One of the least remarkable space, storage, serves as a repository of items, for which there was no place in other rooms. In older apartment buildings, they are extremely uncomfortable and small. In new buildings often absent. Dressing room closet ousted from everyday life, having touched on their function. For this reason, it makes sense to equip their "pantry" for each room individually. In this case, we need some changes. Free space can be filled with kitchen utensils, clothes, shoes, tools, dimensional objects. Construction of apartment storage areas - a whole series of advantages. Such as the order, organization, easy access to the objects, the aesthetics. In the apartments there is a minimum of 3-4 suitable location for placement of the pantry. In private homes to choose a place even easier.
Features and options for organizing the pantry
- In the niche or cabinet-coupe
- corridor deadlock
- end of terrace
- In the room
Options for the designation pantry
- Wardrobe
- kitchen space organization
- Keeping children's clothes
- Laundry
- Workshop
- Workplace - a mini-office
- The style
- Color palette
- Floor
- Walls
- Ceiling
- Ventilation
- Lighting
- Filling storage systems
- choice of doors
- conclusion
Features and options for organizing the pantry
This space is typically a small space in which it is difficult to sort objects. Store room often becomes unnecessary during the redevelopment. In particular due to the fact that its role is limited to temporary storage of seasonal clothing, unnecessary items, "camouflage" the things that you do not want to put in a different place. In connection with this important skill to organize the space, with or without a storage area. Storage room equipped with hinged or sliding doors.
The accommodation of large size it is also open, sometimes - it juts into the wall. One of the most beneficial plan options - combine with dressing. If the apartment is small, then open the pantry to better organize the kitchen, at the same time freeing up of part of the kitchen utensils. Closet in the corner make out in a small workshop. If the house has a room, then there are bound to find a suitable location for the storage of insignificant things.

In the niche or cabinet-coupe
In a closed closet to hang clothes is not accepted, because of this messed up her scent. Accordingly, there is no need to allocate some more space but the shelves. If a home has a niche - to use them in full. And if recesses present in different rooms, objects can be grouped according to their intended purpose. Another way - use of free wardrobe. Then things take a plane and disappear the need for a vacuum between the shelves. Moreover, in the closet there is a place for hangers. And yet - for the convenience of placing the ironing board, drawers, hooks, etc... Door coupe can be left wide open to keep the air circulating at the right level. The two-storey building of the cabinet-closet is better to put in the hallway under the stairs. If the cabinet has not yet been acquired, you should pay attention to models with transparent doors.
You can optimize the use of space by changing the method of opening the closet on the principle of wardrobe.

corridor deadlock
Hallways with deadlock provide another alternative to conventional closet. In the corridor, in this case, does not need a wardrobe, or at least will be able to increase the capacity of the hall itself. Other rooms, in turn, freed from the dressing area. An important advantage of the hall as storage room, is complete freedom of movement. This will allow the unhindered reshuffle. If desired, "there will be" new and "disappear" the old shelves and the height of their location will be regulated. When taking into account the excellent ventilation accommodation option in a recess in the corridor should be considered optimal. Wide deadlock is better to issue three rows in an inverted "W". A little inferior to him, but in his own good diagonal (corner) option. Unfortunately, only a small amount of dead end vestibules have an appropriate size.

end of terrace
There are several options. This is either a wardrobe or open / closed shelves, or use of the space behind the wall. Theoretically, the latter can carry, obtain a permit. In apartment buildings the expansion of space is possible due to the dryer. However, this method is not worth the time. It is better to make shelves and cabinets. In the winter cold on the balcony, so storage should be made closed and additionally insulate. However, some open shelves is better to leave - for pickles. Summer things need to be closed from the sun, for example, by the use of roller blinds on the windows. Materials such as plastic, plywood, suitable for the assembly of their own hands. Additionally need sealant. Decorative decorate, you can use lining. Storage room on the balcony - the perfect solution for cramped apartments.

In the room
Pantry sometimes make part of the living room. Form at the same time is linear, U-shaped, L-shaped or triangular. In the bedroom, for example, it is possible to arrange a partition or curtain - so as not to disturb the integrity of the interior. Alternatively, it is worth considering the combination with wardrobe. The large living room with multiple zones closet will look very organic. No worse than the role of the space to the right under the pantry cabinet. And if the house has a loft - it will help you. The studio apartments as a mini-warehouse premises sometimes exploit of interior space. The kitchen as a pantry used niches in the absence of the recesses in the wall - add a wardrobe, and equip the place for hanging items. In large houses kitchen pantry is arranged in an open corner. There, at the same time keep the appliances, cooking utensils, spices.
See also:The interiors of rooms in a classic style

Options for the designation pantry
Among the main options - to use as:
- Wardrobe.
- Space for kitchen utensils.
- Place for toys.
- Mini-laundry.
- Workshop.
- Home Office.
In the cramped apartments in the storerooms mixed contains all sorts of devices. For ergonomics and aesthetics is recommended to determine for a single purpose. One of the most requested features - placing pieces of clothing and shoes. The larger the room, the more likely such priorities. Cubby can be a continuation of the kitchen in a direct or figuratively. So if the room was a door, it is best to remove it, because between the kitchen and the pantry would have to move quite often. Sometimes closet fit to accommodate children's toys. The reason most often become a mess in the nursery and its small size.
Pantry sometimes transformed into a workshop. In the smallest of the apartments make it a mini office, with quick access to the entire computer and digital technology. Relatively often placed in the back of the washing machine - for someone this option will be cost-effective, for others - was unacceptable.

Designed for clothes closet - this is a big unit with open and closed elements. If the dwelling space is provided under the utility room, you will only find the furniture set of desired configuration. And if not, pantry, walk-in closet better organized as part of the target area or living room. It needs a mirror, high-quality lighting, some of the lower closed and open shelves, as well as for the upper underutilized things. To create functional clothing in the form of hooks, rods with hangers, organizers, obuvnits.
Objects of different people best kept separate. Footwear is recommended to store without boxes. It is necessary to get rid of the gift bags with small items. Clothes are sorted by category (shirts, jackets, pants, outerwear, footwear), each of which species (shoes, running shoes, sneakers).

kitchen space organization
Kitchen utility room are popular in the West, and is generally designed for placement in a small private house. In Russia, too, is found layout when the kitchen actually has its own little room. Someone such an option is, while the rest still have to be used as an additional closet storage space. In the kitchen pantry or contain food or kitchen appliances and utensils, and if there is no storage room in the apartment, as such, it is often and tools, household materials.
Place the cabinet should be close to the work area. There need to put the money for food storage. Preferably with inscriptions about the contents to navigate faster. Specifically provided for the continuation of the kitchen in any case, more functional, because they help relieve the room, remove the need for additional bulky furniture. Place additional storage must be divided into three zones: the lower crate, the average for major appliances and top for extra things like napkins and towels.
In the first place is better to keep in the kitchen closet:
- pickles;
- bottles of wine;
- spice;
- cereals.
In a closed cabinet does not hurt to make a hole for access to a power outlet.

Keeping children's clothes
Children's toys over time accumulate in small piles, and the children do not want to clean up or do not have time to take them apart. Then, the storeroom must find a place for children's clothing. Part of the transferred items, in turn, frees space for toys. After reshuffling the order will be easier to maintain. Another way to provide greater opportunities for storage in the very nursery. Toys should be kept on the lower tiers in multiple containers. Big - a place under the bed. The child will not be difficult to find and get what you need.
Upper tiers makeshift pantry should complete personal belongings. Next to establish a case for shoes and clothing. Due to the optimization of space, children learn to maintain order. To make the process of cleaning interesting for the child, you need to get baskets, boxes and containers of different colors.

Original and beautiful solution, through which from excessive load will be able to release the bathroom or kitchen. Closet under the laundry is divided into three levels. At the bottom put one or two washing machines. The second option is always better: no longer need to organize all. The second tier - to bed, pillows, clothes. Here we put aside detergents and powders. The third holding box with various objects, including those that require periodic washing. Basket of dirty clothes put on the floor.
By the washing machine, you can add dishwasher. That option was possible, in principle, the communication must be on an accessible distance from a mini-laundry. Technically, there are two options: two washing machines side by side against a wall or on a shelf, and the other side.

Under these needs usually isolated target area. Pantry-shop need to representatives of some trades and crafts lovers. In the space of the closet then set the table - for smaller jobs. Next you need to keep the soldering station and set of tools. It should acquire containers with sections for hardware. Still need to provide ventilation when absent. Part of the wall should be left to accommodate a large board.
See also:Interior of the cafe in the style of Provence
In the same closet can hold various strings, cables, uniforms, kits for repair, home appliances, including temporarily unused. All the old furniture is also made up somewhere nearby - locks, zippers, buttons, knobs, latches. Everything for pantry storage systems useful for commerce. The most insignificant things better attributed to the basement or garage.

Workplace - a mini-office
Utility room with a small congestion - the perfect place to put a laptop, digital devices and books. It meant a small room, preferably without windows. For example, open the cupboard opposite the window. However, if the store is in the living room, you can safely open the door wide open and to sit at the desk. Inside, you will need to install the luminaire. In the pantry, at its discretion should be used for office organizers, magnetic boards, pockets.
All that is needed for a mini home office - is opening wide enough to climbed a chair at him. The rest of the nuances can be corrected or altered. Do embodiment of these ideas into practice should be creative people, as well as everyone who is important to an organized approach to work. Pantry with a workplace under the mini-office will make the room modern and stylish.

The style
The small space constrains in the implementation of a stylistic direction, but it's enough for the "home" and comfortable. To finish pantry arise styles such as Bauhaus, Provence, loft and scandium. Bauhaus - is pure functionality. Storeroom in such a case is made out nicely useful devices. Provence - soft color palette. It is necessary to buy a container of warm colors in pale: boxes, trays.
To stylize storage under the loft, you will need to add iron and scuffs. In this case it is necessary to work with the walls, for example, to remove the wallpaper. Scandinavian style is the minimum number of devices, a lot of white and bright accents. This option is more for decoration rather than functional. With stirring objects by color principle can be realized colorful boho styles and kitsch.

Color palette
It all depends on how you use the room. When it comes to wardrobe, make sure you selected monotone colors. This applies to color matching shelves and walls. Furniture modules, in turn, should have a maximum of two or three similar colors. If the pantry is located in the kitchen, or muted tones appropriate repetition of the basic colors of the space. Pantry with children's toys need to make bright and colorful, comfortable and safe for the child.
Mini-laundry perform better in white or pastel colors. Light shades are relevant for impromptu home office. Workshop can be made in any color, but white is preferable, because in the background of clearly visible tools. The classic option for any storage room - light brown, the color of the wooden planks.

Design and preparation of premises includes the following components:
- finish surfaces;
- Ventilation device;
- organization of lighting;
- choice of doors and furniture.
Since the storage area is limited to a few square meters, the finishes are not many. The choice is between mostly budget execution and stylish design. Paint, wallpaper and panels - the so-drawn walls and ceiling. On the floor is commonly used tiles, linoleum or laminate. Ventilation is necessary both artificial and natural - to improve the storage conditions. Among the lighting should choose the safest, preferably adjustable model. The wardrobe lighting can be done in all enclosed sections.
door selection is made from the standard range - folding, sliding or folding. Finally, the storage system is selected among the housing, the mesh and frame variations. If a lot of things, you should choose housing, and if the priority is to order - some of the latter two.

If the closet - the open part of the living rooms or kitchens, then change to another floor is not recommended. In other cases, a tile or linoleum. Gender necessarily be subjected to the damaging effects, so a key aspect is the durability of materials. Strongly recommended carpet: it is quickly spoiled by it difficult to move objects.
To prevent a possible damage to the floor, be it tile, laminate or linoleum, you first need to do the ceiling and walls. What is it primarily depends on the size. In a large closet first veneer ceiling. When the floor finish should also take into account the ambient temperature. If you are exposed to direct sunlight, tile can partially compensate for the temperature rise inside the premises.

Works are carried out in the following sequence:
- Cleaning.
- Drying.
- Disinfection.
- The application of cladding layer (in some cases will need a crate).
Walls soiled by subjects in the case of an open design and, on the other hand, hidden from view, if furniture. The second option does not need the pictures on the wall, and so on. In the first case, the surface to be repellent. Ideal wallpaper, paneling.
However, for someone to be more accustomed to look whitewash. If the chosen material - wall paneling, you will need a crate. Finish in any case, starting with the grout: irregularities are removed from the walls. In this case, the most commonly used abrasive mesh. This step is particularly important for pasting wallpaper, as their texture will be shown even small irregularities. Further, the walls are cleaned from the smallest signs of mold and sprinkles from the sprinkler. Then drying the building will need a hairdryer. Thereafter mounted lathing U- or C-type, and begins the final stage of finishing.
See also:How to make a dressing room from the pantry

Top, as usual, it is bright: is not bad if to paint it white. However, no special requirements to the utility room there. Wherever it was, the main thing - it's support of the illumination at the optimum level. Caulking - the first variant, in shades from white to light green. Replace it, of course, conventional acrylic paint. Suspended ceiling - another solution. It also mounted lighting fixtures. Less common, but are also used plastic and MDF panels. These options are inherent to finish in "The Road", an exclusive style. Ordinary wallpaper also apply. But apart from them, and even non-woven, and liquid.
The most unusual and beautiful variant - the filler cap with a bright 3D picture. This is an alternative to MDF panels for costly finishing. Ways to design a lot, but in any case, the materials must be clean and good smelling.

Pantry is open part of the premises, it does not require mechanical ventilation. Locked rooms usually fed to the ventilation system during the construction phase. However this is not enough, and in a closet in the air is always dust and microparticles. Help cope with the problem of the openings in the ceiling and floor. Part of the expansion will improve the situation provided for the ventilation duct. Solid door is better to replace the sash with holes. And between the door frame and the canvas is better to fix the barrier - that the door is never closed completely.
In the very back room set small air conditioner or an ionizer. It is also possible to organize the flow of air from the street. Thick curtain - a great option for a wardrobe - protects against foreign odors, but does not hinder the movement.

Without lighting pantry becomes grim. And without a good illumination of all the action is slow. Based on many years of experience as a lighting should be used desktop and mounted spot lamps. At the top of the room or ceiling mounted swivel panel with several rotating lights.
Furniture better acquire section with integrated lighting, triggered by the opening or approximation. Can be useful automatic lighting LED-lamps. Not in the usual storeroom or in a closet-wardrobe can not be used hanging chandeliers and wall sconces and other lighting devices, the use of which there is a high probability damage. Do not also mount the lamp at the bottom of the closet, because they can break from the blows of falling objects. The effect of the light is enhanced by the mirrors.

Filling storage systems
Cellars fill systems:
- carcass;
- mesh;
- Freestanding.
The first subtype is a structure of struts and horizontal elements, shelves, boxes, rods. The second type - a set of compartments, mostly open. Housing systems consist of a base (or bases) with various sections. Sometimes the frames are assembled from several housing modules. For the kitchen facilities need mesh baskets and hooks. In the dressing room should be provided for tilting modules shoe organizers for ties and belts. The same applies to facilities for coats and suits. Preference is given to the open storage options. Necessary and dust protection - help roomy compartments. Do not forget about the modules for the funds for the care of footwear and clothing. Storage area in any case is divided into 3 conditioned zone. Lower for large / heavy items, wide main zone in the middle and upper for rarely used items. \

choice of doors
There are three main options: hinged, sliding, folding. Canvas swing door ideally has holes. In the case of the recoil they are not needed. The third of the most common options - a design with folding doors, so-called.. "harmonic". The specific form, the model and size is selected taking into account peculiarities of the opening, the functional load and environment features. We should not lose sight of the styling.
If the walls and furniture in the adjacent room is already finished in a certain way - the door will have to choose from these considerations. Consequently, the door construction is better to choose beforehand. Recent trends indicate the need for consistency of color doors and walls, rather than contrast. You should not get hung up on the needs of the door. Sometimes it's better something like partitions or curtains.

Typically, the storage arrangement runs without any technical difficulties. However, this time-consuming process, especially if you do it with your hands. Work should start with thinking about that, why pantry. It is possible that it is possible to do without it or reschedule the space with the relevant transformations. Owners of housing rework pantry in wardrobe or mini-warehouse for products and kitchen utensils. Some even turn to the laundry closet. The most creative can make her workplace computer. Repair of storage room consists of a number of components required. Initially, select the style and decoration materials. Then settling ventilation. When the walls are ready, the turn of the installation of storage systems. Next is the lighting - the final stage of work. After all these actions will only regulate things.