Every mom wants her daughter always looked beautiful, cute and well. It can create your own hands is excellent for hair decoration, which is perfect for any holiday. The decoration in the form of candy can be a clip, a brooch or keychain - everything, everything, it's the imagination and possibilities.
The technique of creation
You need to create aksessury:
- Two reels of tape on the foam.
- Five segments satin ribbon pink delicate shades in a 5 * 14 cm.
- Two stripes rep tape with a beautiful pattern of 2.5 * 14 cm.
- One bus Strass silver hue.
- Two segments white ribbon with silver lurex 1.2 * 10 cm.
- Two light transparent polubusinki diameter of eight centimeters.

The size of the final candy depends on the size and shape of the foam reels. They are glued together with hot glue.
First you need to carefully measure the size of the foam spools around. Then carefully cut to five segments, and they are glued together with superglue. Next step - gluing segments segments satin pink ribbon.
The resulting candy to decorate silver bus and rep ribbon with a pattern or patterns. To do this, cut to two segments of fourteen centimeters. The bus itself and cut into strips. Their length - twelve centimeters, so should be five trim strips. To destroy unneeded fluff, each bus segment with both sides treated with fire. After that, all five segments of the beautiful ribbon glued on joints pink matter.

By using hot glue on both sides of the tire is adhered silver. On strong thread going and the two ends are drawn together from both sides.
Last step - production of bows. They are made of white segments with lurex. When the ribbons are glued, glued in the middle transparent beads. These ribbons should be fixed on the two ends of the candy. In addition beads in the center, you can stick around a little shiny paetki.

Such decoration can be attached to the hoop or a bandage. Wrap can be wrapped with satin pink ribbon and stick to it rhinestones or beads. It all depends on the age of the child, if the girl is small, it is more logical to attach candy to povyazochke and girls are older - the hoop. Any princess would be happy to such a beautiful and original decoration.