Probably most people at least once in his life heard this phrase, but few know what really it is. God called the chicken quite common in many nations and the well-known amulet, which is used to attract the health house. Such mascot is difficult to confuse with anything other: it is a small stone, which has inside a through hole. This opening occurs in the stone without hands, and for a long time erodes air or water.

These stones are often found on the shores of lakes and rivers. It has long been believed, there is one - the one who finds a stone on the bank, will gain good fortune and happiness.
Many people have long used this creation of nature as an amulet, and each nation had its own values, titles, and legends associated with it. Name Chicken God has come into the modern way of life is from the ancient Slavs. Such an unusual name was given to him because our ancestors used this talisman as the protector of his household from the evil eye. As an amulet protecting livestock and poultry from the invasion of predators.

Such a stone tied to a rope in a chicken coop or barn. Ancestors believed that the amulet would protect their economies from negative energy and evil forces. There was a belief that different representatives of evil spirits such as goblins, and other frights, penetrated at night in stables and barns, making all sorts of mischief and harm to animals. People believed that it was the evil spirit sends to the crib predators.

Before the advent of the Chicken God, the ancient Slavs worshiped the god Veles - he is the patron of domestic fowl and the economy.

In today's world people are using this amulet often enough. Basically, the amulet is located in the kitchen. It is believed that the Chicken God can look after pets when owners are absent at home. Sam mascot starts working at full strength when the food is cooked in the kitchen. If the kitchen is dirty, untidy, messy, amulet ceases to emit its energy in a place like this.
To support the work of the mascot, you must always keep the kitchen clean, do not leaving a large number of dirty dishes in the sink, as well as not to clutter the kitchen unnecessary and old things. It is also worth remembering that God does not like chicken pungent smells and works only in open, well ventilated area.