Very soon! It is time of wonders, the smell of trees and mandarin, a favorite holiday - New Year! Holiday weekends are always filled with happiness, fun and, of course, family gatherings. To the evening with family passed warm and comfortable, we can not do without a Christmas decoration.
Today, I suggest you learn to sew from felt beautiful Christmas toy in the shape of a heart, to decorate the main beautiful New Year's Eve!

Material for the manufacture of
You will need:
- Scissors;
- Needle;
- thread;
- Filler (sintepon, hollofayber, wool, unwanted flaps);
- Decorations for toys;
- Felt (to the toy turned out bright, do not use dark shades of fabric);
- Ribbon or lace for loops.

As you can see, the list is not so impressive, almost all of the above there is a home for everyone.
process of implementation
First you need to prepare a paper template of a heart. They can be easily found on the Internet, print and cut the contour. Nowhere to print? No problem! Attach a sheet of paper to the computer monitor, and carefully draw around the template.
Blank paper we apply to felt and begin to cut. I use a soft pink felt, 2 mm wide. So that the paper does not slide - Fun bulavochkoy it.
Now the fun begins! Sew ornaments to Christmas decorations. It can be anything. Ribbons, sequins, crystals, beads, sequins. You are limited only by your imagination! You can decorate a toy made of felt on both sides, or only one.

Getting to the unification of parts. Cut a small piece of tape on which to hang the toy. Put it between the parts toys, and begin to sew parts of a loop seam.
To a loop is not "left", you can paste it with glue to the felt. Many adhesives are not necessary, otherwise it will seep through the fabric and spoil the appearance of the product.
Make sure that the height of the stitches was the same. The gaps between the stitches, too, should be equal, so the work will look neater. Therefore, no need to rush, especially if you are unsure of your skills to sew! When the remaining two centimeters to the weld is complete - fill toy synthetic padding. Finish seam small but reliable knot.
Christmas toy in the shape of a heart is ready! It is a perfect gift for loved ones, because as we know, the best gift - made with their own hands. Especially like such toys to families with small children. Absolute safety of the baby - a pledge of good mood parents!