If the house has accumulated a lot of unnecessary newspapers and magazines, do not throw them in the trash. They can find a good use. An expert will certainly be interesting to find out how to make a real masterpiece of recycled paper. Making baskets from newspapers - an exciting experience that allows you to have a great time.

- Features crafts masters and tips
- Preparing your desktop
- Production newspaper tubules
- Options weaving for beginners
- Step by Step Master Class
Features crafts masters and tips
Now more and more often you can find skilled workers, who are engaged in weaving from the newspapers. Products made from this material and specially treated, extremely durable, practical and beautiful.

Preparing your desktop
The main advantage of this class is that it does not require any financial investments. Everything you need found in the home of each family.
To work needed to prepare the following materials and tools:

- Any paper. The main thing that it was flat and not wrinkled. Even women's glossy magazines can be used to create unusual multicolored baskets. Note, however, that the high-gloss products are more rigid and more difficult to paint them in the desired color.
- PVA glue. For this lesson, it is very important, it is used for the manufacture of paper tubes, and for priming of the finished product. Therefore, it is better to stock up on a large jar of glue.
- Glue gun. It is better to use when creating a dense bottom baskets, as well as for securing various heavy pieces. Masters categorically forbid the use of universal glue, t. To. He burns the surface of the paper and hopelessly spoiled product.
- Spokes. They are very easy to twist paper preform.
- Scissors and a sharp knife.
- The shape of the desired size.
- Decor beautiful design of the finished product.
Production newspaper tubules
First step - workpiece material plaiting. It's easy.
First it is necessary to cut off the long strip of a width of 6 to 10 cm and via spokes to wrap it in a tube. The edges of the paper product secured with glue and carefully remove the needle itself.

If you plan to make a colored basket, such paper rolls should be painted. Particular attention should be paid to the choice of paint. Masters do not recommend the use of watercolor - it will dim the product. Another thing - or gouache paint in cans.
To the finished product lasts longer, it is necessary to cover several layers of lacquer.
Options weaving for beginners
Needlewomen beginners should learn just two basic weaving option. Their development will serve as a good foundation for further experiments.

- Spiral. It is generally used to weave baskets, pots, vases, and so on. D. The principle of creating a masterpiece such simple: one lower tube bend around the second (upper), and then it is transferred to the adjacent workpiece from above. Thus weaving continues to the end.
- Rope. Here we use two paper rolls, one of which goes over the basics, the second - from the bottom. Then made an overlap of ducts. In this technique, weaving continues in a circle.
Step by Step Master Class
Having mastered the basic techniques of weaving and preparing the workplace, you can start tinkering basket. This product is sure to come in handy on the farm:

- cut two 25 cm diameter circle of thick cardboard. One set aside, the other carefully coated with adhesive.
- To this an equal distance from each other glued paper strips. They will serve as supports. The resulting preform is necessary to cover the second circle. Paper strips (those that are pillars) are bent upwards. So to get the frame.
- It is necessary to put a round shape, for example, a small saucepan. If desired, up carcass rubber can be secured.
- Now we can proceed to weaving the basket walls. For this one the tip paper strip should be fixed at the base frame, and the other - twist desk. Once the strip end, it is necessary to increase, by inserting the tips of the paper blanks into each other and lubricate their joints with white glue. In this way, weaving should continue until such time until you reach the desired height of the product.
- It is important to handle and edges. For this purpose, the ends of the rack is necessary to twist together and then secured on the inner side with adhesive.
- At the final stage it is recommended to decorate the basket. Use the hot glue can be decorated with a product satin ribbons, lace, beads and other beautiful little things. The finished crafts should be covered with two layers of varnish.
Thus, even the unnecessary pieces of paper may be useful in the household, and is easy to turn an old newspaper unusual in a basket, which will be not only stylish decor for home, but also storage for small items.
As you can see, with a little imagination, you can create a real masterpiece.