How to get rid of the smell in the washing machine


  • Why does it smell of a typewriter?
  • Prevention
  • Cleaning machine

Most often it is unpleasant smells from the already "middle-aged" typewriter, but even seemingly relatively new and serviceable technology can unpleasantly surprise with this stench. Naturally, this raises the question: how to get rid of the smell in the washing machine once and for all?

Why does it smell of a typewriter?

Even after draining the main part of the water, some liquid remains in the drum of the machine. And if after washing does not leave the door open, so that the water can evaporate, then it starts the processes of decay, causing just this unpleasant rotten smell.

A substandard powder, which is poorly soluble in water, is not washed off, but adheres to the walls, will also be a favorable environment for the development of putrefactive microorganisms. And even a good powder, which was poured in excess, and he did not have time to completely rinse out, can lead to similar problems.

Like any other device, the machine gun needs maintenance. If you do not clean the clogged hoses in time, clean the scum, accumulate mildew and sticky powder residues, do not eliminate the filter clogs, then do not be surprised why there are problems with washing and the smell of mustiness.

As is known, many bacteria do not tolerate high temperatures. But water at 30-40 degrees for them - the most favorable conditions. And if you constantly wash only at such temperatures, the microorganisms will actively multiply, and it will not be easy to clean the machine from them.

The smell in the washing machine can not appear even due to problems with it itself. If its hose is connected to a sewage system without a U-shaped bend, then all the stink of sewage will rush into the machine. If there is such a curvature of the pipe, then there is always a small amount of water left in it. With regular use of the machine, it does not have time to stagnate and go out, but it creates a hydraulic stop that prevents penetration of all unpleasant odors from the sewage system.


So that you do not have to worry about trying to remove the smell from the washing machine, do not put dirty laundry, intended for washing and cleaning, inside the washing machine. In a confined space, it will quickly acquire an unpleasant musty smell, and in addition will not allow the machine to ventilate.

If the front loader is used, it is recommended to clean the rubber sealing ring around the door after each washing - a frequent place of mold occurrence. It is important to keep an eye on the cleanliness inside the machine - remove plaque in a timely manner and clean the blockages, and after washing, leave it ajar for ventilation. And when washing, the dosage of the powder should be observed. Fortunately, it's not at all difficult - the recommended proportions are always indicated on the package.

Once every few months, it is advisable to arrange washing at maximum temperature and duration for machine cleaning. If you can not erase any things under such conditions, then you can throw household rags in the drum for cleaning and cleaning or even leave it empty.

The organic filter deposits actively accumulate on the pump filter, which is a favorable environment for rot and mold bacteria. Therefore, it is important to clean it at home at least once every 2-3 months. Also periodically it is necessary to remove the container for detergents and thoroughly clean it, to remove all excess powder adhered or sediment from the conditioner for laundry.

The drain hose in the machine is corrugated, and so much dirt accumulates in its concave walls that it is useless to try and rinse it and it will be easier and cheaper to replace it, because it is inexpensive.

If the tap water is not of the best quality and contains a large number of organic impurities, then to clean it, it is worthwhile to think about installing the filter directly in front of the washing machine or immediately at the entrance of pipes into the housing.

Cleaning of machine

Measures to prevent the smell of mold in the machine are not at all complicated. But if it does appear, then immediately it is necessary to try to eliminate it. Anyone can clean the inside of the drum from the sticky residue of the powder, but the correct connection of the drain or the cleaning of the clogged filter at least for the first time should be entrusted to the professional master. But you can carefully observe his work and next time to clean the machine by yourself.

What else can you do with your own hands, when the machine stinks of mold? For example, run a single wash at high temperatures, adding a little citric acid or vinegar to the water. These funds not only reduce the number of bacteria, but can also clean the machine of scale. After this, another empty cycle of washing with a batch of soda or special cleaning tablets for the machine should be carried out, and then turn on the rinse mode to remove any debris and detergents.

If all of the above measures do not work and the unpleasant smell from the washing machine is preserved, then you can resort to a radical remedy - repeat washing with hot water, but with the addition of chlorine bleach or a cleaner for sewage pipes. Naturally, after such procedures, clean and rinse the machine will have to be especially careful.


It is very important not to make a mixture of sewer and bleach to clean the machine. Why? Because in the course of their reaction pure chlorine is released, which in this form is very harmful to the respiratory system.

Visible to the eye of contamination, for example, mold areas located on the door, it is easy to clean with any soap and cleaning cloth, rag, sponge or old toothbrush in crevices and hard-to-reach places. But abrasive products should be cleaned with care and only in case of emergency, otherwise you can severely damage the surface of the machine parts.

If the machine was washed with a product smeared with something strongly smelling, and after washing it smells more and more from the machine, then cleaning it is not difficult, such a problem is solved. For this it is necessary to drive the machine idle at first with the addition of soda, then with table vinegar at a temperature of 30 degrees. Then you need to turn on the rinse mode with cool water. To check if the smell has disappeared from the washing machine, it is better to wash the first wash with rags, which will not be a pity.

To summarize, it can be said that the causes of the smell of mold from the machine machine can be different, but timely combating them and simple preventive measures can solve the problem. What you do and how to clean the faithful and true technique, you now know.