In today's world many people work in the comfort of the apartment, some - take some of the work on the house. All of them need a home office, at least a small, but comfortable, nice, well-maintained. It can be a separate room or a desk with a chair in the corner of the room. Cabinet interior in classic style - the actual, very common design decision.
- Features characteristic style
- Colors
- Materials and finishing
- The choice of furniture
- Lighting
Variants of arrangement of the cabinet
- In a separate room
- The working area in the room
- conclusion
Features characteristic style
The fact that the classics never go out of fashion - a universally recognized fact. The classic interior is cozy and simple, solemn and austere. Cabinet in this style is the ideal workplace - there are no superfluous decoration, nothing distracts from the work.

Distinctive features of the style:
- clear composite centers - such as a table or a fireplace. This kind of "reference point" around which places all other objects, which converges image on the floor, the walls;
- pronounced symmetry - axis is usually, but there are other options;
- a plurality of light sources - ceiling chandelier is complemented by several sconces, decorative lighting;
- luxury - classic long been associated with solidity, wealth, wealthy. Executive office, decorated in a style at once will have the impression of the seriousness of the business partners of the company, arranging for cooperation;
- natural materials - wood, stone, plaster, metal. Rarer quality of their imitation.

The color scheme is chosen mostly light, but allows the combination with a fairly dark tones. Without striking contrasts and can not do. Each color in its own effect on the labor process: red is a short-term surge in performance, followed by a slump, orange acts a little softer, green helps to focus, blue is useful in negotiations, generates black fatigue.
Recommended combination:
- pink and beige;
- snow white with a yellow-brown;
- apricot with basalt gray;
- barvinkovy with gold;
- carmine with turquoise;
- biscuit with cornflower;
- Heliotrope with coffee;
- bronze with pebble-gray;
- Milk with violet-black;
- cherry yellow-georginovym;
- frosty heaven with mustard;
- mulberry with cement-gray;
- grideperlevy with pomegranate;
- smoky white with pear;
- poisonous green with chamois;
- spruce with peach.
See also:room design ideas resting in a bath

It is advisable to use not more than two, maximum of three colors simultaneously. To narrow room with a small window on the north will suit only the most light, warm colors. For more spacious, with large windows to the south, allowed the cold and dark.

Materials and finishing
Natural materials are preferred, expensive. To finish the floor, walls suited partial discharge timber (oak, beech, hornbeam, cherry, walnut, pine, spruce, larch, pear, mahogany), natural or artificial stone (marble, granite, quartzite, slate, travertine, sandstone). On the floor lay the board, parquet, stone, ceramic tile, at least - laminate, linoleum busy imitating natural wood.

The walls are made of wood, sometimes with plastic panels "under the tree", decorative plaster, pasted expensive self-colored wallpaper and upholstered with cloth. Corners, the joints of the walls to the ceiling, the ceiling itself, niches, fireplace, stucco or plaster made out of quality of its imitation polystyrene foam - moldings, cornices, half-columns, ceiling rosettes, corner pieces, tiles and et al. All of these elements may be gilding, bronzing, painted in any color. Ceilings are made with white or beige, evenly colored, tension, pendant.

The choice of furniture
office furniture plays an important role - it is selected luxury, but at the same time strict, conservative. From materials preferably of wood species, in combination with glass, metal pieces, rarely used MDF, particle board, plywood.
Classic style includes a symmetrical arrangement of objects. Many firms offer room furniture once set, which usually consists of:
- work desk with chair;
- a pair of armchairs or sofa;
- cabinet or rack;
- Additional tables and chairs.

Table, if possible, should be height-adjustable, chair or office chair - have a comfortable backrest. Be sure that there is sufficient storage space for offices, a variety of papers, documents, placing the computer. Office equipment (printer, scanner, etc..) Is placed on the desktop or under it emit a separate table.
If the office is expected to hold various meetings, negotiate, it will be necessary spare chairs at the number of participants, another table or console to the main, which is optional module.
See also:Design office and manicure salon

Cabinets, racks may be a few, they are carried out partly glazed, spacious, having open, closed cabinets, shelves. Recreational area is made soft sofa, upholstered skin kozhzamom, tapestry, jacquard or several seatings to the coffee table.

Lighting makes the top, local and ornamental. Classic interior provides for a luxurious ceiling chandeliers - mnogorozhkovoy, crystal or metallic elements. Maximum brightly lit work area, to a lesser extent - the place of negotiation and rest. In the workplace, it's best to use a table lamp, in a recreation area - wall sconces or floor lamp. Light scattered preferred: in the environment must not be sharply contrasting sections, it adversely affects the vision. It is important that the light does not give glare on the computer screen does not shine directly into the eyes.

The spacious room, the larger the amount of lighting required. Used incandescent lamps (give a warm, yellow light), fluorescent (daylight), halogen (cool white). Workplace recommended white light that enhances performance for recreational facilities - yellow, promotes relaxation. Decorative lighting facilities create a private atmosphere.

Street light from the window also not without significance. The "classical" windows are made with heavy blackout curtains that protect from the bright sun, light transparent tulle, partially hide the room from prying eyes.

Variants of arrangement of the cabinet
An ideal place for your desktop - just opposite the door, her face to be seen entering the room each. This is the "command position", providing a sense of security, peace of mind. Desirably, the window was the side, rather than in front or behind - as concentration is lost.

To create a harmonious interior windows adorn the plants, preferably - cacti or other succulents with thick leaves. On the walls hang a couple of pictures of forest, seascapes, waterfalls, preferably in soft colors.

In a separate room
"Correct" classic office is rectangular in shape - to fix it is used the backlight, partitions, screens. Table put where it seems convenient - office supplies, the necessary documents are in reach. It is best to place it in the middle, near the main wall, located opposite the entrance door. Shelves with books and papers placed at the side, resting place - a window on the side. Negotiation zone is made attachable front or slide module desktop Additional chairs are arranged along the walls - they are used during the negotiations, arranging on both side of the table.
See also:Interior for the studio with his own hands

The working area in the room
Working mini-equip the cabinets in almost any room:
- in the bedroom - suitable corner computer desk with multiple shelves that can accommodate the necessary documents, literature and office equipment. As an option - use adapted for this purpose a corner wardrobe. Sometimes the study is done under a loft bed;
- in the living room - office equip niche, behind a screen, wall, separated from the rest of racks, cabinets. The office, which is located near the window, the table becomes an extension of the sill, storage places - suspended shelves, cupboards, cabinets;
- on the balcony, loggia - to the noise from the street does not interfere with focus, you need sufficient sound insulation. Protect from light tight curtains, often combined with blinds. Table settling on the spot where earlier there was a window in the room;
- on kitchen - working space arranged at the maximum distance from the cooker, the cooking zone. Typically, a small table by the window, with a laptop, a few shelves for storage of Chancery, drawers under the documentation.

Design of home, office, office to work in a classic style, is likely to appeal to many, it will still be relevant. This design is easy to set up in an ordinary apartment and a country house on their own. If, however, with the arrangement having some difficulty, get help from a professional interior designers who not only portray the future of space in 3D, but also pick up a suitable coloring and finishing materials, furniture, taking into account the wishes of the customer.