For holidays or for interior decoration can make an interesting wreath of birch twigs with their hands. You will need secateurs, wire and twigs themselves. Gain the necessary material can be in any park or grove. Make a wreath needed in early spring, autumn or winter, while the trees were not leaves. Otherwise, a wreath will look ugly because the leaves quickly povyanut.

Material for a wreath
Going for plant material will catch gloves, so as not to scratch the branches hands. Choose the longest birch branches, twigs best possible score on the "weeping birches" whose branches hang down very low.
preparation of material
House of the collected material is better to wash, twigs during the winter become very dusty and take off is not pleasant to work with.

Decide on the size of the required wreath and place where it will be located. Wreath can be hang on the door or put on the table, put on the shelf, and even give to friends or acquaintances.
Loop through the twigs and discard unsuitable, gnarled and brittle. The rest of the fold and secure the wire in some places, so they are not scattered.
The wire is better to use the color of the branches themselves, if you are not planning to decorate it in other materials.

Gently turn the workpiece in a circle to the size of the assembly and secure place. Check, roll crown and give it the right shape.
Sticking to the side branches can be charged inside or pruning shears gently. This wreath will look original, and will ekostilya element in the interior.
Subsequently it is possible to decorate various decorative and natural materials, supplemented willow twigs, fir, and the other green. Wrap a tape or beads. Put inside the candle, flowers, fruits or Easter eggs and cake.