People cultivate flowers because of their beauty and the pleasant scent that is hard to forget. At the same time, the plant does not require special care. Usually lack of fertilizers, water, sunlight, and some manipulation of the soil. The owner tart fragrant odor, lavender has become one of the most popular spices in the East. Without it is impossible to imagine the mountain slopes of South and Central Europe. The plant has got and gardens. Certain varieties are grown almost all over the world. To get the desired shape of flowers and colors, it is necessary to understand the varieties of lavender, planting and care. In exchange for the effort it will get the main decoration for garden. Lavender will fit almost any garden, and sometimes out of it form the ranks of the rich - a full garden of one plant. Bushes are also used in landscape design. They decorate rockeries, alpine slides and other compositions.
- Features and description of the plant
- Useful properties of lavender and used in folk medicine
- The main species and varieties
How to and where to plant
- The choice of landing site
- Primer - How to Prepare
- What time of year to plant
care of plants
- Lighting
- Air temperature
- Humidity
- Watering
- top-dressing
- Loosening and mulching
- Pasynkovanie, pinching, pruning
- Transfer
breeding Methods
- graftage
- seeds
- by layering
- The division of the bush
- wintering lavender
- Fighting against diseases and pests
- conclusion
Features and description of the plant
Lavender - is 47 species of perennial plants of the family Lamiaceae Lavender. People brought some bush hybrids and 47 natural varieties are growing in Europe, India, Australia, northern and eastern parts of Africa, the Canary Islands and the Arabian Peninsula. The plant is stuck on the mountain slopes and plains: in temperate, subtropical and tropical climates. Easy to tolerate exposure to the scorching sun and the lack of moisture. In gardens grown mainly cultivars. During maturation bushes cover purple flowers, magenta and purple shades. Lavender is used to improve the smell of clothes, and one of the leading networks of dry cleaners and laundries even named in honor of this flower. The plant is used in perfumes, too, because of the aromatic properties. From the leaves and flowers make the tea, and in some countries of Europe - ice cream.
Known species:
- Lavandula angustifolia;
- gear;
- stehadskaya.

Useful properties of lavender and used in folk medicine
In addition to the decorative qualities and pleasant fragrance, the plant has a score of other useful features. In the US, for example, it is used as a seasoning. Worldwide lavender added to the beverages to enhance the smell. Of essential oils make the products of soap, cosmetics and perfumery industry. In folk medicine, lavender is known as a remedy for bruises and burns. It is also used as an antibiotic, antispasmodic for headaches and stomach cramps. The plant has a relaxing effect on the nervous system. Lavender treat flu, laryngitis, tonsillitis and sore throat. It lowers the temperature and liquefies the bile. The reason for receiving lavender and preparations containing it is fatigue and stress - the plant has a tonic effect. Additionally improves sleep. Lavender take to relieve nausea in the trip.

The main species and varieties
How to crop plants are grown:
- French (broadleaf);
- English (angustifolia).
Toothed lavender in the temperate zone are grown indoors only. It is characterized by large blossoms and leaves jagged shapes. Dutch hybrid lavender - line varieties with high decorative qualities. At grades silvery leaves and flexible stalks. The most popular are Richard Gray, Grosso, Sawers, Arabian Knight and the album - with purple, blue and white color. In Russia bred varieties have taken root: yuzhanka, Isis, Lublin, steppe. English lavender is known for hardiness and whitish edging. In Europe and Russia are bred varieties with names: Rose, myunsted, Hidcote and ellagance. In French thermophilic species - rich fragrant smell and a large variety of colors. Broadleaf lavender blooms twice a year. Gardeners prefer such cultivars French lavender:
- helmsdey;
- tiara;
- Rocky Road;
- Regal splendur;
- Yellow Vale.

How to and where to plant
Before planting bush placed in water for an hour and a half. Then cut off the top for better tillering. Strongly protruding lower branches and roots eliminate - it is obligatory. If the garden is planned bed of boards, their width is selected to 40 cm. Accordingly, it is equal to the height restrictions. As for the depth of the pit for a medium-sized lavender, then guided by about 30 cm. A distance between adjacent wells bushes are selected at 30 cm - for small, 120 cm - to high. The wells were filled with fertilizer, and on top of it sometimes added layer of pine bark or bone meal. All this is mixed with the soil. In case of problems with drainage - not hurt to add a little pebble. These measures will contribute to the growth of the normal top. Lavender placed in the hole, punctuated by pressing against the walls and bottom. Roots should not be tight contact with the fertilizer. In this sense, quite the help layers above.

The choice of landing site
The plant grows well in the open, exposed to direct sunlight. Bush carries a shadow, but given the shortage of sunlight blooms only a short period of time. Roots respond poorly to high soil moisture. Therefore, the plant is not planted in swampy areas with a high level of underground water. There is also an alternative solution: in marshy areas form a hill for planting, with any excess moisture around the root of lavender harvested due to the drainage layer. Not least important is the structure and soil acidity. Even if suitable indicators, it is better to be safe - to add to the ground a little deoxidizer, such as lime or wood ashes. Use of garden compost in a nutrient will facilitate the formation of the porous structure.
The pots take root almost all varieties of lavender!

Primer - How to Prepare
Culture unpretentious to the concentration of minerals in the ground. But without fertilizer with a high content of potassium and phosphorus not enough. The soil under the lavender should not be heavy or wet. In which case it loosened and dried. According to the composition and structure of the perfect sands and sandy soils. When it was determined that the soil is too dense and heavy to remain a simple version of digging holes and filling the mixed substrate. To do this, take a suburban area ground and mixed with river sand in the ratio 1: 1. The problem sometimes become groundwater. Then the flowers form the rise. Instead, you can arrange a drainage layer of sand, broken bricks and expanded clay. She will take the excess water. In the soil is added scavengers. They guarantee an increase in pH and thereby altering the balance with the acid to alkaline. Ideally tend to index just above the border of acidity, that is greater than 7.
See also:Drovnitsa to give their own hands

What time of year to plant
For the survival and proper development of the plant is important for adaptation to climate. Local breeding varieties will be the most resistant. Planting is carried out in early spring - in the temperate zone. In regions with a subtropical climate, as well as in adjacent areas with a large number of sunny days per year and lavender planted in the fall. In this case, before the onset of a more or less severe frosts should be at least 60 days. On cuttings no restrictions apply - it is produced year-round. It is only to adapt to the times when there are a lot of young shoots with saturated color. At the same time, the use of seed carried out in accordance with the basic rule: spring / autumn for warm regions, and only the spring - with a moderate climate. When this period is isolated and stratification. The pots of lavender is planted in March, and in the open ground - in May.

care of plants
Careful maintenance is needed throughout the development and flowering period. Lavender is unpretentious, but very sensitive. Leaves provide continuous access to solar radiation. So it is better to put the pots on a window sill on the south side, and there, in the garden or vegetable garden - grown varieties that prefer open ground. Summer house plants are transferred to a private balcony or veranda. But that glut of oxygen they are not wilted, lavender initially bring to the hour, on the second day - a little more, and so, until it is completely used to the new air. Flower loves the heat and even - heat. The plants in open areas normally accept the dryness of the soil, and the room react to the deterioration of the appearance. The house also need to humidify the air. domestic variety can be kept in winter at a temperature of +10... + 15 ° C. In this case, the flowers should be transplanted. At street varieties pruned cuttings, and under the bushes by the loosened earth.

Be sure to pick a sunny place. In shady bloom lasts for long, and inflorescence grow small. On successfully chosen place lavender grows up to 25 years, but if it will receive a minimum of sunlight, then after five years will lose its decorative qualities, may cease to bloom. The perfect place for planting are a hill at a decent distance from the bandstop objects on the south side, and without plants above 50 cm near. Bush normally reacts to artificial lighting, so take root even in the city flower beds and front gardens. If lavender contained in containers for wintering, the cover must be transparent. For young stems must be a minimum of 10 hours per day of stay in the light. In which case use fitolampy. Allowed to use fluorescent lamps.

Air temperature
Lavender is clearly subordinate to the change of seasons. The plant blooms, actively growing and fruiting abundantly in the warm period. While activity in the winter gives way to a period of rest lasting at least two months - for the home environment. For example, a sister lavender marigold bears fruit all year round. Temperature should ideally not be below +12 ° C. At the same time for the soil component is +15 ° C. The plant can survive short air temperature of about -25 ° C, under condition such short duration load and availability shelters. Without them, Lavender can withstand frost to -20 ° C. Bush does not like the wind and drafts. Appropriate placement on the site and the house plan immediately after selecting the southern or south-eastern side. Low temperatures are needed for seed stratification. Rudiments put in the refrigerator compartment temperature +5 ° C.

It plays the role of air humidity and soil. Abundant watering is only valid with a low frequency. Excessive soil moisture quickly ruin the plant. Overdried substrate - the other extreme, because the growth rate will decrease if necessary. Once a month, gardeners dig up 2-3 cm layer of soil - to ensure ventilation in the roots, and the soil is moistened. As for humidity, the unanimous opinion of its influence there. In the Mediterranean, lavender copes with humidity up to 95%. In the remote from the sea areas with a continental climate plant tolerates low humidity less than 20%. During the heating period the air in homes may correspond to this indicator. As a result, dependence on the moisture associated with temperature. If it is above +25 ° C, the wet and dry air will not spoil the flower, and if not exceed +18 ° C, then dry air will have a positive effect, and wet - in any case negative.
The first control whether water stagnation at the roots and if the soil cracks.

The flower is very sensitive to moisture. The root has a structure such that the plant can be killed by excess water. Dryness of the earth, too, should not be allowed. As soon as the soil begins to dry out, it should be watered - and you can rely on it every time. Lavender room is saturated with water in another way. The water balance of the earth in the pot at all times maintained in perfect condition. Water is filtered, or choose to defend - in all classes. Young plants are watered 2 times a day, morning and evening. Flowers and bushes young adult plants also moisturize. If the root of a uniformly saturated with water, it blossoms at the top of the plants need watering thin jets of water, or even better - small drops. Pot of lavender put in the bath and poured from a watering can. Act carefully so as not to damage the leaves and flowers. Sometimes use bladed fan.
See also:Hydrangea Garden: Planting and care of flowers

In this connection it should be aware of the limitations. The plant is poorly responsive to nitrogen fertilizers and some organics. The main useful element for lavender - potassium. Therefore, for feeding should be sought kalisodergaszczye preparations for development and growth. After the planting of seedlings or seeding will take about 10 weeks, feed liquid fertilizer lavender. Per 1 liter of water to provide 2 grams of fertilizer. The substance will fit in the plug bottles of mineral water. Of crushed egg shells, in turn, will support alkaline balance of the earth. For bushes in the open ground used all the same drugs with potassium, aqueous solutions and the means to save the alkali level and also at the beginning of flowering, as lavender is used to them. Subsequently harmless use any mineral-based fertilizer. One adult bush at a time give 3 liters of fluid.

Loosening and mulching
Soil compaction lavender perceives badly, and a chronic shortage of air only aggravates the situation at the roots. Shrub loosened after each rain and watering, that solves three problems: the two described above, as well as excess accumulation of moisture. Gardeners acquire land for row crop cultivators and hand. It does not interfere, and mulch around the bushes with the help of peat or humus. Thus, the plant will receive and additional fertilizer. Mulching rotted humus or compost will reduce the frequency of feedings. Mulch adversely affects in terms of attracting and water retention. This interferes with normal breathing root system and promotes decay processes. Therefore, when forming the decorative or mulching otsypok should leave a gap around the bush. The resulting circle loosened at least 2 times during the summer.

Pasynkovanie, pinching, pruning
Trimming involves three steps:
- Spring pruning;
- summer;
- Autumn.
The most important is the summer. It would take just clippers and gloves. First, cut off the branches with young sprouts on the side. Do it before the germs themselves - then they will be a flower. With foldaway stems act differently: they are cut to the lowest embryo. Be sure to shorten the dried branches, so that they did not take the nutrients. Autumn bent branches cut flowers. Held in March, spring pruning is aimed at removing rotten, broken and too dry and the tops of the stems. Pinched produced for the first time when the bushes reach 20-30 cm in height. The tops of the shoots are removed so that the remaining 3-5 pairs of leaflets. On the main flowering stems start to grow shoots, stepchildren. They are removed, and this process is called pasynkovanie. Since July this treatment do every week.
Cropped tops of 5-7 cm in length can be root.

The first thing lavender abundantly watered. Then, together with the lump of earth it is transferred to a new location. With roots treated carefully, because when transplanting them sometimes break. On the whole shrub does not tolerate transportation and replace the substrate, even with matching on all the qualities of the previous soil. Transplant is produced from the pot - in a pot or in the open ground, and vice versa. At the new place in the land of lavender planted no closer than two feet from the other plants. From an open ground in a pot bush suffer in the early spring or at the end of autumn. Transplant in the reverse direction is carried out in any time during the gardening season. Using pots and planters enables widespread cultivation: from the equator to the excess moisture to the cold Arctic. The need for a new plant to make up the best in local nurseries and farms.

breeding Methods
To land the plant, will be required:
- fertilizer;
- the soil;
- cultivator or tiller;
- shovel;
- rake;
- containers.
Basic methods of reproduction have 4: cuttings, sowing, seeds, cuttings and division. The first 3 is considered the best option for a variety of situations, and the division - only spare. Cuttings - convenient method of preparing seedlings for planting shrubs in large quantities. The essence consists in cutting the shoots of 8-10 cm for intermediate rooting in a mixture of sand and peat. Propagation by layering is natural and the artificial. Even in the second embodiment, the probability injure bush minimized. Child bush dig when growth is formed. Growing from seed - not the easiest way. Seedlings will bloom soon, with the need for constant monitoring of the temperature regime for the seeds. Propagation by division true, if for some reason the other methods do not come. Bush is prepared in the fall, and the procedure is performed only after a year.

To do this, take the young lignified shoots healthy annual bush. With the cut inflorescence stalk and remove the lower leaves to a height of 3-4 cm. Ideally, use the stems that have not yet had time to bloom. For grafting prepare dry sand, earth, pottery shards and medium-sized pots. Shards put into the pot, the top layer has organized moistened sand. In the drainage layer then poured earth and all ram. Top make another layer of wet sand - 1.5 cm thick. The very soil is prepared from several components. Used sand, and turf sheet in equal proportions. Prepared by graft treated with growth stimulants and purified party buried in the ground. Rooting improve due to "massage" the lower part of the shoot. Sometimes organize a mini-greenhouse: lavender gently covered with plastic wrap.
See also:Pergolas Wood: projects and design ideas

The first stage involved stratification: the seeds are kept in low temperature conditions. In this sense, there are 2 ways. In regions where the ending is not accompanied by the autumn frosts, sprouts simply put in the cold ground. From light frost the seeds will not be affected. To avoid the risk of choosing the method of artificial stratification. The sprouts are mixed with sand and poured into a glass. Then hide in a bag and store in the refrigerator for about one and a half months and better - two - two and a half. From this rate of germination depends. Sow beginnings in the late winter or spring. In the first case, they are put in boxes, while the second - in outdoor greenhouses. Flowering will be no sooner than one year. The first 12 months, the seedlings will only develop, build root. Sometimes the appearance of inflorescences have to wait for 2 years, in rare cases - 3 and more.

by layering
Propagation air layering used in the cold spring, i.e. at a maximum air humidity. To implement this method does not need to buy seeds or preparation of cuttings. The principle is as follows: in the adult bush choose the oldest branch (necessarily live), cut the bud and lower end of the branch to a small hole dug. Escape sprinkled on top of the soil to freeze. The resulting hump watered once in two days. 5-7 days after planting, fertilize it. It happens that the stem springs. Then he fixed a stone or a pin, additionally covered with earth. Reproduction of air layering can be done naturally. If you look under a bush grown plant, it is likely there will show up a few germs. It's kind of samoposev lavender.

The division of the bush
Lavender is not the best way transfers the division, so to such a method of last resort. Share bush should be in early spring, before the season of active growth. Will need careful selection. Isolated from one accumulation area rhizomes. Then, dig the hole depth of 30 cm and a width of 2 earthen coma. The bottom of the pits are filled with saturated useful elements soil. Sometimes, a further eight centimeters and pine bark. Fertilizer selected potassium and phosphorus. If the shrub is small, and the average escape alive, to find out the status of all sites can be for some time to dig up lavender completely. The division produces a shovel, and remote sites pilfered two forks. Plants are sometimes divided into several parts, and all the land in new wells. The same depth as that of the first donor plant. A few important tips:
- to sacrifice the whole plant to create a dozen new is possible only if the main plant at least three, and even better - five years;
- to care for a healthy bush after the division need no changes.

wintering lavender
Before wintering the plants in the field should be organized shelter. At the same time, according to experts, lavender frost carries well even in short-term temperature -25 ° C. If the region there are long periods with temperatures around this mark or she even falls below it, the shelter will need quality. Do not forget that the winters are rainy. From the canopy is better not to give up. At the end of the transitional seasons shrubs pruned. In garden lay branches of conifers - as insulation. Leaves will not work, because of this process of decay can begin in the bush of lavender. Due to the mulch from the compost will avoid loosening, weeding, fertilizing. Thus, care will be easier. You only need to crop the plant so that it strengthens and then bloomed profusely.

Fighting against diseases and pests
More often than other plants affects the fungal disease late blight. Individual, and sometimes all the stems become slightly brown hue, many of them die. Then it is formed near the roots rot. To avoid such consequences substrate tested for the disease. Sometimes the disease is due to the state of the parent plant. For the prevention of blight will need control of soil moisture. Treatment produces special tools: Biosept, Mildex, WP, Aliette, Previcur. Sometimes hives are sick gray mold and Septoria. In the second case it is recommended to remove the diseased shoots and clean plant. Applied also Topsin and Amistar. Against gray mold effective Euparen, Teldor, Rovral Flo. Among the most dangerous pests believe hrizantemnuyu nematode, philaenus spumarius, caterpillars and aphids. Against them, use chemicals. Effective protection from aphids is possible when there is no ant.

Lavender is popular because of the flavor and colors. For the sake of the people of these properties, in fact, engaged in the cultivation of flowers. Inflorescence lavender widely used in perfumery and life, they are part of folk remedies for the treatment and prevention of diseases. In the wild, it grows 47 varieties of plants and gardens cultivated English, French, Dutch and gear. The plant is planted in open areas without excess moisture. Regularly clean the excess branches to improve nutrition and appearance. In the context of the enclosed room, the heat and lack of moisture Bush feels good. Lavender light frost is not terrible, too. However, the growing - the process is not the easiest: the preparatory stage takes at least a couple of months. Propagation takes place by air strains, seed germination, or propagation division.