In the New Year's holiday can not wait to please the native people is something very special that can make the house cozy and give a unique fairy-tale atmosphere. There are many great ways to decorate holiday. For example, what is not an original gift graceful tree of threads, made with his own hands? The process of creating crafts is as simple as the material for the job. It is necessary to prepare: a thin sheet of paper or paperboard, paper scissors, stationery glue or PVA glue, thread, a needle and a polyethylene film.

- Firtree from threads
- decoration souvenir
- Christmas-tree balls and composition
- Manufacturing Lamp souvenir
- The use of "string-grass" yarn
- Tree of thread strips
Firtree from threads
The order of making:
- Cut the workpiece to the cone of thick paper.
- Glue the edges.
- Paper cone wrapped in cellophane.
- Glue the prepared threads and randomly screwed to the base. Cheat should not be thick. It is necessary to leave the openwork mesh. Yarn lubricant can be used with a brush or go the other way. Namely, in the bubble is done with glue and trim small hole extend a needle and thread through it.
- Put out to dry.
- Carefully remove the paper base.
- Souvenir ready.
Dimensions Christmas trees may be different from miniature to imposing parameters. Color palette to leave the familiar green color, or to find a unique play of colors and shades.
decoration souvenir
Ready to decorate the Christmas tree to be ornate decor elements. It can be: ribbons, snowflakes, glitter, Christmas tinsel, beads and other components of needlework.

If you connect the imagination and to think a little, then on New Year's decoration you can use any natural beauties material, and even jewelry products, such as colored grains of cereals, candy wrappers, etc. beautiful. An easy design does not need to download large decorating things.
Christmas-tree balls and composition
Such a method is suitable for the production of Christmas-tree balls.
- Fill the air ball to the desired dimensions.
- Wrap with colored threads on the adhesive base.
- After drying, pierce a hole in the wall of the sphere of air and gently remove the outside.

In compiling the subject compositions with firs large suitable figurine fairy characters, animation and a traditional Santa Claus. The use of different kinds of decorating elements, composite materials gives the room a unique winter landscape.
Manufacturing Lamp souvenir
Using yarn firs justified as decorations for the night lamps and portable lamps. Bowl made of yarn because of its openwork structure displays on the walls of the room most phantasmagoric penumbra and makes magic, incomparable spectacle. Make the lamp is not difficult.
- First of all, choose the desired light source.
- Remove the lamp diameter size.
- Calculate the value shade.
- To produce textile tree according to known technology.
Instead of trees, has the right to build a dome shape, reminiscent of a ball or a snowman. Such a lamp will be an original gift and give a little bit of magic in the New Year's Eve.
The use of "string-grass" yarn
In today's retail network can be found unique in its appearance and quality of the goods for needlework. A wide range of threads, yarns and sewing attributes enables the manufacture of colorful handicrafts with an unusual combination of texture and color. It does not prevent a try to make a Christmas tree of a different yarn. "Thread-grass" looks very natural tree yarn.
Consider that a thread should shake on paper frame horizontal or helical coils that give the product a slender look. Winding randomly making crafts in chaos and sloppiness. For the experiment, there is always time. Give souvenir sophistication possible with the help of alternating yarns of different colors. Plexus them with thread-grass gives a striking result.

Tree of thread strips
In the trading network can always find yarn in the form of ribbons. She recalls plaited or embroidery. To create a New Year souvenir decorative ribbon glued to a cardboard base.