Many experts in the field of art admired the skill of those involved in weaving from newspaper tubes. Plain paper in the hands of such people is transformed into exquisite baskets, coasters and bottles, boxes and figures of animals, people and fantastic creatures. Work with the material is not easy, but a good result can be achieved in compliance with the steps below.

- preparation of materials
- Basket of tubes
- Rooster newspaper
- summer hat
- Tips craftswomen
- Products made of newspaper tubes
preparation of materials
Weave - the first complex form of manual work, which has mastered the man. But baskets and mats made of flexible vines, now it is difficult to get. Instead, use the cheap stuff - old newspapers, and the technique remains the same.
For step-weaving schemes from newspaper tubes for beginners need these tools:

- own newspaper;
- glossy magazines;
- office paper;
- PVA;
- polyurethane adhesive;
- wooden skewers;
- knitting needles;
- scissors;
- stationery knife;
- the object to create the shape of the product.
Products are more durable in the event that does not use wrinkled paper large format. Fit the glossy magazines and catalogs, among them will be released colorful basket or box. But laminated paper quite hard, it is difficult to bend and paint. Office sheets also are soft, but they can be given any color.

PVA glue is required for bonding of tubes priming final product and fixing the individual elements. It is recommended to purchase immediately a large bucket and a set of different brushes, they are applied liquid. The work ends with the subject of decoration, it is better to buy a polyurethane adhesive. He securely attaches rhinestones, leather, stones and wooden ornaments. Long needles and skewers are needed to create the tubes themselves. As used ornaments beads and beads, cloth lace and satin fabric and applications.
Before you follow the instructions for beginners and weave from newspaper tubes, they must be procured in sufficient quantity. Newspaper cut long strips of width 5-10 cm, fold it rolls via spokes or skewers. End fixed adhesive preform is removed and dried. If the products are required strips, the paper is flattened with a rolling pin or a warm iron.
Finished rolls paint in the desired color, is used in this gouache or acrylic. Watercolor can not cover ink inscriptions. Also suitable cans, food coloring and water-based solutions.
The finished product is coated with a layer of lacquer, it gives a special gloss and durability.
Basket of tubes
The stepwise pattern basket of newspaper tubes for beginners, first choose one of the weaving techniques. In total, there are three:
- spiral;
- layering;
- rope.

The first option is the easiest, fastest, even children cope with it. Finished rolls are increasing consistently, threading them through the base of a continuous layer. Layered Weaving used during weaving linen cloth. In this case, the tubes wrap around the counter in a checkerboard pattern. When a rope technique strips are interdigitated with each other and the substrate.
As the first work better perform round bottomed basket. For its implementation will need these materials:
- tubules from newspapers;
- a flower pot or a bank as a basis;
- cardboard bottom;
- acrylic;
- glue.
You first need to wring as many tubes and paint them. Then cut the two circles of cardboard, on one of them is fixed at the same distance from each other the base strips. Close this construction the second bottom part. Racks folded up is inserted into the round base. Top better fasten tape or clothespins, so it will be easier to weave a basket.

Then begin to weave themselves walls. Fix the edge of the tube at the base of one of the struts, twist it around them. Once the item is over, it is inserted into the next pre promazyvaya its glue. So keep knitting until then, until they reach the desired height of the product. The last straw is intertwined with one of the racks, give birth to her inside the basket and attach.
At the last stage, the product is coated with acrylic paint. Allow it to dry and varnish basket in two layers. Then the tape is attached, beads or the braid.
In the same way, you can step by step to make interesting unusual vase or candlestick. Cardboard bottom of some masters of spin tubes, and the role played by struts axis.
Rooster newspaper
In the culture of Kievan Rus cock was a symbol of happiness, good luck and material prosperity. Figurines of poultry decorated the walls above the doors and windows, a New Year's table, cots. For master-class weaving newspaper tubes need only blanks, painted in red and yellow.

Hack to get a flat, but when you reach the volume you can put it vertically. Wire spread curly basis, its braid newspaper tubes. We must work in stages, start with the torso. To this yellow blanks wrapped wire, every detail of knotted loop on it, give birth for the opposite edge. It also makes a bundle and return the strip back, twisting her zigzag. Such appliances operate one of the trunk and tail feathers, and all three of them.
Then change to the red tube and continue production of other body parts. One piece makes the scallop, it consists of three large air loops. The remaining tail feathers knit as well as the torso. Separately on a wire frame weave red wings, attach them to the product using the crochet hook. From a small section of the workpiece makes the beak, cut the edges so that they are sharp. Similarly, you need to add two tabs.
Wicker cock almost ready, it remains to spread his claws, and put on the table. Eyes can be made of beads or tubes segments, fix them with glue. Bird adorn the bedside table or mantelpiece, it is used for children's crafts or decorations puppet shows. The kids would be happy to play with a cock. Domovenka funny, monkey or any other animal you can get, if you work for the same instruction.
summer hat
Made with their own hands crafts from newspaper ducts can not only be interior decoration. Light summer hat is needed every Summer Resident. The product is made of straw it does not look as neat as from paper blanks. You must use the tube and glue. It is better to make them out of pure paper and painted in natural colors - beige, beige, light brown. While you can leave the finished white hat.

You need to get started to weave the crown. Size is selected accordingly size of the head. It made it as a basket. But the bottom consists entirely of tubes. The first spread crosswise entwine new details. Once the base is ready, spread it on a horizontal surface is smooth and straighten the rack. From their work will continue.
Duct rack slightly pushing in hand, begin to weave hats field. They need a lot more blanks than the basics. Optimal width - 15-20 cm, then you can finish the edges. The last straw is fixed for one of the racks and fill with it on the inner side. View the final product does not differ from the purchase thing.
Tips craftswomen
Gazetopletenie would delay any person. After production of the first paper object wants to do some more products. Needlewoman invent new techniques and patterns, knit tubes from paper coasters under hot tank shaped baskets, jars of dry products, bags and hats, toys, hard covers for notebooks and books.

Experienced masters share their secrets to help you get better items. During registration counters you need to follow the distance between themIt should not exceed 2 cm. Otherwise, the structure is too loose and unstable. Places blanks joints should be invisible. This can be achieved if a single cut tube at an acute angle, pour it in glue and insert a new one.
Details of office paper and magazines, a dense, they are difficult to bend, especially when weaving square baskets and boxes. It is desirable to sprinkle water from the sprinkler tube, folded in a plastic bag for 5-7 minutes. They will be a little softer, easy to acquire the desired shape. When dry, it will be hard again. The product will only gain, increase its strength.
Needlework girls are engaged from the beginning of mankind's existence. A weaving - an ancient art form.
Modern masters are looking for new ways to use old paper. Products, woven from old newspapers, are durable and interesting appearance.
Products made of newspaper tubes