Landscaping area on the slope: 50 photo decoration ideas

Today, landscape design site on the slope may seem strange and even fabulous. Elevation, stone, winding paths and terraces - all this only beautifies the uneven land. By creating such a land of personal landscape, should take into account the terrain.


  • Properties uneven portion
  • Strengthening of slopes with their own hands
    • Training
    • Ways to strengthen the slopes
    • Drainage systems for slopes
    • Paths and steps
    • Features choice of plants
  • Rules of landscape design at the site with a slope

Properties uneven portion

The slope of the site - it is not a vice, but a great way to equip all pretty trivial. This project with its embodiment significantly differs from the arrangement of smooth land.
Refinement of the slope comprises the following features:

  • A complex drainage system;
  • Required slope reinforcement;
  • An extensive network of paths or steps;
  • Careful selection of plants;
  • Multitasking layout.
Landscaping uneven plot

Plot with differences of heights to equip much more expensive than its counterpart with a smooth surface. But such land as a result look more interesting and more harmonious than the standard plots of land.

If you plan to do garden work, click on the site a place where the slope is above all, and make it terraces. This would be the best solution to the problem of light and shade to the crop plants.

Terracing - the main reception in the design of the site. It terraces help to visually smooth vertical drop, give the overall appearance of the landscape of sophistication.

Terracing of the areaWild stone in a recreation areaThe composition of stone and wood with a BacklitThe steps between the bedsMaking slope stone and juniper

Strengthening of slopes with their own hands

He inherited a villa on the slopes? Do not despair, just competently strengthen slopes. And your site is to be transformed. To strengthen the sloping earth surfaces with your hands, you can use the following instructions:

  • Clean the slope portion of the plant;
  • Remove the top layer with a shovel or similar tool;
  • Select the material to strengthen. Biomaty, geogrid, rocks, logs, gabions - good options for creating backups of the side;
  • Place the reinforcing material on the sides of the slope;
  • Fill the gaps between the restorative material and the ground shingle;
  • Put plants with branched and deep root system, which is suitable stony soil.
strengthening of slopes

Ready to strengthen the slope can be planted small fruit trees and shrubs, thus breaking the garden where you want to save space.

Never landed on an unstable slope tall trees in strong winds they can evert out of the ground by the roots.

If the percentage exceeds tilt uneven places 8-10 degrees digged reinforcing base material as far as possible. For more inclined groove at strengthening can reach one meter.

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Pillars as strengthening


Preparations for landscape transformation portion begins with measuring arrangement groundwater. Still need to know the total angle of inclination of the earth need to find out the composition of the soil. When planning work necessary to take into account svetoorientirovannost slope. Take into account the direction of wastewater.
When all settings are stopped, you can start to prepare a place for embedding reinforcing materials. Producing the layout arrangement of terraces, arches and other elements of street decoration.

a sitting area with fireplace on the slopesMaking terraces flowers and pineBoxwood front of the houseReeds among the boulders at the siteSlope with the strengthening of the stonesTiered flower bed with boulders

Ways to strengthen the slopes

Choose how to strengthen the slope depends on the degree of inclination of the selected place. If the degree of inclination does not exceed 10%, it is possible to strengthen the hilly terrain with plants and trees. When the degree of the slope is close to 45%, in the course are lawn grids, mesh, gabions and logs. Slope greater than 45%? Then you should use stones, concrete blocks, metal struts.

Small irregularities are strengthened by means of steps and wooden decking. In that case, if a country house is located on the banks of a river or other body of water, its boundary will have to pour the ground. And on the slopes to plant as many trees and plants to prevent landslides.

Mountains form sufficiently stable natural landscape. Therefore, strengthening of the portion reduced to a simple decoration. Here, the designer can advise the plan according to the natural bending portion. Because the rock is hard to process.

Steps to a recreation area with a gazebo

Staircase of slabs or boards, typically, extends through the entire plot to home in case of a large degree of deviation. When the bias is small, it is punctuated by a flat area where you can place the gazebo or a children's corner.

The inclined portion is always processed with drainage systems. Because without them it will be formed at the bottom of the zone of flooding, drought and islands at the top.

A good idea to strengthen the slope using pallets. This option is the budget and the method of installation is quite simple. In addition, the pallet is easy to replace, if the need arises.

Stone down to the pondRed maple at homeMaking beds pebbles and SPILBoulders around the pondSteps from a tree in the garden

Drainage systems for slopes

Creating a drainage system - an important step in setting up the site on a slope. Due to the drainage layer water causes the soil much less damage, and many useful plant substances remain in their seats. Consider drainage ways more:

drainage method Description
open system The water here flows through the channels on the surface. With this system it is possible to arrange ponds, small waterfalls and fountains. This method has an aesthetic value.
Closed system It is a slotted tube, which paving underground. The system saves space, better maintains the integrity of the upper layers of the soil.

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Drainage on the slope

The choice of system depends on the preferences of site owners as well as the composition of the soil and its density. Internal drainage needs light sandy layers, while the outer is the ideal choice for rocky terrain.

For any kind of drainage system, you can use plastic, metal and rubber trough. Metal will be full-length project, which will last a long time. Rubber has a shorter life, but its flexibility makes it possible to save on additional materials for decorating. Plastic is considered the least durable, but it is quite affordable.

Drainage pipes are laid in the wiring not only the soil, but also carry through restorative material slopes. So the water is guaranteed to accumulate where it will locate the most appropriate.

Followed with a fireplace and garden furniture in a recreation areaJapanese Nawaki front of the houseSteps with flower bedsStone in the garden designBloodroot in track

Paths and steps

Tracks on the slopes are so to emphasize or reduce the steepness of the slope. The path serpentine enhance the visual effect of the height differences. A linear type path would smooth sharp differences and irregularities of the earth.

Steps in the design of the inclined portion makes radiused or winding. On platforms between them equalize the ground to deploy a barbecue, a swing, or other devices to relax.

Round stairs on the slope

For the harmonious appearance of the slope all the steps and tracks better to do uniform width. So the prospect of the site will look much better.

When the slope and the steep slope of a strong, stair railing equip and lamps. This method improves the overall safety of the inclined portion. Materials for stairs and walkways must not be slippery or uneven.

A boulder in front of houseSteps made of stone to the housePot of pansies in stepsThe pond in front of the houseThe path of stones on a lawn

Features choice of plants

Most plants tend to experience the sun and moisture deficit. But these representatives not only strengthen the inclined surface, but also perfectly adapted to the difficult environmental conditions:

  • Loosestrife - a plant with long and branched roots. Not afraid of blackouts, quickly it takes giving him the area;
  • Ground cover roses - flowers with beautiful buds and creeping across the surface. For southern their landing slopes is selected;
roses ground cover
  • Rhododendron - version for the northern portion side. It can easily tolerate a small water-logging. He sits down in the lowlands. Rhizome plants perfectly bonded soil;
  • Veronica - grass, creating a divot Incas. Has several varieties, it is not fastidious in the care;
  • Phlox - option that enhance the aesthetics of any portion. Does not like excessive moisture, requires landing on the sunny side;

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  • Rose wrinkled - plant, which may be rooted deep by 2.5 meters. This type of rose perfectly grows in width.
rose wrinkled

When choosing plants for this type of site, it is necessary to stop the choice on groundcover perennials, which grow aggressively, forming the offspring and the offshoots.
Trees can be planted on the slope of any. In low-lying place the tallest trees, thrown over the top of undersized.

North slope of the land is ideal for planting coniferous trees, which do not need a lot of sun, but the moisture and shade will fall by the way.

Low-growing plants on the slope

The southern slope - the area where rockeries and flower beds will feel out of place. There should possess sun-loving and drought-resistant plants.

The western side is suitable for bulbous primroses. There should put plants and shrubs, which are necessary conditions for the soft environment.

Flower garden with a fence made of stone

East lodges on their slopes saxifrage, Columbines and Astilbe. Even where there is possible to arrange similar plants and trees: lime, oak, lilac, acacia.

Garden with seating areaSteps in the form of a waterfall among wild stoneGazebo in the flower gardenHosts in the gardenStone Rose at the track

Rules of landscape design at the site with a slope

When the house is in the upper portion, all the basic groups of trees are planted there. Bottom decorated with ornamental shrubs, rockeries, stunted trees.

The house is at the top portion of the slope

For rockeries perfect juniper, saxifrage and perennial flowers. All tracks have been laid out on the site, it is necessary to do with narrow bumpers.

Juniper along the ladder

All high buildings, trees and shrubs should not visually overlap of the house in the middle or at the top of the site. A smooth transition from big plants to low counterparts will help to smooth the impression of the steepness of the slope. An abundance of tracks arranged as serpentine, by contrast, emphasize the high slope even more.

Ornamental shrubs among the rocks

For admiring views, a terrace for relaxation is best done at the top portion. If the rest is expected in the shade, the nisin and the northern slope - this is a great option for decorating.

Fire ring with seating in the flower garden

All waterfalls, small lakes and ponds are placed at the bottom. Usually, such a body of water occupy the standard dacha hundred. Sometimes it makes narrow, but, more often, give a rounded shape. The policeman doing yard where is the entrance to the site. From small yard track is lowered down to improve the overall landscape of the slope.

Barbecue as a furnace in the area

Landscaping on a slope - a matter that is best left to professionals, since that option is considered the most difficult among other types of garden design. The inclined portion may overshadow all the most interesting variation of the landscape on a flat surface, it is worth only a little effort.