Old age for a person is accompanied not only by wisdom, but also by a whole range of problems, one of which is age spots, or, as they are also called, keratomas. And if they form somewhere on the back or on another part of the body, which is most of the time covered by clothes, then you can somehow put up with it. But what if they appear on the skin of the face? The answer to this question is in our article: we will talk about how to get rid of age spots on face from this cosmetic defect, what they are in general and why they appear. And at the end of our article you will find out where in the Northern capital you can quickly and effectively get rid of age spots on your face.

- age spots
- Causes of age spots
- Senile spots on the face: treatment
- Age spots on the face: laser treatment
- Where to sign up for the treatment of age spots on the face in St. Petersburg
age spots
So, let's start with the very basics. Senile spots (keratomas) are called benign neoplasms that appear due to the compaction of the stratum corneum of the skin. They are called spots because of the high content of melanin pigment in their tissues, so they are darker than the surrounding skin areas. Such spots look like convex plaques (nodules) with a dense rough surface with clear contours. The diameter of the spots usually does not exceed 10-20 millimeters. There is a possibility of an increase in the number and size. Keratomas do not hurt, do not itch, and generally do not cause any discomfort, except for aesthetic ones. They pose no danger to human health.
They can form with equal probability in both men and women. Most often formed on the face, neck, chest, back, arms. They are called senile because the peak of their appearance falls on 55-60 years, however, the first keratomas can be diagnosed after 40 years. In rare cases, neoplasms go away on their own.

Causes of age spots
The main reason for the appearance of keratoma is called age-related changes in the skin. The protective functions of skin cells are reduced, so when some factors appear, a malfunction may occur. melanocytes, as a result of which the pigment begins to be produced in increased quantities, the epidermis also grows, rough and dark. Most often, the factor that triggers such failures is ultraviolet radiation. This is confirmed by the localization of keratomas - they appear on open areas of the body. However, this is not the only factor; there are several others. For example, diseases of the nervous, endocrine and urinary-genital systems, beriberi, failures in the metabolic process. Additional factors are wearing uncomfortable or tight clothing, taking certain drugs, exposure to the skin of aggressive substances. In addition, the hereditary nature of keratomas is also noted: usually the predisposition is transmitted through the male line.
As we wrote above, keratomas in most cases are not dangerous to humans. However, clustered plaques or a large number of them can significantly ruin the patient's life. In addition, the location of the neoplasm in places of squeezing or rubbing with clothing elements, as well as in those places where they can be damaged by any other mechanical means. The fact is that damage to almost any benign neoplasm can provoke its malignancy, that is, its transformation into a malignant tumor. In addition, an infection can get into the damaged keratoma, which can provoke suppuration, as well as the development of skin diseases such as eczema. Therefore, age spots are recommended to be removed as soon as possible.
Senile spots on the face: treatment
Self-treatment should be excluded right away: firstly, it can be dangerous, and secondly, only a doctor can correctly diagnose a neoplasm and prescribe competent treatment. As a rule, the treatment for age spots is to remove it. To do this, doctors who specialize in skin defects perform one of the following procedures:
- Cryodestruction. The essence of the procedure is to freeze the neoplasm with special substances with an ultra-low temperature. Most often, liquid nitrogen is used for this procedure. It is pointwise applied to the skin with an age spot, freezing its tissues to -196 degrees Celsius. From this temperature, the keratoma cells are destroyed, and it dies. After cryodestruction, a wound remains in place of the keratoma, which quickly closes with a protective crust. When the crust peels off, healthy skin remains without neoplasms. The problem is that it is quite difficult to control the freezing process, so they can either be damaged healthy tissues, or the keratoma may not be completely eliminated, which will eventually require a second procedure. In addition, after freezing, a scar may form.
- removal operation. It can be said that it is a classic way to radically remove senile spots. It is performed by a surgeon under local anesthesia: with a scalpel, a specialist excises a part of the skin with a keratoma. At the same time, adjacent healthy skin is necessarily excised. One of the oldest and quite effective methods. But it also has a number of disadvantages. Since it is traumatic, it will require a long recovery, special skin care. In addition, after removal, a pronounced scar forms on the skin.
- Chemical cauterization of keratoma. For the procedure, an aggressive substance is used that cauterizes the keratoma, after which its tissues die. The problem lies in the high risk of re-formation of senile spots, the appearance of allergies and scarring.
- Laser spot removal. It is currently considered one of the most effective methods for eliminating both malignant and benign neoplasms, including age spots. A powerful laser literally evaporates the tissues of the senile spot one layer after another and so on until the keratoma is completely removed. The scar formed after the laser is invisible to the naked eye. Therefore, it can be carried out even on the face. In addition, after the procedure, a long recovery is not required, it is safe: during the procedure, the vessels are sealed, and the skin is additionally disinfected. Therefore, there is no bleeding and no risk of infection. One small age spot can be removed in just a few minutes.
Age spots on the face: laser treatment
Before the laser procedure, you should first meet with a laser therapist. This initial appointment will include a consultation and interview with an examination. At the consultation, you will learn directly from the dermatocosmetologist about age spots on the face, treatment laser these spots and proper care after the procedure. A survey with an examination is needed by a dermatocosmetologist to diagnose a neoplasm and select the optimal setting for the laser device. Also, the doctor will immediately be able to check if you have any contraindications: bleeding, infections and problems with the central nervous system with increased excitability. You will also need to inform the doctor about allergies - the procedure is performed using an anesthetic. If there are no contraindications, then the session can be carried out immediately after the test.
Before the laser, the doctor cleans the treatment area and treats it with an antiseptic. After that, an anesthetic gel or cream is applied to it. But with a low pain threshold of the patient, injection anesthesia can also be used. You will also need to wear protective goggles, which will be given by the doctor. After that, the specialist will begin to remove age spots with a laser. At the end of the deletion, you will receive prescriptions for the duration of the recovery period.
Full recovery of the treated area can take up to two weeks. It is during this time that the protective crust of dried blood and lymph exfoliates. When it falls off, healthy skin remains without age spots. Trying to get rid of the crust yourself is prohibited: this can lead to pigmentation and / or a scar. Also, within two to four weeks, it is forbidden to visit the sauna or bath, as well as tanning in the solarium and on the beach under the sun.
Where to sign up for the treatment of age spots on the face in St. Petersburg
In the northern capital, the procedure for laser treatment of age spots on the face is performed at the Laser Doctor clinic. Also here you can get a comprehensive consultation on benign neoplasms. You can sign up for a consultation or procedure through the website or by phone.