Allergy is a fairly common disease that can have different expressions and symptoms. Skin rashes, cough, runny nose, shortness of breath, swelling take complex forms, becoming not only unpleasant, but also dangerous for general health and even life. However, the modern pharmacological industry offers allergy sufferers dozens of drugs that can alleviate their suffering, without detracting from everyday worries. Which of them to choose, so as not only to minimize the manifestations of the disease, but also not to harm the entire body? The rating of the best allergy medications given here will help you navigate in this diversity - get acquainted with their types, differences, user reviews and choose a means for personal use.
- Which type of allergy drug to choose
- Rating of the best allergy medications
- Best antihistamines
- Best hormonal drugs
- Best fat cell stabilizers( cromones)
- Best homeopathic remedies
- What is the best allergy drug to buy
What kind of allergy drug should I choose?
A wide variety of allergic manifestations led to the invention of preparations of various forms that are prescribed to patients with different forms of the disease. Here are the main of them, which are considered the most convenient for treating various forms of allergy.
In the form of tablets
Tablets are the most effective remedy affecting the disease "from within", therefore giving the strongest and lasting effect. Most users prefer them also for the convenience of using - receiving and carrying with them for the opportunity to provide themselves the necessary assistance at any time and on their own. True, they also have the greatest number of side effects, including dry mouth, constipation, for drugs of the 1st and 2nd generations - drowsiness, etc. Area of use - if skin pruritus, conjunctivitis and rhinitis occur.
In drops
Antiallergic agents in the form of drops are necessary in case of defeat by eye and nose disease - the appearance of symptoms of conjunctivitis or rhinitis. Edema, hyperemia and congestion are removed by means of the action of the vessels that constrict the vessels, which are part of their composition. The lack of application of the drip method is a possible irritation of the mucous membranes.
Drugs in the form of a spray are easily sprayed in a thin layer over the nasal mucosa, without causing irritations such as drops. Also due to local action, the number of side effects they have is significantly less than that of tablets. Their problem is in the requirement of careful application for patients with arrhythmia and irregular blood pressure.
Means against allergies in the form of ointments, gels, creams or pastes prescribed for patients with external manifestations of allergic reactions - skin rashes and itching, flaking and swelling. Their careful effect on the body is explained by the local method of application and the possibility of using it in the composition of insoluble substances( this refers to non-hormonal ointments, hormonal ones have a mass of side effects, although they give a stronger result).
Compositions for inhalations
The inhalants are specially designed for inhalation with the help of special devices in cases of bronchial asthma. Usually they contain hormones and a number of other substances.
Drugs intended for injection give the necessary therapeutic effect even in emergency cases - instant allergic reactions such as anaphylactic shock or Quincke's edema that threaten the patient's life.
Rating of the best drugs from the allergy
At the moment to combat allergies and its symptoms, you can buy drugs under a variety of brands.
The quality of each of them is evaluated by the following list of parameters:
- Speed of antiallergic effect,
- Duration of its preservation,
- Convenience of treatment,
- Minimal number of side effects.
Antiallergic agents are divided into 4 groups according to their composition, the best of which will be considered below in accordance with the level of each parameter and with consumer feedback.
The best antihistamines
Drugs called "antihistamine" are aimed at blocking the histamine receptors in the body cells responding with a hyperactive immune response to various manifestations of the environment. Among them allocate means of the first, second and third generations, each of which represents improvement and improvement of the previous one. So, unlike the first two groups, third generation drugs do not cause drowsiness and can be used without interruption from daily duties.
At this point in this category is considered the best Cetrin - a third generation product that gives an selective antihistamine effect without pronounced sedative effect.
Advantages of
- Fast action after administration,
- Antiallergic effect duration,
- Absence of drowsiness when acting,
- Exclusion of adverse effect on liver,
- Possibility of use from 2 years.
Disadvantages of
- Relatively high cost.
Despite the high price, user reviews of Cetrin speak not only about the quality of the results of its application, but also about savings, becauseeffectiveness and duration of exposure can reduce its reception to a minimum.
The best hormonal drugs
Drugs with hormone content are the most effective among others, therefore they are used in especially complex cases of allergies. They are produced in different forms, so if necessary, they can be selected for systemic or local effects.
Among the hormonal at the moment is considered the best drug Elokom.
Advantages of
- Rapidly destroys allergic manifestations on the skin,
- Can be used since the earliest childhood,
- Gives a lasting effect.
Disadvantages of
- Standard problems of hormonal effects,
- High price.
Most reviews of Elokom speak of its maximum effectiveness, giving rapid removal of both the first signs of skin allergies and chronic plaques.
The best stabilizers of mast cells( cromons)
This group of drugs gives the blocking of H1-histamines by affecting the cell membrane( overlapping the passage of calcium).They most often have virtually no side effects, but their effect is not as strong as that of others. In this regard, the cromona is used to treat mild allergy symptoms or are prescribed together with more powerful means - in order to reduce their adverse effects on the body. The most popular among them is Ketotifen, used for various types of allergies.
Advantages of
- Rapid onset of antiallergic effect,
- Minor side effects.
Disadvantages of
- Effective only with regular use,
- Gives drowsiness.
Reviews of Ketotifene confirm the positive result of the application, but talk about the need to use it only before going to bed, when you do not have to drive a car or perform complex mental actions.
The best homeopathic remedies
Homeopathic remedies for allergies are made on the basis of natural, natural methods. In fact, they are not medicines, but bioadditives, which are used in a long period of admission to eliminate seasonal allergies. Leader among them was the drug Allergy.
Advantages of
- Fast absorption of the body,
- Possible application in childhood,
- No contraindications,
- No side effects.
Disadvantages of
- Will not help at an acute stage of the disease.
Most often in the reviews about the Allergy device you can find positive words about the convenience and safety of using it even for toddlers, which allows you to apply it constantly and without harm to health.
Which drug for allergies is better to buy
Our proposed rating is compiled according to the statistical results of monitoring the demand of the leading online pharmacies, reviews of specialists and ordinary users. After reading it to the end, you get a general idea about each type of modern antiallergic drugs, but not an absolute recommendation.
Having familiarized yourself with our descriptions, you should definitely consult your doctor, as only he is able to make you the only reliable appointments that will relieve you qualitatively and reliably from bored allergies.