The best regions of Russia in terms of quality of care

The All-Russian People's Front jointly with the Health Foundation created a rating "Quality and accessibility of medical care in Russia".It is presented in the form of an interactive map, which was created taking into account 11 indicators of Rosstat concerning health. The targets of territorial programs of state guarantees of providing free medical care for 2013 and 2014 were also taken into account.

Soon this map will be posted on the website of the foundation "Health".Thanks to it, the heads of the regions will be able to analyze the situation with the provision of medical services in a comprehensive way, which will improve their quality and accessibility.

And here is what looks like in the top 5 Russian regions with the best quality of medical care .


5. Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District

  • 4. Tomsk Region
  • 3. Chechen Republic
  • 2. Altai Republic
  • 1. Tyumen Region
  • 5. Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area

    For each 100% target target of the state guarantees programthe authors of the rating gave the region 3 points. The Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District scored 45.34 points. Based on the results of several public opinion polls, which ended in July 2015, the satisfaction of the residents of Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District with the provision of medical services increased dramatically in comparison with the previous years.

    4. Tomsk Region

    In the region that earned 45.7 points, the "Electronic Registry"( an appointment for a doctor on the Internet) operates and the project "input groups" is implemented, the experience of which is adopted by other regions and recommends the dissemination of the Ministry of Health. Thanks to this initiative, the nervousness and conflicts with the screams "you were not standing here" and "I just ask", which are typical for long queues in front of the registry, should go away in the past. At the entrance to the hospital participating in the project, there is a registration terminal issuing numbered coupons, and a special employee explains how to use it. Waiting time patients go on soft sofas, and not in a crowd in front of the registry window. The system provides benefits to beneficiaries.

    3. The Chechen Republic

    In this subject of the Russian Federation, the territorial program of state guarantees of providing free medical care was approved with a deficit. But this did not prevent the republic from achieving the target values ​​of the main indicators and enter the "green"( good) category of the rating, gaining 45.96 points.

    2. The Republic of Altai

    The growth of indicators for 2013-2014 was 13.26 points, up to 49.26 points. In Altai, there is a regional vascular center, whose activity was approved by the RF Minister of Health in 2015, and for 7 months of 2015, the overall mortality rate of the region's population( as compared to 2014) decreased by 3.9%.

    1. Tyumen region

    With the result of 49.5 points, the oblast topped the list of subjects of the Russian Federation with the most effective medical care 2015. In Tyumen, the "Medical City" project is being implemented, within which an infrastructure is created to provide high-tech medical care. The basis of the Medical City is the Federal Center for Neurosurgery. And to increase the speed and accessibility of treatment to residents of the region, the authorities decided to unite all Tyumen hospitals in large medical districts. In total there will be three such medocrugs, and within each one all hospitals will be merged into one legal entity.