Needlewoman, who once tried to use felt in his work, he will not be able to renounce the use of such material. Of fabric sewn and made unusual and unique home furnishings, made pins, bags, toys, decorations for the hall and more. Articles made of felt interested not only in adults but also children. The kids would be happy to make toys out of unusual material.

- unique fabric
- Tools for needlework
- sew ideas
- original magazine rack
- felt flowers
- Panels of butterflies
- Presents for Easter
- Developmental book
unique fabric
Skilled workers invented a lot of ideas on what can be made out of felt. For example, it is often used for festive decoration of the room. If desired, lightweight and attractive material to create unique masterpieces that will take a significant place in the decoration of the room and give it a unique style.

Felt - is a natural material, it is easy to sew or glue. He will serve for a long time, will not wear out and lose their shape. Now in the shop you can find a wide variety of materials for creativity. To create an interesting and unusual artifacts, suit The following varieties of tissue:

- Bamboo felt. It is characterized by particularly strong, but the price it high. With him to work hard enough, so it is not suitable for beginners craftswomen.
- Wool blend felt. This combined fabric, has an unusual composition, which makes the product strong and durable. It can not be subjected to prolonged heat treatment, because it loses its shape and strength.
- Natural material made of wool. He is suitable for novice masters, from it we can make a practical crafts and beautiful decorations for the room.
- Synthetic or acrylic felt. Such a material has a smooth surface, however not recommended for small children and beginners needle women.
Tools for needlework
When selecting the material of which will be made crafts, you must proceed to the selection of the right tools. They are selected based on the level of complexity of operation. In addition, pre-prepare the accessories that will help craftswomen to create original articles.
Tools and objects to create gizmos with his own hands:

- Scissors. You can use a zigzag or sewing. All tools should be well sharpened to him it was easy to work with, and product edges are crisp and smooth.
- Sewing needle and thread. It is necessary to use yarns of different colors and thicknesses. They are useful for sewing large or small parts of the product.
- Template. It needs to be pre-applied on heavy paper.
- Glue gun.
- Also, you may need fixing pins.
In addition to the above, the work can be useful to a simple pencil to transfer the pattern on the surface of the felt. As an added decoration masters are often used beads or beads.
sew ideas
When the necessary tools, patterns and schemes of felt crafts will be on hand, you can start making the chosen decor. Felt gives scope for imagination in creating a variety of unique and cute toys. For example, you can make a beautiful and unusual handcrafted panels. Sovushki original look of felt.

Kids love to use soft and bright material for the manufacture of toys, Christmas decorations or applications. Students often make bookmarks, pictures, souvenirs and use the material to make a miracle gift.
Felt is used in the cutting of covers for personal journals or textbooks, they decorate photo frames and notebooks. Mistress of love made of a material supports under hot, holders, kitchen towels and housekeeper.

Felt is often used to create moms developing mats or soft books. There used removable elements that help develop thinking and memory of the child.
Needlewoman, which has recently started to use unusual materials in his work, often can not think of what you can do with your hands out of felt. Sew can not only toys, but also unusual watches, ornamental tree to decorate the room, peacock, crab, needle bar, pots. Together with the child is made of felt clothing for dolls, berets or unusual hats.
You must also adhere to the tips that will make the job easier:

- To the product look more beautiful, exterior seams are made with woolen threads of bright colors.
- For the felt products manufactured for small children, can not use small decorative elements, which are fastened with glue.
- Internal seams of details need to stitch thread or glued, to hack was stronger.
original magazine rack
Before proceeding to the manufacture of the product, you need to stock up schemes and templates craft of felt with their hands. For example, a beautiful hallway design element can serve as a magazine rack handbag. Such a thing will not clutter up the space in her store logs and other correspondence, and the coffee table will always be empty and tidy.
How to make a magazine rack:

- Pre-select the desired pattern is divided into separate elements.
- All parts are cut out of paper, and then transferred to the loop material.
- To work with only the cloth sewing scissors are used which allow neatly and accurately cut small elements strictly by the template.
- When all the parts are ready, they are held together by pins and sewn obmetochnym seam along the entire length. The tone of the threads must be different from the color of the basic product.
- Recommended for use woolen thread or floss, t. To. They are characterized by high strength.
- Magazine rack on the finished items for decoration are fixed with glue gun. The product is fixed on the wall using the hook.
felt flowers
There are many festivals that are daryatsya fresh flowers. But it's much nicer to receive a gift of jewelry, made with his own hands. For example, excellent Prezent serve flowers of felt. To properly perform the product, you must adhere to the master class on manufacturing. If desired, and diligence template scheme of felt their hands turn out no worse than ready.

If the contours are made personally, they must first be carefully and accurately draw the paper, and only then put on the fabric. Finished elements are glued or stapled. large size parts are used to create surround the bouquet, and are used for small creating brooches or unusual accessory for handbags and fastened with decorative pins or braid.
Colors of felt decorate boxes or personal diaries. For example, you can create a beautiful picture. For its production will need the following items and tools:

- Frame solid color.
- Paper lighter shade.
- Multi-colored felt.
- Thread.
- Needles.
- Glue gun.
At the beginning of the ready-made templates for the production of leaves, flowers and stems and fabric of different shades. To cut roses and lilies of the valley needed templates. If an experienced skilled worker, it can draw the outline of yourself first on paper and then transfer it to the felt.

- White paper pasted on thick cardboard.
- On it with the help of glue gun mounted first pieces of the future of the bouquet, and then the stems.
- The last thing glued themselves roses and lilies of the valley.
- The composition is complete, it is made in a white frame.
Due to the contrast between the colored cloth with a white background picture looks original and unique.
Panels of butterflies
For the novice masters is important to first get acquainted with the material, and understand how to work with it. To later perform more complex products, it is necessary to start with a light and affordable, for example, with a panel of butterflies. For its production need:

- White cardboard.
- Twine.
- Beads, buttons and rhinestones.
- Felt a variety of shades.
- Glue gun.
- Scissors.
- Simple pencil.
- Yarn and needles.
At the beginning of the right cut a rectangle out of white cardboard. In its upper part is done neat two openings. To twine is inserted, which will serve to secure the future of a panel on the wall.

Pre-prepared templates of different sizes for the manufacture of butterflies. Driving carefully cut out, transferred to the felt and is outlined in pencil. For cutting billets is better to use sewing scissors with sharpened edges. Then the contour butterflies get even.
To each part was the original, butterflies edges are sewn threads, different from the pitch of the preform hue. In the area between the flaps by means of adhesive gun glued pastes, they also can be used for antennae butterflies.
Insects are attached to the panels with the letter "C". Each butterfly must be a different color from the other. At the bottom of the composition are pasted great items, and at the top - small. Thus, the panel must be formed letter "C". Unusual picture, made with his own hands, will adorn the interior not only the room, but the hallway or bedroom.
Presents for Easter
For the interior decoration for the holiday, you can use a topiary, easter eggs or pots as decor additions.

For the manufacture of ready-made planters used a pot, which gets off with felt green hue. On the pot glued flowers and butterflies. In the middle of the seated hen and chicks, also made of felt. Eggs for Easter can be not only beautiful, but also the wrapping of felt the pre-embroidered with beads or rhinestones. As an alternative, the felt hen sitting on eggs may be "plant" directly on the plate.
Beautifully decorated for the holiday will be a toy made in certain subjects. For example, it is possible to manufacture felts of an Easter bunny.

Symbols of the holiday are the doves, eggs, chicks, just hatched from the eggs, muffins, cakes and a variety of flowers. Showing imagination, will make the interior of the house needlewoman unique and unusual.
Developmental book
In families where there are small children, the felt will be indispensable for the production of bright books. They will help the child develop fine motor skills and memory.

Leaflets books attached with bands or rings. On fedoras pages "drawn" figures, animals, letters, fruits, vegetables and various pockets with fillers. For the decorations used buttons, laces or buttons.
Felt - is a versatile material that is used by both beginners and experienced craftsmen to create unique crafts.
Joint holding time for creativity will help establish contact between the household and nice evening, and obstacles to the creation of unusual craft, which will be a unique decoration room, no.