Modern accommodation standard and economy class includes a small footage of living rooms and kitchens, so settlers and buyers of apartments do alterations, combining the kitchen and living room, creating a studio space at houses. In addition, a kitchen with a living are often combined in a private home or cottage, where the first floor is given for the establishment of the common areas, and the second is released under the arrangement of bedrooms and recreation.
The advantage of combining the kitchen with the living room is the emergence in the apartment a spacious common room, which take the friends, guests and comfortably hold joint family evenings. Lady of the house will no longer need to constantly run away into the kitchen and watch how we prepare our food - the family will be in the same room to chat and have a good time.
functional areas
- Kitchen
- Living room
- How to choose a style
- Decoration Materials
- Separation of furniture
- septa
- Lighting
- Work zone
- Rest zone
- Dinner Zone
- Couch
- conclusion
functional areas
Regardless of the type of property and the way of life of the kitchen-living room is divided into 3 main areas:
For cooking food | Located in kitchen, refrigerator and appliances |
Recreation | Common place of family gathering or reception |
Seating | Functional place where there is a large table, chairs and wall to store kitchen utensils and cutlery |

By separating functional areas for the kitchen-living room of 30 square meters. meters is to approach responsibly. it is worth considering factor for one-bedroom apartments, which will be combined with bedroom kitchen that will have sleep with a constantly running refrigerator in the kitchen, which, when cooking has a different bouquet aromas. In addition, it is worth considering the image of a person's life, who lives nearby. Night trips to the kitchen and the clatter of dishes during sleep a little delight anyone.
The kitchen is one of the main elements constituting the studio that serves as the organization of space. Around it are settling other areas for eating and relaxing. It should include a kitchen wall, refrigerator, home appliances, a dishwasher and a wall for storing utensils.

Tip! To eliminate proliferation of the kitchen smells around the space must be installed above the stove hood to cover an area of 30 sq. meters.
Many people who plan to repair wonder: Should we allocate the kitchen with bright colors or make it more discreet? Both points of view are possible and depend on the individuality of each person. In the first variant should consider kitchen design, different from the rest area, choose a different type of finish and floor materials that will contrast with the other areas of the kitchen-living room.

The second event will be the option for those people who prefer to eat out, and shows no interest in cooking at home. Stylistically, the kitchen becomes an extension of the recreation area. Selection of kitchen furniture is made in tone with the general design studio, home appliances built in cabinets, floor materials are used for the same kitchen-living room.
Living room
Living in a studio space becomes an important room in which the guests are going to rest and family after work. When planning the design of the living room and then it is important to identify the main areas:
- Dining table - must accommodate all family members and possible guests. Located, usually in the center of the room or between the kitchen and sitting area.
- Sofa separated from the dining area and kitchen plasterboard wall or bar.
- TV is desirable to place in the visible part of both the kitchen and the living room. Best would be to place the TV face of the sofa for comfortable viewing broadcasts.
See also:What better to do the ceiling in the kitchen

Additional useful elements are living racks for gifts, shelves for books, paintings adorn the walls is recommended to put a coffee table with a vase and candy.
How to choose a style
living room kitchen design 30 square meters. meters to run in the Empire style, which places high demands on design space. It implies a presence in the room decor elements of ancient art. This style of different lighting and lack of tightness.
A characteristic feature of the use of the Empire - the presence of warm colors of wall and floor materials. Designers prefer materials of wood and stone. In sharp contrast, and color difference - it's not about him. Bright and shiny furniture, beige walls, polished facade, wooden style laminate emphasize individuality and will allow for the perfect combination.

Individual features of the application of the Empire style will be a total lack of visual home appliances you want to hide behind facades built-in furniture. Decor serves dishes, vases, candy and paintings on the walls.
Another interesting direction for the design studio space is minimalist, which is characterized by a minimum Furniture presence of not more than 3 colors in the interior, the use of predominantly built-in appliances, bright illumination premises.
Thus, unlike the classic style, the use minimalist increases space, light filled rooms, the maximum useful and functional use of the free area.

Proper zoning area can protect against further mistakes and need to buy furniture that is appropriate to the location of functional areas, but do not like tenants. An example of a successful zoning is installation of partitions or the bar, which will help implement the visual separation of space into zones. Plasterboard partitions will be a great solution.
The bar counter is a fashionable middle element of the interior and perfectly fit into any style of decoration. An additional advantage of the use in the kitchen-dining room of a small size is the ability to use the stand as a dining table.

Contrast design - is regularly used methods of zoning. Kitchen and living isolated in different colors, at the same time the floor is made out of different materials, combining the laminate and ceramic tile.
An example of successful zoning can serve successfully placed ceiling lights, which are located on the border areas of the premises.
Decoration Materials
For right choice of finishing materials is to consult with the designer, who will offer the best color combination, the conformity of floor and wall solutions. In addition, it is necessary to check the budget and funding opportunities.
For walls recommended decorative plaster, which is plus resistance to and durability. Different colors and shades of plaster allow give a unique aura to the room. This type of material will be more expensive than wallpaper, but the quality of performance and visualization eliminates the difference in price.
See also:Decorative shelf for the kitchen with his hands

Gender is an important element in the living room-kitchen and can serve as a space zoning. In the kitchen, the best would be to put ceramic tiles in the lounge to lay laminate. Smooth and visual transition from the two areas will be a unique feature of the room.
Suspended ceiling perform in a reliable and durable material that will provide a large amount of light and the possibility of embedding downlights.
Separation of furniture
Upholstered furniture can serve not only as an element of the interior, and to perform a useful function zoning premises. In the absence of partitions or the bar, sofa, facing a person in a recreation area, can become a kind of wall between the kitchen and living room.
Dining area consisting of a table and chairs can also serve as the border between the cooking area and a relaxation room. Using this scheme, you can save on finishing materials and the manufacture of plasterboard partitions.

Some owners of small apartments used as the separation of the so-called kitchen island, which is a split-level multipurpose table for cutting, slicing and cooking food. Additionally, it may be used as a bar with the back side. The table will fit into the interior, and will serve as a boundary between the zones.
Variations partitions between the zones already invented a large number. The most popular way of zoning studios are plasterboard partitions, which may be made to a height of 1 meter, to leave space in the room. They are also used in the form of partition walls with decorative elements and a bay window in the middle.

In the modern interior partitions have been applied, made of frosted glass. The design is supported by a metal frame and provides a zoning without losing sight of the room.
Good option for zoning premises will be the preservation partitions fragment typical layout mutatis mutandis in accordance with the project. This option will help to keep the budget and create a unique area in accordance with design ideas. For duplex apartments used by the partition option, which performs a staircase.
The project focuses on a studio lighting planning. When creating a unified standard room lighting might not be enough. For the cooking zones, you can pay attention to the embedded or overhead spotlights which can be fitted in the ceiling.

Dining requires a large amount of light. Therefore, we can take advantage of natural light, placing it near a window, and use a bright chandelier. For the recreation area can be used small floor lamps, sconces and table lamps.
Work zone
The lack of space in the apartment is forcing many to look for a free space to create a cabinet in the kitchen or living room. The working area includes a small room with a small table, chair, computer and storage space for supplies.

Working area of the main space can be separated by means of a small open rack plasterboard. The advantage of such partitioning is the ability to decorate a bookcase decor items. Open rack does not isolate the cabinet, thus no space will be reduced.
See also:Kitchen design in a modern apartment 75 photos
Another embodiment workplace arrangement are free angles in the kitchen, living room window. Compact furniture, including a corner table, a small chair and a laptop would be a great solution to create a small office.
Rest zone
For each person rest it is very individual, so the layout area for leisure activities should be carried out taking into account the characteristics of each family member. Typically, the seating area is equipped with a sofa or seating area, television.

In some cases, the hardware destinations using Bio Fireplace, which is the element of the interior. The advantage of bio fireplaces in the apartment - no chimney, but it also produces heat and work for organic fuel. Consisting of the furnace, which burns fuel and decorative elements, imparting the aesthetic beauty of the fireplace.
Furniture for common room is a pick based on the available space and the need to avoid clutter. The important point is a stylistic combination kitchen, dining and recreation areas.

Some furniture manufacturers considering the demand made kits for common room. In such kits kitchen wall, dining room furniture and cabinet are made in a single style using the same materials. This option is ideal as a quick solution when there is no desire for a long time to search and select their own furniture.
Dinner Zone
For decorating the dining area in the combined space it can be used in a kitchen or living room. Proper zoning of this site is a key feature. The table is set apart as a place of recreation and kitchen units. The size of the dining table should be chosen depending on the number of occupants. Family consisting of 2 persons suitable countertop size 75 × 75 cm.

In excellent conditions for this small apartment dining area will bar with high chairs. And in the case of receiving guests need to stock up on a folding table that can easily be removed after use.
Sofa at the joint space can now perform a variety of roles. Many people use it as a partition between the sitting area and a kitchen, others have been used as a seating area for chairs dining area. Sofas can fill the space with warmth and comfort, neat and attractive atmosphere filled with comfort food.

Furniture manufacturers are left residents two choices processing facilities: angle and straight sofa. The first option is popular with residents of the apartment with a small area where the seating area serves as a dining area. For a more spacious premises used direct sofa, which is a cornerstone element of the entire recreation area.
Fitted kitchen studio was the perfect solution for many families, not only because of the small space of an apartment. This solution facilitates communication of family members, allows for a cozy setting to discuss household chores, arrange holidays and invite guests. Open studio apartment space is increased by adding new colors and light of life.