out of fashion, because it allows you to dive into the fascinating story of fiction and is an excellent breeding ground for self. The presence of a library at home emphasizes the high cultural status and impeccable taste of the owners. Optionally allocate for this purpose a separate room, besides, it is not always possible living conditions. Therefore beautifully and correctly place the book can be partially in almost any room. The main literary publications to provide favorable conditions for storage. In the age of high technology, the availability of home library, in a modern interior as if connects epochs and gives the room a noble, aristocratic notes.