Garage - Gated Complex, specifically designed for parking, repairs, ensure the safety of cars, motorcycles. flooring options in the garage, there are very different - the variety of modern construction materials allows you to select the most appropriate, depending on the operating conditions, floor space, the number of machines to be placed in it, Professionally Decorated space.
- Features of sex in the garage
The main types of coatings - their advantages, disadvantages
- Concrete floor
- Painted concrete floor
- Wooden floor
- self-leveling floor
- Ceramic tiled floor
- dirt floor
- polymer flooring
- On the basis of paving slabs
- The rubber coating on the floor
- Modular PVC flooring
- How to prepare the floor coating Fine
The floor in the garage with his hands
- The order of laying a concrete floor casting technology
- Laying wood flooring, insulated
- Choice, laying ceramic tiles with their hands
- conclusion
Features of sex in the garage
For the flooring of the garage are increased requirements:
- strength - it should not deform under the weight of even the largest vehicle to withstand the fall of heavy objects, tools, do not deteriorate when exposed to gasoline, other similar compounds;
- durability - floors should not be "wiped" through and through in-service;
- durability - the material is selected such that it does not have to be replaced every two to four years;
- maintainability - accidental damage, if they are still there, they should be easily rectified without a major cash, time-consuming, heavy damage appearance.

The main types of coatings - their advantages, disadvantages
To cover the floor of the garage facilities, uses a wide range of building materials - both traditional and modern. Sometimes covering as such is entirely absent. Paul performed:
- earthy;
- concrete, including painted;
- wood;
- self-leveling;
- ceramic tiles;
- made of polymeric materials;
- tiles for pavement;
- marble;
- PVC-modules;
- of rubber tiles.

Concrete floor
Concrete - a traditional, very budget coverage. It is durable, can withstand the weight of even heavy trucks. On the concrete surface, resulting in frost heaving, cracks may be formed, and the fall of heavy metal tools potholes. they usually do not cause much trouble to motorists.
The increased formation of dust settles on the car, all horizontal surfaces - here the main drawback. Any chemical contamination instantly absorbed into the concrete form unaesthetic kind of spots, often causing unpleasant, difficult removable odor.

Painted concrete floor
Concrete has a number of drawbacks that are solved by means of coating sealants, special inks. Such a foundation looks good, it is relatively cheap, the paint is easy to apply with his own, using the gun, broad brush, roller.

When the garage space is designed for two or more machines, each parking space is separated by a straight line, it is painted in a different color.
Wooden floor
Flooring of natural wood - the most environmentally friendly, does not accumulate dust, do not emit harmful substances. Obscure boards floor - cheap enough, if you do not use the high-value species.
Best suited solid types:
- oak;
- larch;
- ash;
- beech;
- maple.

To the floor will not be deformed, it is made of the maximum dry boards without dropping out knots, cracks, irregular grain. Material taken with a small margin - up to 10-15%. The main drawback of such flooring - fragility. Spoiled board four to six years have to be replaced with new ones. To a couple of years to increase their service life, use insecticidal, antifungal, fire impregnation, paints.
any wood processing compositions made prior to stacking, the coating is applied in two or three layers.
self-leveling floor
Filling coverage - a "humanized" modern concrete composition. These mixtures are usually performed bicomponent - of the curing agent and polymeric resins. The base is made of at least 6-10 mm thick, leaves very smooth, wear-resistant. It is not afraid of the most severe frosts and the impact of heavy objects.
Polyester filler or floor is not only the most practical, but also looks good, as it has no seams. It is made matte or glossy, painted in different colors. Besides plain options, popular cover with simple or intricate patterns, 3D-drawings. The latter option is the most expensive out.

Ceramic tiled floor
Decorate the garage is allowed by means of floor tiles. Her chosen the most durable, high-quality, put on a base of concrete. What tile is suitable:
- stoneware - is made of clay with a granite or marble chips, a small amount of other additives. The parameters of strength, cold resistance, resistance to chemicals, the material is practically not inferior to natural stone;
- clinker tiles - ceramic material was calcined at the highest temperatures. Shock-proof material, frost, it does not crack;
- floor tiles for outdoor - suitable for laying inside the garage, has cold resistance, durability.
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To avoid injury when accidentally dropped, it is advisable to purchase a tile with a non-slip effect - textured.
dirt floor
The cheapest version of the floor in the garage - to execute it from the ground. This method is used when there is no time or opportunity to arrange it differently. Covering this floor does not need, but is required to completely remove all debris, to remove the fertile layer (this 15-50 cm) to prevent breeding insects did not appear odor of decaying organic matter. "Clean" soil thoroughly tamped, layers podsypaya gravel, crushed stone, clay.
Such a floor is done quickly, at virtually no cost, but it produces a lot of dust. The surface itself is very cold, at almost any time of the year, the ground will have to periodically pour, and in rainy weather, there will be mud and slush.

polymer flooring
Floor covering polymers aesthetically pleasing looks, does not accumulate a lot of dust, has a uniform, smooth surface, accurate operation is able to last more than 40-50 years.
Its other advantages:
- small thickness;
- vibration;
- good insulation;
- excellent waterproofing properties;
- resistance to chemicals;
- easy maintenance (washing water);
- resistance to frost and extreme temperatures and moisture;
- fire safety.
Cons are only two: inexpensive to make such coverage does not work, and to repair, it is necessary to carefully select the right shade.

On the composition of polymer floor is:
- polyurethane;
- "Liquid glass", or epoxy;
- methyl methacrylate;
- acrylic-cement.
On the basis of paving slabs
Paving slabs of various sizes, shapes and looks great in the garage, and in the surrounding area. It is not perfectly smooth, because the risk of injury is minimal. Such a surface sweep with a broom, wash with water. It is unable to spoil gasoline, other fuels and lubricating compounds. The thickness of the tiles -. About eight cm, price - available sizes and colors - practically any. For packing material does not require any special knowledge and skills. If polymers are present, the coating will maximize moisture-resistant material in the composition.

To check the quality of the tiles, taking two elements, slightly rub against each other. If the items at the same time scratch, cement dust is formed, the material is better not to use, and look for more quality.
The rubber coating on the floor
Material made of crumb rubber mixed with adhesives, modifying agents, colorants. The product does not deform under the weight of the machine, beyond sound, ideal for the garage.
- impact resistance;
- elasticity, firmness;
- Floor condensate does not accumulate since "breathes";
- fire safety;
- environmental friendliness;
- high sound insulation properties;
- excellent thermal insulation.
The disadvantages are the high complexity of the installation work for which it is better to hire a specialist.

The coating of rubber produced in the form:
- modular tiles - are laid out her multi-colored patterns, as of colors, offers a variety of options for forms. Repairing such floor difficult, but the material to acquire a stock of about 10%;
- rugs - solid or cellular. Products are easy to clean under running water and their permissible to lay before the entrance;
- reels - available from Cordova reinforcement and a thickness of 3-10 mm. The material is durable, comes in different colors, but it quickly wears away at poor-quality installation, the presence of bad glued places. Repair of roads, labor-intensive;
- liquid rubber - for sale in the form of dry or ready-to-fill mixtures. The finished deposited form, is a seamless, fully uniform coating. It serves as a relatively long time, but is unstable to shock loads.
Modular PVC flooring
Polyvinyl chloride - one of the most modern materials, sold in the form of modules of various sizes, color schemes. Different strength, chemical resistance, resistance to frost. PVC - coating is not slippery, even if water is poured on it (e.g., car wash), the other fluid. Polyvinyl perfectly absorbs vibration, resistant to physical damage, increased loads.

PVC sheets are easy to install, since all parts are provided with locks, fasteners, collected without glue, as the designer. If necessary, the floor is easy to disassemble, disassemble into components to assemble elsewhere.
See also:Homemade garage - ideas for making devices
How to prepare the floor coating Fine
Preparation for the final finish, that is, coated with paint, wood, ceramic tiles, and other polymers. - the most important stage of the manufacturing floor. When calculating the overall design is important to consider what will be the maximum load on the surface. Since the garage is usually standing directly on the ground, the mobility of the latter should be the minimum level of groundwater - from four meters.
The main stages of creation:
- a project of the entire structure;
- marking a suitable floor level;
- device inspection pit or basement;
- compaction, soil leveling;
- creation cushion of crushed stone, sand, concrete;
- hydro and thermal insulation;
- reinforcement, installation of "beacon";
- screed;
- topcoat.

The floor in the garage with his hands
"Draft" in the garage floor is performed at the stage of commencement of construction facilities, but after the construction of walls. Finishing - much later, when he decorated the walls and ceilings, has a full roof. Done right floor "pie", consists of several layers: base, bedding, waterproofing, insulation, screed, layer, the finishing coat.
Underlayment requires that the load on the ground was uniform. Its thickness - six to eight cm, material -. Sand, gravel, crushed stone. Screed levels "rough" surface, its thickness - about 40-50 mm when the pipes are in the floor, other communication layer over them must be at least 25 mm. As the interlayer used sand, concrete, asphalt, cement solution, various types of thermal insulation, waterproofing materials. The thickness of this layer - 10-60 mm. Next proceed to finishing any selected material.

The order of laying a concrete floor casting technology
Initially, it is prepared the basis for the covering, which is a thoroughly compacted layer of a thickness exceeding 15-20 cm of sand or gravel. After the waterproofing is done from a dense polyethylene roofing material. Edges of insulation materials should be lightly "go" on the wall. Further placed 6-12 cm layer of insulation (if it is assumed that the garage will be heated) of expanded polystyrene, other similar material. The strength of the concrete floor is achieved with a metal reinforcing mesh significantly reinforcing structure that protects it from cracking.
The next step - preparing for the potting mix. You will need one part sand and three to five pieces of cement, the amount of which depends on its brand. Acceptable to use and ready-made factory mixes, available in the fiberglass, plasticizers. For self-mixing of the solution, it is desirable to use special mixers.

Acceptable bias screed - not more than two percent (up to two cm. per meter length), and the lowest point located in the waste lattice or net. Expansion joints are made along the walls, pillars, and other projecting parts, which is especially important in large garage smokers (over 40-60 sq. m.). Gaps are created in the process of implementation of the screed, using tape or dilated profile.
Before you start pouring produce markup using metal poles, driven into the ground. They say the height of the alleged ties, using a spirit level. Ready semiliquid solution was poured onto the base, evenly distributed across its area.
Work is carried out very quickly, until the composition is not frozen - at a time. Average thickness - 35-75 mm when the device underfloor - little more. Full cure occurs in five to seven days in order to avoid cracking tie moisturize every 9-11 hours. If you used a special self-leveling material term of hardening usually within 20-30 hours.
Polished concrete floor is usually, but not much - the surface is left slightly rough for better adhesion to the wheels of cars.
Laying wood flooring, insulated
If you decide to make the garage floor of wood, initially produced base preparation - cleaning debris, screed cushion device of sand and gravel, the use of self-leveling solution by means of insulation Cellulose Fiber. When the installation is supposed grounds of concrete, bricks, it is necessary to take into account, where it will be machine - between the individual columns distance is not more than a meter. On the basis of concrete support is not set, and immediately put the logs.
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At the device of a wooden floor it is important to observe the following rules:
- all timber stacking processed before performing protective compounds that prevent musty, rot, fire, etc .;
- joists need to be installed horizontally, perpendicular to the route of entry of the machine to the garage;
- between the deck of the tree and the wall leaving expansion joints. Their width - half to two cm to at sharp differences humidity timber not deformed;.
- is a gap of three to four cm between the wall and joists .;
- the floorboards are fixed in the direction of movement of the machine in the garage;
- stacked boards should have a moisture content of not more than 10-12%;
- a place situated below the surface deck, must be well ventilated.

How to Install:
- the first step - processing lag and board safety equipment, thorough drying them in the open air, the sun;
- further roofing material is cut into narrow strips, fastened to the ends of the boards, log, places a direct contact with the concrete;
- lags give rib on sandy base, they are placed on the support of the timber along the walls, and fix the galvanized band;
- empty seats covered with sand, tamped carefully aligned;
- across a log placed and nailed the floorboards - it should be done from the edge of a viewing hole in the walls of the garage;
- if necessary, all the wooden parts rasp - to do this work, it is desirable in a respirator, goggles;
- Freshly board varnished or painted to protect the wood from external influences.
Painted or varnished floor should not be too slippery.
Choice, laying ceramic tiles with their hands
Before starting work, prepare the ground, and then produced the most tile installation, grout the joints formed, laying protective coatings. Laying process in the absence of drafts produce, without using any heating apparatus at a temperature of +12... + 23 degrees. Saving on materials is unacceptable - the usual tile, feels good in the kitchen, bathroom, crack quickly under the wheels of the car, and with the advent of cold weather risks to peel off from the concrete plane.
You need the following materials and tools:
- frost-resistant tile adhesive;
- deep penetrating primer;
- trowel;
- rubber spatula;
- building level;
- ceramic tiles - it is taken with a margin of about 10-12%;
- Special crosses made of plastic, to create a smooth seams;
- acrylic sealant or grout.

The base for laying tile materials is the most smooth, no bumps, hollows and cracks. Alignment of major defects is done by the cement slurry, before it along the perimeter walls of glue compensating tape after - aligned.
Laying tiles produced after deep penetration primer applied - it is applied in two or three layers. When the primer is dry, it made laying the first row of tiles. It is permissible to do across the garage space, along it, or diagonally. The adhesive is applied with a notched trowel on a small section of the floor, then - on the surface of the tiles, every detail is laid, lightly pressing, periodically checking the level (permissible to use a laser or simply pull over the floor thread). To achieve the maximum strength of the coating, each new number is placed with an offset to the middle joint plitochki accounted for in the previous row. Getting adhesive on the "face" side parts is unacceptable, if this happens, wipe the surface thoroughly with a damp cloth before the solution has dried.
The last stage - the grout joints. For this purpose the polymer rubbing compounds that are resistant to moisture, the effects of chemistry. Before you start grouting is necessary for the adhesive to dry for three days. Trowel mixture was diluted, applied with a rubber spatula to joints. The material freezes for about 40 minutes - during which time all excess grout must be removed. On hardening required 48 hours. The protective coating is applied is not necessarily, but it will save the entire tile, if it drops a heavy object.

In the garage, "spend the night" and hibernate so many cars, motorcycles, other similar appliances, floor because it satisfies the most durable, especially if the vehicle is large. Creating a suitable finish with their own hands the power of everyone who has the right tools, high-quality materials. For registration vast spaces, multi-level garages are usually invited experts with sufficient experience.