Wreath from autumn gifts

Wreath from autumn giftsGenerous Autumn gives us not only fruits and vegetables, but other fruits. Fertile material for creativity in the autumn - it chestnuts, pine cones, acorns, nuts, seeds, and seeds. What can be done? Different paintings, photo frames, topiary, scene composition and all sorts of figures. Plus such craft that they keep their shape and will decorate the interior to the winter.

Wreath of autumn gifts - perfect for any room decor. Try to make this hack. For its manufacturing gather the following materials:

  1. old newspapers;
  2. the segment burlap;
  3. linen rope;
  4. the gifts of nature (all kinds of fruit trees and seeds);
  5. still need a glue gun.

Wreath from autumn giftsTo begin, take an old newspaper or pages from magazines, make of them a tight flagellum 10 cm in diameter. Connect the ends so as to obtain three-dimensional ring. And secure with glue. The longer you make the paper a flagellum, the larger diameter to get the basics.

Wreath from autumn giftsThen cut the burlap into several strips of 8-10 cm in width and wrap them in a paper frame. The fabric should lay down lap.

To fix everything, wrap the ring beautiful linen rope. Stitches make a small distance so that was visible burlap.

Wreath from autumn giftsThen zadekoriruyte all the gifts of autumn. In a chaotic manner, first stick the large fruits, and then fine. On the wreath is: walnuts in shell and without it, acorns and hats, beans, tree nuts, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds, dried rose hips and rowan berries. It turns lush wreath!

filling components can be any of your choice. Cones and dry branches also look great in such artefacts.

Wreath from autumn giftsYou can place a wreath on the front door or the wall in the hallway. It is used instead of a candlestick for big trouble. Beautifully will look like in the picture round frame.

Collect the gifts fall, experiment and decorate your home with fragrant crafts.