Wicker necklace of gold thread with black beads will complement even the most luxurious outfit and remind the gold, melted in the sun. It lies very close to the neck and highlights its beauty.

process of manufacturing
The necklace used wicker thread diameter of 1, 8-2 mm. It is a network of thin shiny fibers stretched on silk foundation. Beads were used plastic - 6 mm in diameter and a metal carabiner clasp. All wicker necklace decorated with only two simple pattern - a "gourmet", which is woven from three single flat knots and "snake" - a chain of hinge assemblies.
For a start, I slipped into the loop carbine one gold thread and fishing line for a set of beads and adding another thread of the same length, delayed the first "gourmet." At the same time, I folded both strands in half and use them as the four ends. Following the "gourmet" it was the turn of two "snakes", between which I placed the line, strung with her beads.

"Snakes" is necessary to weave so that they came together in opposition of holes beads and even allow it to freely rotate.
Repeat this process 20-25 times, and the necklace reaches the desired length. After that, we can proceed with the completion of the product, which can weave even a novice master. Keep the last "snakes" of the chain and, stepping back a bit from them, Thread the two ends of the rifle in a loop, and After tighten so that between the carabiner and the "snake" left a distance equal to normal "Gourmet." Tie the other two ends of the "gourmet" in the bent in the opposite direction through and seal the ends, so that the product does not dissolve.

Now it is possible to weave on the same principle bracelets and your product is ready to delight the eyes and emphasize your beauty.
If you fail to pick up the thread-like, you can weave this neck decoration of silk or nylon thread approximate diameter; You can also change the shape, color and material of beads.